Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Decorating Your Home For Fall

I am not a very artistic person - so here's my attempt at trying to decorate my doorstep for fall.
Then there's God - He is the ultimate artist. He has created beauty for us to enjoy. Let His majesty displayed in his artistic work sink in.

Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
2 "Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."

Why is it that we have a hearts desire to decorate for the autumn season? Why do we put pumpkins on our doorstep, a wreathe on the door, a cinnamon candle in the bathroom and pumpkin bread in the kitchen? Because we are created in the image of our creator. He gives us fulfillment in creating.

One of my friends in my Good Morning Girls group, Becky, is a beautiful creator! Here's her fall doorstep - and her youngest daughter:

Inviting isn't it!

Here's a little "How-To" if you are artistically challenged like me! Becky says:

"If you are like me and on a budget please know that these displays did not happen overnight! Over the last 2 fall seasons I have been purchasing items here and there to add to my fall decor and I keep in in rubber tubs until it's time to display again! Then I add some fresh pieces every year to make it seem more natural. I am a huge fan of bargain shopping, and some of my favorite stores are the JCPenny Outlet store, Dollar General and Deals, every piece you see in these pictures are purchased from one of these 3 stores! By itself a $4 scarecrow from the dollar store doesn't seem very impressive, but added to a few others in various sizes and a natural bale of hay with a pretty floral arrangement (all flowers came from various dollar stores) and voila you have a display.
I love to pull in other everyday pieces like the yellow chair for instance. It is from my daughters room she uses it for her dolls, but it was the right color and that floral arrangement needed a little height so I put it in! The wooden lanterns move all around from inside on either side of the fireplace to outdoors for fall and Christmas displays. I don't use a lot of fresh floral as it can be expensive and for me it doesn't last from year to year. I threw in a few small potted flowers and one medium mum as well as 2 fresh corn stalks. Those were tough to get home, but they did fit in my van even though my kids were picking corn husks from their hair and my hubby has a large vacuum job ahead!

Thank you Becky for inspiring me!!!
I hope you are inspired too! In what ways will you bear the image of your creator this fall?
I see God's beauty in the bushel of apples I brought home with red, green and yellow painted on their canvas. Do not wait for a table full of guests to put a spray of flowers in the center. Create an aroma in the kitchen with some homemade bread. Sit down and write - writing is a form of art - God wrote to us. Write to a loved one. Read, read, read together as a family and enjoy the creation of someone else. Get outside and rake some leaves - make a bonfire and enjoy the crisp cool air. Even the way we dress, do our makeup, our nails and fix our hair is an expression of art. We are attempting to create something beautiful.

There is frustration when we do not have time to create. Slow down and take some time to reflect the beauty of your God in your home this fall.

Walk with the King!

I'm linking up to:

Raising Homemakers


  1. So lovely! Fall is my favorite time of the year! Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  2. I love Autumn! Our awesome creator goes color wild with all of the foliage this time of year and I just can't get enough of it! And the gorgeous Autumn sunsets and sunrises are breathtaking! I am working on my decorating for Autumn in our house right now...I am trying to figure out something special for our little front porch but haven't gotten it yet. Thanks for the inspiration and the great reminder to keep our focus on the most perfect creator of them all! :-)

  3. Just beautiful-Becky is gifted in this way..she is great to learn off of! Beautiful photos!

  4. I have always been a "creative" person.... That was my label growing up and I'm still that way. However, I had never thought about the connection between being created in God's image and my desire to create things.... very interesting!! Thank you for this post and the fall inspiration! I have a HUGE mum blooming in a pretty pot on our family table.
    Heather :)

  5. I think we should enjoy each beautiful season that God has created for us! I love to decorate my home for my family.

  6. What a beautiful front porch. I just told DH that I was itching to decorate the front porch. Hmmm...he goes out of town for work tomorrow for eight days...What a lovely site to come home too. A beautiful warm front porch ready to greet him. Ok...maybe it's REALLY for me. hahaha. But it's a good gesture, right? LOL.

  7. Thank you for the decorating lesson. I've seen those scarecrows at the dollar store. The photos and lesson were very helpful.

  8. I just love the connection between the Creator and the creation.

    I've been labeled "creative" and I wear it with pride! Fall is my favorite season to decorate for! I love the look, the smell and all the colors! Just last night I created a bouquet of fabric flowers out of fall-themed fabric as a centerpiece for my table.

    Every day I thank God for giving me my creative talent!

  9. Autumn is my favorite season and I love to add a few touches to our farmhouse and barn. Usually , just a bale of hay with mums and pumpkinis and I use cornstalks too. Simple and natural:-)

  10. PUMPKIN is my absolute favorite... I know I don't have to wait until fall to play with new recipes but that's how I do it! I love pumpkin roll, pumpkin fudge, pumpkin scones, pumpkin dinner rolls, and can't wait to find even more recipes for this fall.

  11. Funny thing I was asking this morning for my husband to get some straw bale from our neighbors for me to be able to make my harvest fall decor on our porch!

    I love fall, God is a does create a masterpiece with nature at this time of year!

    Have a blessed day!

    Ps I ask you a while ago about prayer request and you were asking for wisdom on many thing and decision to make, and was wondering if God as talk to you?

  12. I love it! Fall is my favorite season. I live in Arizona and we dont get the pretty leaves and the crisp cool weather but I love to decorate as if we do. Thanks for some inspiration to get going on the decor!

  13. Hi Courtney! I think your doorstep looks gorgeous!!! Of course, your friend's is INCREDIBLE. I'm going to decorate for fall this weekend... we moved into a new house in May so I'm SUPER exited to decorate my new house.

  14. I love the displays. I meant to comment yesterday, but the phone rang somewhere between the second-to-last and last paragraph.

    But I'm back.

    Beautiful doorsteps you both have!

  15. Very pretty. I love this time of year. I love walking into my home in the fall and smelling a pecan pie candle or cinnamon. It's the time of year for nesting. My doorstep doesn't quite look like that because I'm a bargain shopper too and have to gradually add to my collection....but it's getting there slowly but surely.:)

  16. Oh, and I just thought of something; the other day I went to walmart and noticed them bringing out new flowers and taking in old ones. I overheard them saying they were just going to throw them out....i couldn't bear to see good flowers (that could be clipped and given new life) go to waste, so I went up to them and asked if I could still buy them at a disconted price. I walked out with mums for $1 apiece.:) I just thought of this, in the spirit of decorating for fall.:)

  17. Inspiring! And you did well :) I re-use some article items each year to help keep the cost down, and I always add a pumpkin. I also have an antique chair I re-paint and adorn to be an excellent complement to my front door area. It's so important to say "welcome."

  18. Stam House - yes, God is answering my prayers - even tonight as I type - God is at work in a situation that has long been stressful. God is so good and so are my sisters in Christ - thank you so much for praying! (((hugs)))

  19. Love the ideas! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait for fall!

  20. Fall Season is one of the best part of the 4 Seasons because the trees change different colors, it so wild to see many different colors.

    From: Hyde park Homes


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!