Friday, April 15, 2011

A Fun Easter Activity About Jesus

From the archives:
I love Easter! Easter has always been a BIG holiday for my family - we do it up like Christmas with a big dinner and huge overflowing baskets! This is the day our Savior rose from the dead - this is HUGE!!!!! One of my favorite activities to do with the children leading up to Easter are these Resurrection Eggs - which can be purchased at your local Christian bookstore, and last year I saw them at Walmart!

The store bought Resurrection Eggs come with a booklet and a story for each egg BUT these can also be homemade! A few years ago some women in our church homemade sets of these eggs and gave them out to all the children in Sunday School. Wasn't that lovely of them!!! You could do this too! Here's what you need.
1 dozen plastic Easter eggs
an egg carton
the items listed below

Directions: Fill each egg with the item listed (or a picture of the item) and a print-out of the corresponding scripture(number the eggs). Place the eggs in the decorated egg carton. Open and experience the eggs together with your children.

1. (Bread - crouton) Matthew 26:26 While they were eating Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke it, and gave it to His disciples. "Take and eat it," He said, "This is My body."

2. (Coins) Matthew 26: 14-15 Then one of the twelve disciples, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and asked, "What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?" They counted out thirty silver coins and gave them to him.

3. (Purple cloth, representing a purple robe) Mark 15:17 They put a purple robe on Jesus. . .
4. (Thorns or toothpick) Matthew 27:29 Then they made a crown out of thorny branches and placed it on His head, and put a stick on His right hand; then they knelt before Him and made fun of Him. "Long live the King, of the Jews!" they said.

5. (Scourge-a small piece of rope or thick string) Mark 15:15 Pilate wanted to please the crowd, so he set Barabbas free for them. Then he had Jesus whipped and handed Him over to be crucified.

6. (Cross) John 19: 17-18a He went out, carrying His cross, and came to "The Place of the Skull," as it is called. (In Hebrew it is called "Galgotha.") There they crucified Him.

7. (Nails) John 20:25b Thomas said to them, "Unless I see the scars of the nails in His hands and put my finger on those scars and my hand in His side, I will not believe."

8. (Sign) Luke 23:38 Above Him were written these words: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

9. (Sponge) Matthew 27:48 One of them ran up at once, took a sponge. He filled it with vinegar, put it on a stick, and offered it to Jesus to drink.

10. (Spear) John 19:34 One of the soldiers plunged his spear into Jesus' side, and at once blood and water poured out.

11. (Rock) Matthew 27:59-60 Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a new linen sheet, and placed it in his own new tomb, which he had just recently dug out of solid rock. Then he rolled a large stone across the entrance to the tomb and went away.

12. (Empty) Matthew 28:6 He is not here He has risen just as He said.

My favorite part of these eggs is watching the kids as they listen and take it into their hearts. This is a great tool for sharing the gospel with unsaved children or for leading your own child to the Lord. Do you have a fun Easter tradition? Feel free to share it in the comments section!

Walk with the King!

This is linked to Impress Your Kids.


  1. This is the first year that I've done Resurrection Eggs with my boys. The pieces are a little different than what you have listed but we are really enjoying them. Tonight we opened the third one (a cup) and after talking about some important meanings to Easter, my oldest son (5) asked Jesus into his heart! My little guy (2) is all about the eggs right now but he's still young I'll give him some more time.

  2. I've heard of the Resurrection Eggs before, but haven't looked into them all that much. I think we'll jump right in and catch up - my 2 1/2 year old will love it! Thank you so much!

    LaToya - your comment brought tears to my eyes! I pray fervently for my little guys' hearts! Praise God!

  3. Latoya,
    Oh my word!!! That is the best news ever! I'm so happy for you both! Praise the Lord! Mark this day on the calendar to celebrate! Your son is so blessed to have you as a mommy! Keep walking with the king!

  4. I have never done the eggs with my kids but I think I will make my owns. I start researching after this post and came across this link---which is amazing how the little young man tell the story of Jesus. Audra--yep same here we will dive in also---with my 3 yr old and 18 month old.

    LaToya--AMAZING! :)

  5. Here's a link to Cullen's ABC's resurrection egg Easter story. She goes over each day individually but if you go to day twelve she gives a quick recap of every resurrection egg. Very kid friendly! Enjoy!!

  6. We have not done the Resurrection Eggs before, but I have seen them. I will be making these with my children this year. Thank you so much for the post showing how! Blessings,

  7. WOW! This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing! =)


  8. Awesome, Courtney--I was JUST thinking yesterday that I wish I had some "Resurrection eggs" I had heard about on Christian Radio. Now, I can make them and can't wait to! I'm sharing this on my FB page for my friends to be blessed too!!

  9. I love this, I just posted this on my blog as well. Thanks for the pics. I am making new ones this year at this will help. God Bless you sis!


  10. thank you so much for a tutorial on how to make these at home! awesome!

  11. Oh how cool! I've never heard of these before.


  12. Love love love the resurrection eggs!

    Thanks again for linking up w/Impress Your Kids! ;)

  13. LaToya! PTL!! So excited for you and your little boy! My youngest just prayed to trust Christ two weeks ago. We were so thankful. It was the first time she ever realized that she was a sinner!
    God is faithful,
    Sarah Beals

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Courtney,
    reading this post brought back the wonderful memory of the event my girl attended years ago. Thanks for the reminder I just wrote a post about it.
    Have a blessed day!

  16. I linked up to this post here:

    love it, just love it!

  17. I've used "Ressurection Eggs" for the past few years to teach our Sunday School kidos... this year I get to teach my own daughter (2yrs) as well as our neighborhood club kids. Very simple and powerful Easter Lesson! Thanks for sharing it with others!!!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!