Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bible Studies I've Led and I Recommend

For years I have transferred this quote onto the first page of every prayer journal:

"Observed duties maintain our credit, but secret duties maintain our life." (John Flavel 17th Century Clergyman)

There are duties that we do, that others see but then there are duties we do, that no one will ever see. It's the secret duties - the duty of studying God's word and praying daily - that maintain our lives.

How are you doing with your secret duties? Did you make a new year resolution to read your Bible daily, to memorize some new verses, or to start a prayer journal? Often times the busyness of life squelches out time even though the desire is still there. But if you've gotten off course - do not despair!!! God is not a legalistic God - he loves you so.

Here's what Elizabeth George says about discipline:
"You do it because it is what you need to do and are supposed to do and because it is the right thing to do... somehow... the duty of the discipline turns into sheer delight and we reap the blessings of a priceless, tender relationship with the Lord a thousandfold."

This has rang true in my life. I do not always enthusiastically open God's word - yet I always need a word from God no matter how busy I am.

Over the years I have led a few Bible studies - let me share with you the ones I have led and recommend.

These three are all Beth Moore Bible studies. I adore her! These all had a video series that accompanied the workbooks. The homework for these studies took about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. My favorite is Jesus, the One and Only - I've led it twice in a large group and once one-on-one with a friend. Breaking Free is AMAZING! It was a challenge to lead but I learned things I still am applying today in my life - and I led it 9 years ago! A Woman's Heart God's Dwelling Place is also a tie for my favorite Beth Moore study. The entire study is about the tabernacle - it's fascinating - I've led it twice.
These two studies are also Beth Moore studies. To Live is Christ is the study of the life and ministry of Paul. It was my first Beth Moore study to lead 13 years ago. Those poor ladies I led in this study were quite patient with me - I was a nervous wreck! lol! A Heart Like His is the study of David's heart - it is glorious also.

These next few studies are by Elizabeth George - she is another favorite author and Bible teacher of mine. I have read many more of her books than what is pictured here. This workbook study is titled A Woman's Heart God's Dwelling Place and I had a CD and DVD to go with the workbook.
These books are also by Elizabeth George. This study has the same name as above (A Woman After God's Own Heart) but it spoon feeds you all the info and it is very simple. You read the book and then use the handbook to answer questions. I have used this study with a large group of women (25) and in a one-on-one discipleship. This is a great starter book for a new believer. The second book here I LOVE - it's Life Management for Busy Women. I've read this book 3 times through and have led it once in a large group.

The next book is by Linda Dillow titled Creative Counterpart. My Good Morning Girls group used this as a summer study/book club. In the back of the book, questions are included for discussion. The other two books are by Stormie Omartian titled The Power of a Praying Parent. The book and handbook are an excellent guide to praying for your children and really was a fun book to use for a small group study (my group wasn't small was popular at sign-ups! Don't we all want to pray more for our children?)

Tomorrow I will share with you more studies I have completed and want to recommend and Thursday I will unveil a study that you can do with me on-line starting January 17th.
But first let me share with you some couples studies my husband and I have led in our home. We had an amazing group of 8 couples that were very consistent for 3 years straight coming to our home. (we had co-leaders who also helped us lead these studies - Kory and Clare):

When the couples arrived we would fellowship for the first half hour around food. Then we divided the men and women into different rooms and I led the women through Stormie Omartian's The Power of a Praying Wife and my husband led the men through The Power of Praying Husband. We will never master praying for our spouses - this is a great book to do time and time again. I had led it two other times previously with groups of women.
Another study where we divided the men from the women was Jim George's study A Man After God's Own Heart and Elizabeth George's A Woman After God's Own Heart. Again - can't say enough good things about these authors.
There was a time when the group felt the desire to emphasize evangelism so we used Bill Hybel's book, handbook and DVD titled Just Walk Across the Room. It really helped to motivate us all to share our faith.

After the Just Walk Across the Room study we thought that this book by Josh McDowell titled Evidence Demands a Verdict might help us with evangelism too. Warning - this book is not a written in a Bible study format. It is a great resource. We assigned different pages for reading and then discussed our reading each week. If you want to know better how to defend your faith - this book needs to be on your shelf! I read this book for the first time in high school and I used it heavily to defend my faith in my public school.

This next book is a parenting book. It's by Tedd Tripp and it is titled Shepherding a Child's Heart. It also comes with a handbook. This is a book that can be read again and again as a resource. It's great to have on the shelf.

And last but not least - my favorite marriage book by Dr. Emerson Eggerich titled Love and Respect. It also has a handbook that we used. This book was the hardest for our group to swallow. One wife told me later that she went home, read the first chapter and threw the book in the trash! Ouch! It can be hard to swallow but it is exactly what marriages today need to hear! My husband and I think so highly of this book that we purchased 20 copies of it and handed them out to our group, another couples study in our church, plus a few couples who came through our home who needed encouragement in their marriages. This book has helped our marriage immensely.

Do you remember the story of Enoch? Genesis 5:24 says, "Enoch walked with God and then he was no more because God took him away." Hebrews 11:5 tells us why he was taken away - "By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken he was commended as one who pleased God."

Why should we maintain our secret duties in our walk with God? Because it pleases God.
Do you have a favorite Bible study you can recommend - share it in the comment section.

Let's start the new year right and Walk with the King!

I am linking up to: Motivation Monday, Hip Homeschool Hop, Finer Things Friday, Raising Homemakers, Making My H0me Sing Monday , and Works For Me Wednesday. Please check out these blogs for more great links.


  1. I'm a Bible Study book JUNKIE, but there are a few standouts that I'd like to share:

    -How to Study the Bible by Kay Arthur (fantastic resource for those new to really STUDYING scripture rather than just reading it, or those wanting to delve deeper)

    -Any of the "New Inductive Bible Study" series by Kay Arthur

    -"Captivating" by Staci Eldredge and its male counterpart "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge (I cannot say enough about these books. I love them and get SO MUCH out of them every time I read them!!! SO good!)

    -"Intimacy Ignited" by Linda Dillow (awesome study on the Song of Solomon for couples!)

    -"Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow (wonderful study on cultivating contentment and growing where God plants you.)

    -"The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace (excellent resource on Godly womanhood and the role of the Christian wife. Love it.)

    There are SO MANY MORE I could recommend, but those are my favorites right now!

  2. Thanks for all these wonderful suggestions Courtney! I am excited to start another Beth Moore study next week..and am loving "Dancing with my Father"! I would like to read the Power of a Praying Wife sometime this year..that is my New Year's go to the Lord in prayer more often through the day! Love ya, Janelle

  3. Gretchen - you are my kind of girl - I love Bible study book junkies lol!!! AND ALL of the books you have mentioned I have read but have never done in a small group so I won't be recommending but yes - LOVE Kay Arthur and I'll be talking a lot about her tomorrow as I think I have around 10 studies by her completed. Linda Dillow's Intimate Issues is at the top of my favorite reads list. I have Intimacy Ignited also woowoo - our hubby's like these books lol! And Martha Peace's book is a book I have recommended to some of my readers who email with marital issues!

    Girl you are right on - I love these!

  4. And I apologize - this was the LONGEST blog post I've ever written - ugh - way too long - sorry peeps lol!

  5. I like the A Woman After God's Own Heart. There's another one called A Wife After God's Own Heart. I just finished Kelly Minter's No Other Gods which was very revealing to me. I really liked the Beth Moore Esther study and Believing God. Thanks for the recommendations for marriage and parenting too. Can't enough of God's Word!

  6. Thank you so much for this! One of my resolutions is to find a few good Bible studies to get involved in. I must say that Love & Respect has changed our marriage immensely! Have you read "Motivating Your Man God's Way?" by the Eggerichs? I'm involved in that study with a group of ladies now and WOW--it has REALLY challenged me as a wife and shown me in some tangible ways how to respect, love, and honor my husband more. I HIGHLY recommend it if any lady is looking to refine her relationship with her husband and strengthen her marriage in God's light!

  7. I absolutely love No Other Gods by Kelly Minter. It's an awesome study about things/people that we may put before God without knowing it. It's a very convicting study. It's workbook only. Great study. She's awesome!

  8. I love and have studied every one that you mentioned! I too love Beth Moore's teaching, but when leading a study I've realized I prefer ones without a DVD that allow more time for discussion. I also love all of Jerry Bridges, especially Discipline of Grace. This summer I did Lysa TerKeurst's "Am I messing up my kids?" on my own, and it was so good! John MacArthur also has a great series that specifically goes through books of the Bible. My all time favorite is a lesser-known; Gospel Transformation, it is life changing!

  9. We just finished the Daniel study by Beth Moore, and that is probably my new favorite Beth Moore study. Though I think I say that every time I finish one of her studies?? :-) I also have enjoyed "Feminine Appeal" by Carolyn Mahaney and Elizabeth George's "Beautiful in God's eyes."

  10. I did my first official Beth Moore sutdy last year - "A Woman's Heart" and LOVED it!! This year the church I go to Bible study at is doing "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer - looking forward to that as well.

  11. HI Courntey, thanks for sharing!! There are a few books in their that I have done in bible studies and I love them. I Love Elizabeth and the way she gets to walk closer with the Lord. I am reading " Lord, change me". It's my favorite right now. And I will get you the name later, can't think of it right now. Can't wait to start to the James study!

    Walking with Jesus!

  12. I just love Elizabeth George. My favorite is "Loving God with all Your Mind". A group of women from church went through "Small Changes for a Better Life" last year. I love that she has the study guides which make it easy for group study.
    Another all time favorite book of mine is "Attitudes of a Transformed Heart" by Martha Peace.
    The ladies from my church will be meeting in a couple of weeks to study "Womanly Dominion; More than a Gentle and Quiet Spirit" by Mark Chanski. I have read it alone but look forward to discussing it. The men have been studying "Manly Dominion".

  13. Ahhh....there is nothing like a fresh new workbook, sharp pencil and bible highlighter to start a New Year! Love me some Bible Studies! lol Thanks for sharing. I am praying about a study for my ladies Sunday School class and was thinking of trying one of Priscilla Shirer's studies. Any recommendation on which one?

  14. Love your recap of these studies, I have enjoyed so many of the same ones! I think I may have to pull one out of the list to do this winter, and maybe one with my husband! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Found you on twitter and am your newest follower. Thanks for your positive words and book recommendations. I look forward to visiting again!

    Clayton Thomas

  16. I have been going through Kay Arthur's How to Study the Bible - a great resource if you want to do some intense studying on your own!

    Our church also did Beth Moore's Esther study. It was AMAZING.

    Thanks for the recommendations! I put "New Evidence" on my wish list. :)

  17. "Lies Women Believe (and the Truth that Sets them Free)" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, brought scripture into my life in a way that is responsible for probably saving my marriage, my husband's career. I also tell people that I have that study (and God's voice through it!) to thank for my sweet little 17 month old boy...I was headed to law school when that study called me out in my arrogant resistance to God's word in my life. Also, Martyn Lloyd-Jones' "The Sermon on the Mount". Not a "girlie" study, but a life-changer.

  18. Hi, stopping by from the HHHop.

    I just watched your "Praying Continually" video. Setting a timer to remember to pray every hour is such a great idea! We have a little friend who has leukemia. This would be such a wonderful thing to do to help us to remember to pray for him throughout the day--particularly on days that he is having big surgeries, etc. Thanks. :)

  19. I am currently doing Elizabeth George's Bible study on I Peter. Only about half way through so far, but what I've done has been great!

  20. This is a fantastic post...thank you for sharing! I have a question that maybe you or one of your other readers can help answer. I am looking for a study or even just a book(s) that is specifically about marriage AND parenting together. My husband and I have a 14 month old and another one due in September and I think we could benefit from such a study before the second baby is here.

  21. There are three by Betty Henderson that I recommend. Grace for Every Trial (study on Job and how to be a godly comforter), Divine Service (study in Gospel of Mark) and A Woman of Prayer (this one helped to change my life!!)


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!