Thursday, April 8, 2010

Focus on the Family

When I close my eyes I can remember it like it was yesterday. It's the sound of Focus on the Family playing on my mom's radio. Daily my mom would let the Focus on the Family radio program play in her bathroom with the door closed and a cassette tape recording it. After the program ended she would save the tape until she was making dinner or cleaning and then she would listen to it. The next day she would faithfully pop her tape in and record the next show.

It seemed that at different twists and turns in my life, when I needed wisdom from mom - she would say "I just heard this topic discussed by Dr. James Dobson" and she would have the perfect solution to my teenage crisis! Even as an adult she has handed me Focus on the Family newsletters with underlined paragraphs for me to soak up and links to their site with relevant information for me.

Focus on the Family has had a huge impact not just on my family but millions of families around the world. Have you heard? Dr. James Dobson, the Founder and President, recently retired and they have transitioned Jim Daly into his position. Some estimated that over 100 million listened to Dr. Dobson's last radio show!

Jim Daly, the new President, is embarking on an exciting Celebration Family Tour. It kicks off in Dallas! There's going to be a live taping with Jim Daly and Dr. Gary Smalley (as well as appearances of award-winning musical artists) as they encourage families in their walk with Christ and engaging the culture. I'm sad to say this tour is not coming to my hometown, but I want to encourage you to check and see if this tour is coming to YOUR hometown! The cost is free!

Another thing I want to mention and this is very important... I get a lot of emails with confidential marital issues. I have had to tell a few people "I am not a trained counselor". But guess what? If you need a trained counselor, Focus on the Family has Care Specialists and Counselors who are available Monday through Friday to talk with you or to just pray with you and encourage you.

Go to their website here for great articles and resources and if you need some wise counsel - call them at 1-800-232-6459 (Monday-Friday 6:00 AM-8:00 PM MT).

Walk with the King!


  1. Dear Courtney,

    It is absolutely true everything that you write. I live in Europe and can not listen to the daily radio programs, but the books and the articles written by Dr.James Dobson have helped me and my family a lot.

    God bless you for writing this note and may God bless everybody involved with the "Focus on the family" ministry!

    I am blessed by your articles as well:-)



  2. I love Focus on the Family and Dr. Dobson, his advice is so timeless. I will miss hearing his voice on his broadcasts. I have the same memories as you do, my mom faithfully listened when I was younger and I always remember her sitting down at the table to read his newsletters, which were also packed with wonderful stories and advice.

  3. I really love Dr. Dobson. Raising boys is one of my favorite.
    Your posts are great!! :-)

  4. I remember my mom listening to Focus on the Family, too. It was usually in the car while headed somewhere. I've always liked it. Thanks for sharing this! Unfortunately, they're not coming here. But, I'll peruse that site for sure!

  5. I hadn't heard of "Focus on the Family" until today. I visited the site and I have it bookmarked:-). Thank you for the post.


  6. I love listening to the Broadcasts from my computer! You can just click the "Listen to Daily Broadcast" button from the home page here:


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!