Saturday, November 20, 2010

Funny Tim Hawkins Chick-Fil-A Video

My 5 year old daughter has just watched this video play about 5 times in a row and she's laughing her head off - so I thought I'd share it with you just for fun! Nothing spiritually deep here - just a good laugh!

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine".

Walk with the King!


  1. This is hilarious! thanks for the laugh!!!

    Many blessing

  2. We love Tim Hawkins! He has so many very funny and TRUE videos! We show some to our youth group, they really get a kick out of him!

  3. We don't even have Chick-fil-a out here, and I love this! LOL

  4. Courtney,
    That is a really cute video! I am going to post it on facebook. I had never heard of chik-fil-A (because I am from Michigan) until we got stationed in Georgia. The one in Augusta, GA does open on Sunday now but not until after church. Thanks for sharing!
    Sarah L.
    P.S. do they have chik-fil-A in Ohio?

  5. I'm not a Chik-fil-A fan, but I am definitely a huge Tim Hawkins fan. Guy cracks me UP, I tell ya.
    He's going to be at the Cincinnati homeschool convention this year. Would love to see him live.

  6. Thank you so much for the giggle today. I had never heard of Tim Hawkins or had the pleasure ?? of
    experiencing Chick-fil-a but the sincere emotion was enough to bring tears to my laughter. Many blessings! Kelly

  7. Sarah L - yes, we have two chick-fil-a's within 5 minutes of my house!!!MMMMMMmmmm good! The kids love it there - they have slides, helium balloons and the last time we were there it was packed and the song "Majesty" was playing - LOVE it!


  8. I <3 Chick-Fil-A and this video cracked me up...I LOVE to LAUGH! HAHAHAHAH! Thanks Courtney!!!

  9. I totally had the same moment happen to me today. Oooh - I could do chick-fil-a for dinn----wait.... Ugh.
    Guess I'll pick up some OJ and trail mix @ the drug store next door. Sigh.

    Thanks for the laugh, Courtney!

  10. I love Tim Hawkins!! I posted a video of him on my blog on Sat., too. About the "Do You Hear What I Hear" song. If you've never seen it pop on over. It's hilarious!

  11. i just ate there for the 1st time was so yummy! lol, the video made me laugh! thanks


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Walk with the King!