Friday, February 26, 2010

Unanswered Prayer

Recently I have received gut wrenchingly painful emails from women who are suffering in broken and troubled marriages and a season of unanswered prayers. I tell my children often, "God is always watching, he is always listening and he cares for you". I pray that one day when "mommy" isn't there to comfort their hurts that this truth will be so ingrained in their minds, that they will always sense the ultimate comforter there with them.

On Monday in my quiet time I read Psalm 121, which says: "I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber."

Dear reader, if you are struggling with unanswered prayers - please know that God does not slumber. He is still in control. He will not let your foot slip. Please persevere in prayer.

I've attached this song by Casting Crowns titled "I Will Praise You In This Storm". As you listen - if you need to cry, cry. If you need to pray, pray. If you need to praise the Lord, praise Him. Ultimately, if you are carrying a burden - drop it right here and now into God's lap. Jesus says he is our great shepherd and we are his sheep - we are not donkeys. We were not created to carry heavy burdens. So leave your burdens with Jesus and praise him. The darkness will lift as you praise him.

Lyrics to I Will Praise You In The Storm

I was sure by now
God you would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day

But once again, I say
“Amen”, and it’s still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper
through the rain“I’m with you”

And as You mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives
And takes away.

I’ll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are

No matter where I am
Every tear I’ve cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side

And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again

My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can’t find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper
through the rain“I’m with you”

And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

So I say with confidence to you dear reader, "God is always watching, God is always listening, he does not slumber, He cares for you." Persevere in Prayer.

Walk with the King!


  1. You don't know how much I needed to read this this morning, but God did. Thank you for posting what God laid on your heart.

  2. I never get "finished" with that truth and am sure I will return to it all of my days! What a comfort.

  3. I love the analogy of the donkey vs. the sheep. What a great way of representing how we need to release the heavy burdens in our lives and let our Chief Shepherd (1peter 5:4..just read in devo's this morning!) be our carrier!

  4. No joke, as I was reading this I was listening to the song play in my home and read the verse at the same the time it was in the song. If that isn't God trying to tell me something I don't know what is!

  5. I was just listening to video's from Joyce Meyer about prayer ( "The power of simple prayer $ "The prayer of Faith") combined with your encouragement today confirmed that keeping persevering and seeking Him is important!

    Thanks and have an blessed weekend

  6. A great blessing! thanks for sharing! We all need to praise right where we are, so HE can bring us to where we are going!! blessings!

  7. I love this song! It was such a comfort and continues to be since losing my mom to cancer in August.
    I will praise you in this Storm, Jesus!

  8. Thanks so much for the timely post, our family is weathering a large storm and it's nice to get reminders that God will never let us fall ...

  9. I read an article the other day about brothers for the first time serving at Arlington National Cemetary at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I was touched by the interviewers who asked the solider in the process, "Could you love the Unknown?" After reading this post, I believe I can.

    If I can pray for one woman who struggles and suffers in life, I mean for my prayers to go to all. I love all you outstanding, beautiful women. I pray for your strength in whatever you must endure. Is it possible to love the unknown? Yes. My love goes out to all of you, whoever you are.

  10. I found you through MBC. I love this song. When we had our 2 miscarriages I listened to this song over and over. Every time I hear I am reminded of his everlasting love.

  11. Cammom - thank you for what you shared - I feel the same way. I am amazed at how my heart has grown to love so many of my readers who I have no idea what they look like or where they live. But they are sisters who are hurting or who inspire me and my love for them could make my heart bust! Thank you for what you shared!

  12. Hi Courtney,

    I found your blog from the Beth Moore blog --- So Long Insecurities (I've only just responded to week one and am in process of completing week two to catch up!!) I love this song by Casting Crowns and want to thank you for your encouragement and your honesty. It encourages me to see you living out your "dreams" (or maybe I am assuming that you are) while still doing motherhood as I am still trying to figure all that out! So if you have any pointers - would love to know them and look forward to seeing how God continues to use Beth's book in your posts on the blog (I think we're in the same age bracket - I am 34 and have a 2 year old and a 3 year old).

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thanks so much Courtney, this spoke directly to my heart today as I sat by my bub in hospital. God is always with me, watching & caring about me, even when I don't have words He knows & is with me, thank u for this reminder, everyone has tough times it is having friends beside u to remind u of what is real, thanks Hugs 4 u sis, love Carolyn

  15. Courtney your blog is where God led me tonight and I am so refreshed and so glad I found your blog, I will be coming back here VERY often! You are a great inspiration to what I want to be for God, my husband and children, thank you for sharing your life! This was a very timely post for me as well and I just needed to praise God!! Love to you!

  16. I love this post! Our pastor made this a topic this past Sunday and I really think it's so important! Praise God for the good in your life, Praise God for the bad. Either way, he's God and he still loves you! I love your blog and have made it part of my morning routine! I've also sent it out to several of my girlfriends and I've received nothing but wonderful feedback on your "word". You're an inspiration to so many women and really keep things in perspective. Thanks so much for all of your hardwork and compassion!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!