On October 31, 1517, a priest and monk named Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to his church door beginning the Protestant Reformation. What does that mean to you and me?
Martin Luther was a Monk and Professor. He had studied the Bible thoroughly and had devoted his life to knowing God's truth. But as he studied he began to see the flaw of the Pope and his teachings specifically over the sale of indulgences.
On Halloween or the eve of All Saints Day Martin Luther posted on the church door the 95 Theses or 95 reasons why we are justified by faith and grace alone and not by works that the church was requiring for forgiveness of sins.
On All Saints Day the church had a large festive occasion where hordes of pilgrims would travel to the church to receive indulgences. What is an indulgence? It's when you pay money to the priest to have your sins forgiven. So Luther was posting a very long list of why this was wrong - from here a huge firestorm broke out and with the birth of the printing press the list was printed, passed out and the protestant reformation began.
It is good to remember two things today - 1. I am thankful for the men who have gone before us who have fought for the truth of God's word. 2. We are not saved through any good works but solely on the work of Christ on the cross. We are saved through faith alone, by grace alone, through Christ alone to the glory of God alone! Rest in this truth.
Walk with the King!
Just reading your blog through a Tweet SaraMae shared. I appreciate the info you shared here and your other posts about being a Christian and how you handle Halloween.
ReplyDeleteI too let my kids participate in some things of Halloween and I hand out tracts during this time as well while we are trick or treating or handing out candy ;)
Lord willing I will be at The Relevant Conference too.