Friday, November 19, 2010

A Thanksgiving Craft and Giveaway

Today's post features a super "Fun Mom" - Leslie from

She writes: As moms, Thanksgiving should be one of our favorite holidays. Sure, there's a lot of cooking and cleaning involved, but it is also a time when family is treasured, and our Father is praised! What a great opportunity to share with our kids how blessed we are, and who deserves the praise for those blessings!

This month I'm teaching Landon 1 Chronicles 16:34, which says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good...". This verse is a good reminder (for he and I both) to count our blessings...our mercies. Webster's defines 'mercies' as, "something for which to be thankful; a blessing that is an act of divine favor." Divine favor...for us! Matthew 6:26 tells us that God cares for us because He loves us, and because we are valuable to Him.

Here's how I'm teaching these important truths to my little boy this year...

1. We made a (yummy!) Mayflower Mercies Ship. Here's the steps:

* Cut a half-gallon carton lengthwise (I used an X-acto knife).

* Lather it with chocolate frosting, and then cover with pretzel sticks.

* Eat as many 'chocolate covered pretzels' as you can, and be sure everyone is having fun!

* Cover two Dixie cups with frosting. Poke small dowel rods, kabob sticks, or skewers through the tops. Once the frosting is dry, you can hot glue the cups down if needed.

* Add sails. Simply fold a medium-sized piece of cardstock or construction paper in half, hole punch both sides, and slide down the sticks. You (or your kids) and personalize your sails too!

*At dinner each night before Thanksgiving, have family members think of one mercy they are thankful for that day. Add each blessing to the Mayflower, and then, on the big day, take turns reading them aloud over the festive feast!
2. We explored this amazing website. Very neat!

3. I read this book to him. He LOVED it. We've actually read this for 3 nights in a row...his choice. The book gives a great overview of the pilgrims journey on the Mayflower and settlement in Plymouth. Tonight after we finished reading, Landon looked up at me and said in a completely genuine and sincere voice, "Mama, do you think we could invite Squanto to come to OUR Thanksgiving dinner?" I laughed aloud, and then starting considering the idea of trying to convince my father-in-law to wear a headdress to our family about history coming alive! To be entered to win this book for you and your kiddos, please click over to, and leave a comment under the "Mayflower Mercies" post.

Thank you Leslie for your crafty ideas!!! Now let's all take a little time this weekend to have some fun with our kids. Make memories and be sure to take pictures - because they grow so fast!

Walk with the King!


  1. Aw, Leslie, so lovely to see your beautiful face pop up over here on Courtney's blog.

    What a cute idea. We're doing something very similar (directed at older children and adults), which I blogged about recently as well. Our project is the "Gratitude Jar" and the kids are really into making their contribution.

    Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us. You're a gem.

  2. I'm going to the store to get my supplies right now!!! Thank you!

  3. what a fun idea! and educational to boot! thanks so much!

  4. I'm reading this thinking "What a fun mom!" And then I see your URL. So fitting.

  5. Thanks for the support, ladies! And thank you for featuring the activity and my site, Courtney! :)

    I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!

    God Bless!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!