Friday, September 17, 2010

Magnificent Obssession Giveaway

I have a giveaway to share with you but first an update!!!

On Wednesday, we had a flurry of signups for Good Morning Girls - another 122 girls were added to the Good Morning Girls Roll Call putting us at 706 girls and 123 groups - hooray!!! I am very excited. The number one question ladies are asking is "Can I join late?" YES - if you are just learning about this - we welcome you whenever you have your group together. If you do not have someone you can invite to be in a group with you in real life... go to the message board and contact some of the other ladies who have left their email addresses on the message board.

Today over at I am giving away a copy of a book I am currently reading and enjoying. It's by Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Billy Graham. I did my first study by Anne this summer titled "Just Give Me Jesus." This video goes with the Just Give Me Jesus study. It is only 5 minutes long but it is packed with 5 minutes of rivoting and inspiring words. Right in the middle, Jill Briscoe tells the story of a little boy - being told he is a mom of a little boy, I so relate and she so personalized it for me that I teared up watching.

Take a second and watch this and then if you are interested in entering to win the book Magnificent Obession - go to and leave a comment to win.

Have a fabulous weekend!! See you back here on Monday!

Walk with the King!


  1. Oh Courtney, I really want to read this! Thank you!!!!! :)

  2. Courtney, what a special blessing you have become to me these past months. Watching your blog team post and be fired up about getting into God's Word is SUCH a fire-up each morning. Blog on!

  3. O well I'd like to but it's too troublesome for I live in Brazil so never mind! But hey I'm a GMG girl!

  4. I enjoy your blog so much - what an encouragement. I haven't read any of her books, nor done the study that you mentioned. Would love to have the opportunity to not only read this book, but share/pass it on to many others to read as well. Have a blessed day! You are a gift. Teresa, Bolivar

  5. I love Anne Graham Lotz's stuff, she is such an inspiration!

  6. Hello dear Courtney,
    You so change my life by reading your blog, yet I have a wonderful morning group!!!!!!!
    I'm so happy.
    The video you share with you have very impressed me (particulary the story with steven!!!!!!!!!!).
    Blessings trough the ocean

  7. Hello Courtney,

    What a blessing that I've found your blog and channel on youtube.I've heard about GMG through Luluzinha which is also from Brazil.I'd like to know what I should do in case I wanted to start a GMG Brazilian Version, so this way people that speak Portuguese can interact.

    Thanks for your time,

    Gisley :)!

  8. Thank you for posting Ann Graham Lotz's video! Isn't it amazing!? God speaks through her and just touches my heart...can't wait to see her videos on Tuesday.

  9. Hi Courtney!

    Your blog has been such a blessing to my life. I look forward to reading it every day and am growing in my walk with the Lord. Also, feel the Lord is working on me to step out in faith and present GMG to members of our church to get a group going. This is a big step for me because I am typically not someone to initiate this type of thing, I am more the "I'll wait to be asked/follower" type of person. Please pray for me regarding this. I know that being part of GMG would be a huge blessing to my life and others........Also......this book sounds wonderful......the video clip brought tears to my eyes also!
    Have a blessed week-end!

  10. Hi! Courtney, just found you! i love all this encouragement, and just jumped over to GMGs as well.I will follow! Blessings!

  11. Courtney thank you so much for this video clip. It is so inspiring!

  12. Thank you for this opportunity. What a thought provoking clip.

  13. What a moving video reminder of the total satisfaction when all we want is our Jesus. I love that. Fernando Ortega's song is such a perfect anthem to go with it ...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!