Monday, April 19, 2010

Do You Feel Like A Stepford Wife?

This video is in response to a question I received on a radio program last week: "Do you feel like a stepford wife?" Here's my answer:

To read my entire series on the Proverbs 31 woman click here.

Walk with the King!

My Movie Monday @ Traveling Light


  1. This was a good video! My question is How do you get a husband to see that being a stay at home mom is a real job. When I tell my husband about my day he tells me that if I can't handle it he will quit his job. All I am doing is sharing my day with him after he shares his. I have three special needs children so my life can be very busy at times. Why is it that everything he does is so important but all I do and I quote "sit on my butt all day"? He will not take headship and I don't know what to do.

  2. Courtney, this is so true! Thank you so much for being a shining light for our Lord!
    Thank you for calling the title of "Stepford Wife" what it is- a lie from satan!
    Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. THAT'S RIGHT! I have my own power, my own prestige, my own satisfaction and contentedness because I am a SAHM, and not because I think I should, but because I know it's what God designed. And when you act out what God designed, 'it is good'! I don't do what I do for my husband or my children. I do it for God. The benefits I receive from my family are the natural response of me doing right. KEEP YOUR EYES ON HIM. That's all that matters!
    Check out my blog 'I Am Joseph':
    Thank you Courtney!

  4. Great message. And how true that lies that undermine character and family are from the devil. I've been blessed with a Prov. 31 wife for 28 years now.

  5. Your life, Courtney, goes against conventional thinking and challenges women and men who have demeaned the profession of women in the home. You provide and opportunity for women to think "wow, maybe my role at home IS important!" or "maybe I don't have to go to "work" to find joy and fulfillment". Thanks for making me and others think. I hope to feature you on my blog like I just did my Nana....another woman whose story makes your think, and more importantly, gives hope and inspiration. Join me for a cup at Blessings to you and your family. -jen

  6. Wonderful and TRUE! Thank you for such strong encouragement.

    No response necessary. God bless, Courtney.


  7. Courtney, I love your blog. I loved this video.

    As a reluctant working mom, I so wish I could be at home. My husband does not want me to quit work at this time. How I wish I could be!!!! You are younger than I am but I am so encouraged by your website, your blog and I always love your videos!

    Keep up your good work, Kiddo!

  8. Great video! Thanks for that reminder that it doesn't matter what the world thinks of us if we are pleasing God and fulfilling our calling. :)

  9. Thank you for really making yourself vulnerable! As women with Christian values, we probably all deal with this type of belittling attitude from others occassionally, but you have put yourself (or should I say, God has put you) in a more public venue which means that you probably deal with this more often and, well, more publicly. You are having an impact. I love Steven Curtis Chapman's song--I think it's called "One heartbeat at a time." It really touches on the eternal effects of what we are doing--very encouraging! Keep up the good work!

  10. Amen Courtney! I so appreciate your shining example to women... and not being ashamed, even when people look at you like you are crazy.

    God Bless You, friend!


  11. Awesome!!! Thanks for the encouraging message today :)

  12. This is very well said Courtney! Satan has fed this lie for sometime and the world is filled with darkness on this subject they are missing out on such a great relationship that God designed for us.

    Thanks for the reminder you rock!!

    Serving with joy,
    Sonya Schroeder

  13. GREAT! Our society looks down on submission and being home something fierce. It is so sad!! Thank you for stepping out and being bold to speak the truth!!

  14. I'm praying that Marriage Mondays will be a great source of encouragement and inspiration to all who read. Thanks for linking up.

  15. This was a wonderful video, Courtney! I'm linking to your post on my blog. It's a message that everyone needs to hear! Thank you for your encouragement and your strong stand as a daughter of the King.

  16. Awesome Courtney! God's blessing is all over you!

  17. You do a fantastic job communicating through video!

  18. You go girl! What amazing encouragement!!
    Blessings sweet girl!

  19. Courtney, like every time you such in the true.
    Thank you very very much for sharing this with us.
    Thank you too for sharing this monster mix recipe, I will try with my children (they make a lot of sport, they will enjoy this mix).
    God bless you and your family
    Kisses from France

  20. You spoke my heart, but so much better than I could. Thank you for being an encouragement and blessing! I LOVE my life staying at home and keeping it, serving my family. It is JOY like I have never know. Oh, I just adore your blog. Can we be friends??!! {grin}

  21. Thank you for the reminder, Courtney! I really appreciated this video and re-posted it on my blog. I hope some of my readers will start reading your blog because of it... it's one of my favorites.

  22. As a sahm/homeschooling mom of almost 26 years I say 'you rock'! What a wonderful reminder...I'm off to make hubby's favorite cake, just because!

    Well after I clean the kitchen...Kim

  23. Awesome encouragement! People often respond the same way if you mention the word "submission." For that matter, even some Christian women will respond negatively!

    I would much rather be a Prov. 31 woman than a Stepford Wife! A Stepford Wife doesn't put her personality or her joy into it. She doesn't put "me" into it. She is expressionless.

    Thanks for linking up today!

  24. This is SOOO GOOD!!! I am so glad that I found your blog. I am enjoying it so much.
    My mom's blog is Farming On Faith... and I found your blog because you were both listed on the Internet Cafe"s top 100!!

  25. Jennifer - you ask a hard question about convincing your husband that you are working hard. It sounds as though you have some challenges with a special needs child and you feel like he does not understand how hard your day can be.

    I Peter 3 tells us that our husbands are won by our Godly behavior. Rather than pointing out your difficulties and yourself - work on focusing on your husband when he is home. Work on helping him and praising him. As he draws closer to you in intimacy, he will begin to see your struggles in a more senstive way.

    Commit to joyfully sacrificing for your family rather than focusing on your frustrations - your joy and peace will change the entire mood of your home. Pray that God gives you and your husband both more sensitivity for each other and your needs.

    Pull all of your strength from God and the truth that he sees you during the day when no one else does and loves you. You can only change you - so work on yourself and pray that God changes your husband's attitude.

    Hang in there and much Love,


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!