Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More Bible Studies I Want to Recommend!

Yesterday I shared the Bible studies that I have led or my husband and I have led together. The list included many Beth Moore studies, Elizabeth George studies, Stormie Omartian studies and more. Today I want to share the small/large group Bible Studies I have attended at my church.

After attending 4 years of Bible college, one might think I would be tempted to be done learning. In college, I took Greek and read the Bible in its original language for class. I was required to read through the Bible my freshman year and then was tested on every single book of the Bible - from memorizing ever King of Israel, to every judge and prophet - I stuffed a lot of knowledge into my short term memory! I took hermeneutics and years of Systematic Theology studying Bibliology, Christology, Pneumotology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. The Bible was my text book for 4 years.

But I must admit - I came out of college HUNGRY for God's word. And my appetite simply cannot be satiated. I continue to thirst for him daily and the more group studies I am in, the more it's contagious! I believe there is power in women coming together to study God's word. That's why I root so much for the Good Morning Girls Groups! Accountability works! Don't ever stop studying God's word!!! It is our daily bread!

So the first set of Bible studies I want to share with you are by Kay Arthur. She is an in-depth Bible study author. By in-depth, I mean that her studies require 5 days of homework a week and it includes looking at the original language to get the original meaning of the text, charting and labeling the verses and commentary work.

My mom was my Precept Bible study leader. (I'm so blessed! My mom ROCKS! She has led Kay Arthur studies for 30 years!) and this first one - the book of Genesis took 2 years of weekly study to complete - we studied every single verse in Genesis!

After completing Genesis, I signed up for Exodus and then Leviticus and Numbers.

I can't recommend Kay Arthur's Bible studies enough. They are literally like college courses for moms just like you and me. Here's a peak inside my Leviticus book. First, we dissect every verse using colored pencils and symbols. Then we drew diagrams of how the temple offerings took place according to scripture.
And then we filled in charts to help us sort out all we were learning. It's a very effective method of in-depth study! All of Kay Arthur's Bible studies include similar methods.
Then I took Judges - this book is so interesting! And I took Ruth: You Have a Kinsman Redeemer at a neighbor lady's house! Most of the Precept studies I have taken are in the Old Testament, but I have completed a few in the New Testament. I & II Thessalonians (not pictured), James and the Sermon On the Mount.Last year, I took Beth Moore's Esther study and the year before I took Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself - a study on the fruit of the spirit. I love me some Beth Moore! Then this past summer, I took Anne Graham Lotz's study Just Give Me Jesus led by the Comfy Cook Janelle! And this past November, I finished Anne Graham Lotz's study I Saw the Lord! Great studies!
Then there's sweet Sally Clarkson. My small group read The Mission of Motherhood together and used her questions after each chapter for discussion. My Good Morning Girls group went through Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell one summer as a book club.
And last but not least, is Shaunti Feldhahn's For Women Only. She has a book you can read but the workbook is absolutely powerful. It is EXCELLENT for married women and I highly recommend it!!!!

This only scratches the surface of some of the Bible studies that are available in Christian bookstores. The resources are plentiful but those who truly hunger and thirst after Jesus are few. Pick a book of the Bible and learn it like the back of your hand - it will change the course of your life!!! If you can't pick one, join me January 17th when I begin leading a study on the book of James over at GoodMorningGirls.org.

Are you in a small group study in your church? Tell me about it!

Start the new year out right - walking with the King!


  1. I would like to join you in this study but I am not exactly sure how it works. Do I need to be part of a group or can I do it on my own? Do you "meet" every morning or weekly here in blog land?

  2. Hip chick - I am hoping to post the Bible study this Thursday to be printed out.

    Then starting January 17th over on GoodMorningGirls.org we will be talking about the homework Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.

    You do not have to be in a good morning girls group to participate!

    So stay tuned for more details they are coming soon!

  3. Courtney,
    I am just starting the 4 course of the Precept Class on Revelation. I highly recommend that you take it if you have the opportunity! It is really amazing and it is not just about the "end times." I love Kay Arthur's studies and tell everyone they should take them:) Thank you so much for being a light in this world. I look forward to your blog everyday!

  4. Thanks for sharing good resources with us, great choices! I have also loved the 'Don't Waste your Life' book/small group study by John Piper and 'Gospel in Life' by Tim Keller.

  5. Jenn - my mom has already led the Revelation 4 course (2 year!) study...so I doubt she'll do it again boooooo I missed it! Enjoy your study - that's great!

    DWY Homemaking - I LOVE Piper - I've read Don't Waste Your Life, Desiring God, When You Don't Desire God, Hungry for God, and I have his newest book "Think"...but I've never read his books with a group - I bet it'd be great! Great recommendation!

    Much Love,

  6. First thank you for all that you do to encourage us. I would also like to know if you could recommend a study or something I can do with my 14 year old 8th grade girl. Thanks so much. And I can not wait for Good Morning Girls to start.

  7. Thank you so much for laying out many choices and great quality studies. :) I love that it is setting a foundation for the James discussion and you sure do have the credentials and hunger for the Word!!! Love it!

  8. I didn't realise that there were so many Bible studies and Christian books out there! It is exciting!

    I am hoping to find one that is for new Christians (like me!) who are single (like me!) but that really increases my knowledge of a woman's role and what God wants me to be.


  9. looking for studies to do with my 16 yr and 12 yr, boy and girl, step- children. They are not Christians and have only been exposed for the two years i have been in their lives. apreciate any and all recommendations. Thanks,

  10. I adore Kay Arthur's work, like I said yesterday. If you're intimidated by her long-term studies and the amount of homework involved, though, I HIGHLY recommend her "New Inductive Bible Study Series". She takes a similar approach as she does in Precept Upon Precept, except that rather than focusing on every single verse and dissecting it, you focus on a theme. For example, the Pentateuch is presented in one volume called "Teach Me Your Ways." Many of the books of the Bible are singled out, though, and she does cover the entire Bible throughout the series, and it's wonderful. It's only about 20 minutes to half an hour of homework a day for five days.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing I LOVE Beth Moore as well and am currently doing a study in the book of Isaiah The Precept Upon Precept book Love it such an in depth way to study the word of God!
    I want to get the Homeschool with a Quiet Spirit book that looks great and I have not yet heard of that one go figure. I pray God speaks to us ALL in whatever study we are currently doing and God Bless you sis!!

    Serving The King Together,

  12. I would love to join a small group bible study. My church as a weekly bible study but it's later than my boys' bedtimes and I don't have a sitter and I didn't get anything out of it the few times I was able to go. I was able to join a small group of moms last fall with a friend at her church and LOVED it. There was childcare and we all had little ones so it was a nice bonding as well as fellowship. I often to the small group things on my own and I enjoy them. Maybe in another season in life God will lead me to a group.

  13. Oh, I so desperately wish I was a part of a Bible study right now, but between staying with my children in the nursery and teaching Junior Church, I'm not in any adult type group. I am however a voracious reader, and this helps some. I'm currently reading the mission of motherhood. I know this is only for a season. (your Bible College sounds like the one I attended.)

  14. Hey Courtney - it was neat to read about all the studies you've liked. I've done a bunch of those with you and read some more on my own upon your reccomendations and they've all been great! This spring I'm reading Crazy Love with a small group at my church and I'm really excited about it. Every other week we will discuss the book and then every other week we will go out into the community to serve. All while servants at our church lovingly care for my 3 little boys! I can't wait to start :) Also I'm looking forward to your James study. Happy New Year! Elizabeth Morrison

  15. Courtney, I've never really had an indepth bible study and belong to such a tiny church and we don't have studies as everyone is in different places. What would you recommend for to do on my own? Would love one of the two year studies but perhaps that is a lofty goal as a starter. Any thoughts?

  16. Courtney, I could so relate to you! I went to Bible College as well. My husband graduated from a seminary. We came out with some knowledge, but even more of a desire for it to be more than academic knowledge. We wanted to know how to get it from our heads to our hearts!!! I don't know if you found this, but being in that atmosphere sometimes made the Bible "academic".

    Now, my husband is a professor at a Bible college, and we are both on staff and work with the dorm students. We see the same thing going on. Academics...little life reality. I think the Bible studies you are encouraging women to do are so good because they are more of a personal study...and then you learn how to make them REAL and PRACTICAL.

    I am forever grateful for my Bible College experience, don't get me wrong. I grew and learned so much...I'm just saying these were some hidden dangers. I think what you are doing is so awesome, making it real, and encouraging other women to do the same.

    Keep up the good work!
    Grace to you!!!

  17. Courtney- thank you so much for sharing your insights, wisdom, and walk with the Lord! I learn so much from your blog and you encourage me in my walk with the Lord.
    Question- It seems that you have done a lot of studies. I am debating between a reading through the Bible in a year devotional or a book study like some of the ones you reccommended. What are your thoughts about a balance of reading through Scripture and in-depth studies?

  18. Crystal - Jenna Lucado (Max Lucado's daughter) has a great book titled Redefining Beautiful that I've read and thought was great. Also, Elizabeth George has a book for teen girls titled "A Young Woman After God's Own Heart" that looks good.

    Gina - if they don't have their own teen Bible I recommend starting there. Other than that - I think it would be good if you went to a Christian book store or Borders and hand picked books that would fit their personalities.

    Amy - pick any of these authors on Amazon and you can't go wrong - Beth Moore, Elizabeth George, Kay Arthur, Stormie Omartian, etc. Also, I highly recommend my James study starting January 17th at http://www.goodmorninggirls.org lol!

    Elizabeth - I love Francis Chan! I have read Crazy Love - it was a challenging read!

    Gina - absolutely I agree with you - I got a lot of head knowledge in Bible school and not as much life knowledge as maybe I could have used - but then we would have had to go to college for 5 years to get it all right lol! So I think it's our responsibility to take the time to learn for ourselves now! I'm not sure as college students if we would have listened to some of the life wisdom we have learned through the school of hard knocks!

    Great thoughts guys thanks for sharing!

  19. Mandy - I LOVE the reading through the Bible in a year plans! My husband just finished reading through the Bible in December and now we just began reading through it with our children.

    I think this is a matter of preference and both are good. Sometimes you need to get a good overview of God's word to put all the pieces together or you are in search of God speaking to you in a certain area. Other times you really want to zero in on a certain book of the Bible to get it's exact meaning and see how it pertains to your life.

    So I think they are both good for different reasons. I am currently doing both :-) Eventually I'll share about how we are reading through the Bible with the kids but since we just began I want to get a feel for how this is going to work and how long it will take...we may not finish for 5 years lol! It's a slow go with a 5 and 7 year old who stop us every other verse with questions!


  20. Oh wow...those all sound soo amazing. I love to dig deeper in whatever I am studying or reading. The book I mentioned yesterday "Lord change me" is by Evelyn Christenson. It is an amazing book. I am currently assisting a leader in our womans bible study and we are doing "Revelation of Jesus through His Name" by the Trudy Ries & Karen Scotti {Calvary Chapel Pasendena Woman's Ministry}. This book digs deep into the names of Jesus and I am just falling more in love with Him everyday that I do it. I highly recommend that book. Where can you find the precept upon precept studies?
    God Bless you!!

  21. Last fall, my bible study group did "Becoming a Woman of Simplicity" by Cynthia Heald. Great study - I learned a ton!

  22. I have signed up to be a GMG but not sure how it actually works. I am in a group at our church doing Covenant by Kay Arthur. I have had a very hard time getting into it. The leader gave us 3 weeks off for Thanksgiving and now we are on a 4 week break for Christmas/New Year.

    I have done so many of Beth Moore's studies, had hope our church group would do her updated version of David for our next study, but they want to wait.

    I done several by James MacDonald, Anne Graham Lotz, love Priscilla Shirer, Angelia Thomas, Jennifer Rothschild.

    I sure would like to follow your James study. Never done a study on that book of the Bible.

  23. Thanks Courtney! I lead a women's study at our church and we will be doing Nancy Leigh DeMoss's book "Choosing Gratitude, Your Journey To Joy".

    Love you!

  24. Wow I'm honored to have my name mentioned on this topic... My very first study. God worked on my heart and I truely enjoyed hostessing. I recommend Just Give Me Jesus to anyone especially those who want to know more about the book of John. Courtney, I know I must pale in comparison to your leadership so thanks for blessing me by coming! If you ever feel led to doing a couples study .... We are there!!!! ( that is a no-pressure request) lol! I would love to be part of any study of yours...I see you are doing an online study that I am interested in!!! Winking! You are so awesome;)

  25. I'm interested in the for woman only workbook. Do you have any idea where I can find that? I'm only finding the book.

  26. cant wait to see your james study! my favorite book of the bible and has a lot of special meaning to me for many reasons:) now how am i gonna do that and a beth moore??lol

  27. Courtney...I signed up for GMG's and am excited and a bit anxious to begin studying the book of James along with all of you! I haven't done a Bible Study since high school (cringe) which was a LONG time ago! I have been longing to study the Word, but just haven't known where to start or how to go about it, so for that I am truly excited to grow and see what God has in store for me!! Thank you for your leadership and guidance!...love your blog also!

  28. My husband and I are currently in a group going through the book of Acts with 4 other families. The kids color and draw while we discuss. We split it into small sections and the men take turns leading. One book I loved going through was Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

  29. great recommendations and thanks for mentioning Mission. Blessings to you with all the women you encourage.

  30. To find the precept books go to http://www.precept.org.

  31. Courtney,
    Have you ever done any of Kelly Minter's studies? Beth Moore's blog did 2 of hers in the past and I participated in the one on Ruth. It was fabulous! I really think you would enjoy her (plus, she includes recipes in her workbook!!!!)
    Also, my hubby and I just finished "The Good and Beautiful God" by James Bryan Smith. It is the first book in a series. It was excellent and we might do it with our small group.

  32. I want to do the Ruth study by Kay Arthur/Precept upon Precept. Where can I find this? I looked on Amazon and the Precept website - I see the workbook, can I just start there or do I need another guide?? Will it show me how to do the Precept method or no? I just don't know where to start. THANKS in advance for your help.

  33. Yes, just order it and you are set to go - it will explain everything. To be honest, in order to lead one of their studies you must have their training (and I am certified) but to take one - it's that easy. Go for it and enjoy!!!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!