Sunday, December 19, 2010

This Means War!

Ready or not - here comes Christmas! This is it! This week it all HAS to come together!

This is the week that Jesus' birth is celebrated around the world! There is no day on earth where Jesus gets more attention than on December 25th and you better believe our enemy, Satan, does not like it! He would love to see you buckle under the pressure of ribbons, bows, lights and cookie trays! He would love to see you frustrated and miserable. He does not want this to be a week of peace for you - he wants you to dread every family moment and be highly sensitive to every word others say so you will be bitter, angry and say things that you regret. He does not want you to find time to read God's word or enjoy JESUS, the very one we are celebrating!

Whether you know it or not - you are in a spiritual battle! And if this means war - what's our battle plan? I Peter 5:8 says "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

Our plan must be to be self-controlled and alert! Self-control means - restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires. And alert means - on the lookout or watch against attack or danger; ready to act. So are we ready to show some restraint this week when things don't go our way? Are our emotions under control? Are we on the look out for the attack?

The only way we will have this superhuman strength to withstand the Christmas pressure is to step out of this horrific dreamland marketers have tried to sell us void of Jesus and be still with Jesus.

Here's this week's challenge: Christmas is just 5 days away and so much of our time is often spent helping the children to remember the "Reason for the Season". Now it's our turn. Once the kids are in bed get yourself a HOT drink (again we are warming the body as we warm the soul.) Get ALONE and turn out the lights by your Christmas tree, a lit fire, or a candle and just be alone with God. Pray, talk to him, I encourage you to sing Christmas carols or songs praising him, and just rest with Jesus.

It is in our still moments that music is born, rest is born, talking and laughing is born, prayer is born, love is born and peace is born.

And so, even as I am typing right this minute at 9:32pm on Sunday husband is wooing me away from the computer, "Come have hot chocolate with me and let's talk." And I bristle and in my mind I think "But I have this blog post to finish and I had a few other things I wanted to get done tonight"...and then I remind myself "go and receive the love that is born in these quiet moments together."

Embrace the peace in your home that is there right before you in Jesus. Do not rush past his offer "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled." John 14:27.

If you are participating in this challenge leave a comment below with how it's going - if you are a blogger copy this button into your blog post, write about how it's going and link up below!

Walk with the King!

I am linking up to: Motivation Monday, Hip Homeschool Hop, Finer Things Friday, Raising Homemakers, Making My H0me Sing Monday , Holiday Haven and Works For Me Wednesday. Please check out these blogs for more great homemaking ideas.


  1. Thank you for this post Courtney. I have been sick for over a week now. This is my favorite time of the year and I have begun to feel bitter and frustrated at being ill. I have had little energy to do anything and now I was beginning to feel stressed about that. I just wrapped up our Christmas production for Church last week and got ill immediately afterward. It would be silly for me to think of this as anything but a spiritual attack! you helped refocus my heart!

  2. Courtney... great!!! (as always) My sister lives in Japan and has told me how troubling and strange it is to be there on Dec 25th. Every day life there continues just as every other day of the year. She has said town and business is just like any other day... unlike the USA -- the one day we as indivisuals and businesses alike take the time to honor HIS first coming. Lots to do this week... What a great timely challenge to me! Thank you again for your ministry! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. I am joining you in your challenge and am enjoying this so much. Oh and by the taught me how to tie a scarf!! I am 55 years old and didn't know how. LOL

  4. I will join you in this tomorrow, when I am not exhausted for a weekend of babysitting. I look forward to it!

  5. Thank you Courtney! This has been so good for me. There have been battles and stress but the challenges to stop and focus on our Lord have helped a lot. It is so easy for our emotions to get tied up in all the busyness and stress and miss the whole thing in the process. Thank you for encouraging us and helping us to focus on Jesus Christ!

    God Bless,
    Sherry Lauser

  6. My sweet husband Carl has tried to tell me in so many ways that I need to quit planning and doing so much. Last night we finally sat on the couch together and held hands for something like an hour! I still have presents to wrap, food to buy, and a house to prepare for 10 overnight house guests who will be here this weekend (in addition to prepping for regular life), but, girlfriend, you are right. Satan in cleverly winning this battle to keep our minds off of Jesus by filling it with busyness and worry.

    Holy Spirit, help us slow down and refocus - if not day by day, moment by moment in these last few days.

  7. Amen! I am not letting Satan steal our joy this week! We are "angeling" this week--a week of blessing others with our handmade gifts. I think if we can keep our focus on serving others and keeping it totally simple we'll win:-)

  8. Thanks for the words of encouragement and truth. Just last night I gave into the vortex of negativity. But recognizing it as a spiritual war and praying for self-control and peace is the only way to have a Jesus-centered Christmas. So thankful for forgiveness and a loving Heavenly Father who gives us a new start. Thank you for reminding me how to focus on Jesus!

  9. Thank you for posting a great encouragement! I battle something with my immediate family every year during the holidays and it always beat me. I am not going to let that happen this year as I will focus on what the season is really about - God, the peace and love he brings to our hearts.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, God Bless!!

  10. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. I linked my blog post to yours today, because it is so related on how I´ve been feeling these days. I joined your challenge and I´ve enjoyed it very much! May the Lord bless you tremendously! Merry Christmas

  11. I am joining you in this challenge, We will have the peace of God in my home this Christmas! :)

  12. Thanks for your post! I loved it!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I pray for you often.

  13. I appreciate so much how you speak Bible in your words even when not quoting verses. It’s straight, and from your spirit, and reveals a heart that is brimming with Our Lord.

    Your challenges (I didn’t do the bubble bath – sorry) have made things more like the Christmas Season God would want me to have – us to have. You are so right, our Enemy must both hate, and love this season.

    I pray we cause him to be uncomfortable as we focus on Our Lord through the bows and ribbons. Thank you for sounding the trumpet for this final week.

    Merry God's Birthday to you :)

  14. Thank you so much for posting this. I needed to read this more than you know! I'm definitely taking the challenge! Merry CHRISTmas!

  15. I really appreciate your reminders, they help bring peace. Thank you!

  16. Such an awesome challenge, and a perfect way to slow down.

  17. this is an awesome post! Thank you for the reminder to be alert!

  18. WOW! This fits in perfectly with what I was reading this morning in Romans 6:13 about presenting ourselves to God as instruments to be used for righteousness!
    The best Christmas gift given to us by our Father was GRACE EMBODIED! (Grace being "a free gift I don't deserve") Above all, shouldn't we give GRACE to others, especially those "undeserving" (maybe family members that just seem to irritate)?
    Have a Merry GRACE-FILLED Christmas, Courtney! ♥ Kim

  19. Oh, I am so glad this post belongs to you! When I saw it in the party with the title you gave it, it gave me a bit of a panic. lol. As soon as I saw your header I was relieved.

    This is a wonderful post!

    And so true, we are in a battle this time of year. I love that everyone even non-christians celebrate Christmas because it is a chance to share with/remind them of the heart of Christianity in a subtle, kind, and joyful way. But that does mean that the enemy would hate it and would try to have us be anything but joyful. Thanks for this wonderful reminder of the battle we face.

    And yes! Go get that hot chocolate! :)

  20. It is so important to take the time to slow down and savor the season, isn't it? It's easy to get caught up in an impatient rush to get things done and leave joy and peace behind. Thanks for the reminder!

  21. thank you! Christmas can be challenging for me as I face family. I needed this so much! May God Bless you and your family this Christmas!

  22. Nice post, and a needed reminder! Thankfully, my parents have always been very careful to make sure we remember that Jesus really is the reason for the season and the lesson has stuck with me.

  23. Beautiful post...enjoyed watching a few of your videos, you have such a marvelous way with what you do. Merry Christmas!

    New follower, hope you can stop by for a visit!
    Thanks, Becky J

  24. I hadn't thought of it in this way before! But of course Satan wants to steal our joy on Christmas. Thanks for the heads-up on the spiritual warfare. So thankful we have a Savior who has already secured the victory for us.

  25. Thank you for this timely post. I have been having a truly hard time getting in the spirit this season. Outside influences have done a number on my attitude. :)

  26. Thank you so much for this post Courtney. The week started out pretty peaceful, but yesterday, was anything but a peaceful day. I have been fighting some very negative situations on my blog, and its really affecting me. I thought by standing my ground on an issue, that I was doing the right thing and now I am not so sure. It is really affecting me today. I have taken solace in the fact that God loves me despite my humanness and my sinfulness and is going to bring me through this. Your blog has been a source of encouragement to me today. Thank you for your ministry! Merry Christmas!

  27. Today...I felt like I was being hit from all sides, and struggling to find the joy! This post came to mind, and how you mentioned SATAN was not going to be happy...I started praying, and realized once again...I must stay focused on the REASON for this season. Just SO thankful for this challenge this month.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!