Friday, April 9, 2010

A Window Into My Life - Come Get to Know Me!

My name is Courtney and I have been married to my high school sweet heart for 12 1/2 years, I homeschool my two sweet peas and I'm a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute. I love Youtubing as you can see on the side bar - and I even ended up on the Rachael Ray Show due to one of those youtubes! Go figure!
Blizzard  Bloghop 2010 hosted by Household 6 Diva

I blog from my kitchen and here's what my little desk lookes like:

And I have my quiet times at the kitchen table here:I LOVE this spot in the kitchen because check out the morning sunrise out this window!

We have no pets - oh well actually at this moment we have an ant farm - but I'll write about that in a post next week! Do these count as a pet? I'm thinking yes!

And here is a very messy picture of our homeschool room (that is not decorated yet because we just moved - but boy do I need drapes in this picture!) that I only took moments ago - I should have picked up the paper - oh well - as you can see I am not a perfectionist!

So that's a window into my life. I hope you will choose to join me here as I walk with the King! Every week I write on marriage, parenting, homemaking and my walk with God! Come join me in this journey by following me on Facebook, Twitter, Feedburner or Google(along left sidebar).

Walk with the King!


  1. Thank you Courtney for allowing us into your life and into your house! Beautiful house by the way! I love that 8am challenge, I think I may try that one myself. And in my life, it will be a REAL challenge lol! Love your blog, keep up the great work and thanks for sharing so much with us :)

  2. Hi and welcome to the party!! I enjoyed the challenge myself. I usually only dress up for feminine Fridays, but this was fun!!

  3. Stopping by from the party! I love your work space!

  4. You're such a babe! ;)

    I can't wait until we can meet in real life!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all the inspiration and challenge everyday!

  5. You look great!!! Glad to see the other pictures too! Can't wait to hear about the ants! =)

  6. Thank you Courtney for sharing this with us.
    Kisses from France.

  7. Hi-I too am a Homeschooler and it is nice to meet you-hope you have an op to visit my blog too! Have fun party hopping and blessings-

  8. Hi Courtney!! I found your blog a few weeks ago and have been following ever since. :) I am also a Christian and we homeschool our kiddos as well. Nice to "see" you at the party! :)

  9. So great! I joined the challenge this week, too. Tomorrow I am going to link up to the party!

  10. I was on Rachael Ray too!! It was a BLAST! I think that was back in 2006? The first year her show started...seems forever ago but what a fun experience. Cool that you got to be on her show!!

    Have fun at the UBP! Great to connect!

    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you'll stop by and visit! And my Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  11. You look wonderful! I'm so glad you enjoyed the challenge, and it's fun to peek into your life as well.
    I'm sending you an e-mail soon....

  12. You think that's a very messy room? LOL I'll keep from showing you pics of my house b/c they'd REALLY scare you! ;-)


    P.S. Is it just me, or did you change your blog design back? For some reason I'm thinking it was different for a few days ...

  13. you have a wonderful blog and a lot of wonderful things to share ... thank you! kathy k.

  14. Hello, I'm stoppin' over from the Ultimate Blog Party!

    I'm your new follower from UBP10!

    Visit me at and sign up for my newest giveaway!

  15. Whew -- I am IMPRESSED! Dressed by 8am and you homeschool? Superwoman!

    (I was homeschooled as a kid -- loved it. Kudos to you!)

    My UBP Post: It's Party Time!

  16. Happy partying at the UBP! loved the getting dressed challenge.
    So encouraged by your blog! So what all do you do on You Tube... just VLOGS??

    come visit us again at Little Llamas!
    My Party Post!

  17. Hi Courtney,
    I am stopping by from the UBP10 party and I sure will come back since you're blog is great. I love your workspace! What a way to multitask:-)
    I am also a homeschooling mom of two children. I blog about health and share spa, cleaning, perfume and other recipes on my blog..Please come visit during this party. I also have Make Your Own spa e-book as a free download..


  18. Love your blog! Love your're an inspiration! Blessings!

  19. Your life looks happy ~ and I love your home and the view!! I really need to work on getting dressed by 8am ~ I've been trying to do it by 9am lol. Well, it was nice to "meet" you!!

  20. Love the comment about dressing up and making your husband happy :)

    Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at and Prepare To Be Pampered.

  21. Hi Courtney, I am here for UBP10. I love your video from the Rachel Ray show. I have book marked your site and I will be back to look around more deeply. I hope you can stop by and visit.

  22. Love your blog!
    It's so awesome to meet other Christian women. I perked up on my seat when I seen you were a graduate of Moody. I love all that they have become. I listen to Midday Connection almost every day on-line. I would say those ladies have helped me grow in my walk with Jesus more than anyone.
    Love the reasons you blog!
    You are an inspiration!

  23. You have a beautiful home and blog. Found you through another blog partier.

    Good to meet you.

    God bless you!!!

    Feel free to pass by Far Above Rubies.

  24. I manage 5MinutesforBooks so you visited us there for the UBP. Your blog looks great!

  25. Hi Courtney -

    Thank you for stopping by at my blog. I had such fun visiting your little corner of the web. Look at that view from your kitchen!!!! What a perfect place for quiet time. Have fun partying UBP style!

    I will definitely be back! :D

  26. Hi there! I'm popping in from UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you're having an awesome weekend! You have a lovely blog! Hope you can swing by mine!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  27. Hello there from UBP! I love your blog and I think very relevant to my life. It is so easy with the stresses of life and money to put the importance and needs of your relationship to your partner as a priority. I already it is a problem for me. I am so following you because this is an aspect in my life that needs inspiration. I truly believe that balance creates overall wellness. I am looking forward to learning from you :-)

  28. hello. like your blog. i also like the 8am challenge. im here for the ubp. isnt it fun?

  29. You look very blessed indeed. Hope you are enjoying the party.

  30. Love the feel of your site! I'm now following so I don't miss anything!

    Stopping by from UBP. If you get a minute, stop by for my Blog Party and Gift for UBP ($125.00 value).

  31. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog! It is SO great to meet you. It sounds like we have so much in common - homeschooling, faith, even where we lived. (I lived in both Chicago AND the Akron/Canton area. How funny is that?)

    Anyway, I hope you'll stop by my blog again. I'd love to get to know you better.

    Off to follow your blog and keep tabs on you.

  32. So glad I found you through the party. I will be subscribing. I hope you will stop by my blog.

  33. Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)

  34. Happy UBP Party!!! I love your blog honey.....I am now following on Google Friend Connect. Feel free to stop by mine as well at

    This is way fun than I thought, meeting new blogs I didnt even know exist! I will be reading up on archives all night long.

  35. I LOVED this post, minus the ants. I HATE ANTS... :-)

  36. Hey Courtney!

    I've visited you many times before. You encourage me and inspire me. I'm blessed because of you and your walk with Christ.

    Thanks so much for all you do! Can't wait to see you in October at Relevant!

    If you have time, I would love for you to stop by for cake and lemonade:


  37. Hi Courtney! Visiting from the UBP. Actually I'm already following you. I started just before you went on the RR show. I absolutely love your view! It also cracked me up that you had 2 computers are your desk! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words

  38. Stopping by from the party! Fun to run into another Moody grad and homeschool mom. I also did the get dressed challenge. It was fun!
    Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  39. GReat blog and welcome to the party. I also love your work space I wish mine was a little like yours but I work from home and have 2 computers running all day long. Check out my blog

  40. Stopping by from the UBP - my first. It must have been exciting to be on the Rachel Ray Show. I love to watch her show if I ever get a day off work...which isn't too often.

  41. WOW!!! Your ants are doing way better than mine...

    Oh, HI by the way! I am trying out the blog-hop thing this week...

    Nice to meet you!

  42. Hi Courtney! I'm your newest follower from the Homeschool blog hop. So nice to meet you! If you think your homeschool room is messy in that picture you would think a tornado hit ours. :) I'm a homeschool mom of 6 going into our 11th year! I was reading your challenge to wives it's awesome!
    Lisa xoxo
    Raising Future Leaders

  43. Cool that you got to be on Rachel Ray! I love her show and her recipes.
    Your work space looks nice. The ant collection looks interesting, too. Look forward to checking out your you tube clips, too.
    I am your newest follower.
    hope that you will pop by my blog to check it out soon.
    Have a nice bloggy hopping week,

  44. That is so neat that you were on Rachael Ray!

    I need to try that challenge!

    Thanks for letting get a glimpse of your life:)

  45. You have an awesome school room!

  46. Loved the window to your life! You're precious! I can tell these things...

    So glad to make your acquaintance. I'll be back sometime soon!

  47. Hi from the Blog Hop. I love how you have a schedule for your blog posts. That's a great idea.

    I followed you on Twitter. I'm @jencrutch. I hope you'll visit us too at

  48. You've got a fun place here! I've just started trying've really got some great videos. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Lisa~

  49. Hello! Nice to meet you! Stopping by from the Blog Hop '10. I've come across your blog before but don't think I've commented. You have a great ministry going here. We are considering homeschooling too. It's a little intimidating to me, I'll admit.

    God bless!

  50. Hello, I stopped over from the Blog Hop and would like to tell you how happy I am to find your blog. Your post on respecting your husband is"spot on", and just want I heard to hear this evening. The Holy Spirit is always working!

  51. Just topping by from the Blog Hop '10. I am going to check out this weeks Wednesdays are training your daughters day . . . a s a mother of two girls I love encouragement. Have a blessed day

  52. Hi!
    I orginally found your blog from Raising homemakers, then today I saw your post on the Homeschool not back to school blog hop! How fun!

    have a wonderful school season!

    Angela in Germany,

  53. Just stopping by from the blog hop (a little late - I guess I'm not a perfectionist either). I wish my desk looked half as clean as yours. Mine is generally buried with paper.

  54. Stopping by from the Not Back to School Blog Hop. Your room looks much cleaner than my pics! Perhaps, non perfectionist should band together! ;) Enjoyed looking around on your blog.

  55. Love your view and love your blog. First time visiting

  56. Just Blog HOPPIN,
    I love your blog and videos. If you have time check out my blog on BlogHop #255


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!