Thursday, October 30, 2008

Witches, Wizards and Ghosts

My daughter Alexis - age 3 1/2, was given two coloring books with these titles - "Witches and Wizards" and "Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghosts". Hmmmmm...the lady who gave them to her is so kind and I did not realize the titles until we were in the car driving away. Alexis of course loved it and was so excited to get home and get to work coloring. I on the other hand had a predicament!

Are witches and wizards and ghosts innocent fun at Halloween or should I tell my children they are "bad"? Does it really make a difference?

According to wikipedia - a 'wizard' is one who practices magic or sorcery. A 'witch' is one who practices witchcraft and sorcery. So what does God's word have to say about witches and wizards?

Exodus 22:18 is pretty frank! It says "Do not allow a sorceress (witch) to live." That's pretty straightforward I think.

Deuteronomy 18 says "Let none among you be found who practices sorcery, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist who speaks to the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord." And Galatians 5 warns those who practice witchcraft will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Then there's the ghost part and wikipedia says a ghost refers to the spirit and soul of a deceased person or to a demon. In Matthew 12:24 Satan is called the prince of demons. God's arch enemy uses the demons to do his evil work.

So, back to my predicament, what did I do with the coloring books? Trust me you won't be impressed. I told my daughter that I needed to throw the coloring books away because they were not pleasing to God. Poor Alexis fell into a heap of tears on the floor. Feeling badly I thought I would compromise - I gave her just the stickers of witches and wizards (about 30) and threw out the books. Then I proceeded to explain in more detail why the stickers are not pleasing to God - and she happily ran off to get a piece of paper to stick them to. Now if this were the end of the story I would not have blogged this because it's embarrassing that I caved in under pressure.

Moments later Alexis came back with her paper all done - but there were only about 5 stickers on her paper and they were only of squirrels and trees and pumpkins. I said "Alexis are you done?" She said "ya mommy, those other stickers are bad. I don't want to use them, they don't please God. Throw them away." I sighed with relief. My 3 year old's conviction was stronger than mine! Thank goodness.

My prayer for her is my prayer for you also - Walk with the King!


  1. Thanks for reminding us that it's important to teach the truth even on something that seems as minor as stickers and a coloring book. That's so great that she is beginning to develop a heart for God.

  2. You are a moron! Halloween IS only innocent fun, and the quotes you listed as a reason to condemn it are from a book written by MEN that has absolutely no moral or other authority. It's ironic: you believe in superstitious drivel, and you teach it to your children, but you don't recognize Halloween & its superstitions as part & parcel of the same silliness.

    Your post disgusted me. You are so smug & happy that you convinced your child to collude in your own ignorance and superstitious beliefs. The child is being abused, and should be educated not brainwashed. I hope she becomes a hardcore atheist and never speaks to you again when she grows up.

  3. Dear Anonymous - you sound like you are hurting. The words you said stung for a moment but then I tried to look past them to your heart.

    Someone somewhere has said awful things to you - and has hurt you - has maybe even caused you to lose faith in a creator that is loving and wants to know you. Creation tells us that there is someone bigger and greater than us out there and then as we read the Holy Bible we see how perfectly it all comes together. But sometimes this world can blind us from this truth...Satan is very effective at that!

    There is no other place on earth that we can find the written word from God than in the Bible. I believe 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

    I pray today that you will read along in my blogs and see what "Walking with the King" means and that you would turn to God and read his written word and Walk with the King also.

    You will find great joy and rest there - no more fighting and anger - just peace.

    I am praying for you!
    Much Love,

  4. That's amazing! I loved reading this post.

    Sometimes I think we all forget that witches, wizards, and ghosts are REAL and practicing these things do not please God.

    It's so wonderful that you explained to your daughter why you threw away the books, and that she was able to feel convicted as well. Awesome to know she has a heart for the Lord. :)

  5. I'm just amazed at the post by Anonymous. Wow. Your blog is obviously Christian...I don't know what else would be expected than a Christian view and Bible verses to back it up!! Your response showed so much love and sweetness! You give Christians a GOOD NAME! :) I'm happy to be your Sister!!!

  6. Thank you for being so respectful. I tend to speak with my emotions instead of showing love with other persecute me. You set such a great example to "anonymous" comment. Thank you.

  7. In the name of Jesus, your daughter will grow up to be a mighty woman of God who will rise up and call you blessed. I pray that the Lord will continue to give you strength to do good and continue the work He's called you to do.

    I enjoy visiting your blog, and always leave encouraged.

  8. Thank you for this post, and your grace in handling comments that some bloggers would have merely deleted. Grace and peace to you!

  9. I think you did the right thing in taking these away from your daughter and explaining that they were not pleasing to God.

    I don't understand why you thought it was ok to still give her the stickers, however? What is the difference between the books and the stickers?

    Thankfully, she made the right choice, but she could have easily put witches and ghosts all over her paper!

  10. Anonymous #2
    You must have missed the sentences in the post where I said - "Trust me you won't be impressed with how I handled this" (cause see - it's a very poor reflection of me) and "Now if this were the end of the story I would not have blogged this because it's embarrassing that I caved in under pressure."


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!