Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Woman Of Action

Word Filled Wednesday:
Proverbs 31:12 "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."

Today we continue our Wednesday series in Proverbs 31. Thus far we have seen that a Godly wife is rare and a treasure to her husband and he can fully trust her in all areas. Today we will look at her actions.

The Proverbs 31 woman "brings her husband good, not harm". Where does this goodness come from? It comes from her walk with God - it is a fruit of the Spirit. Doing good is a part of her character. And to whom does she do good? Her neighbors, PTA, or scrapbooking friends? Nope - first and foremost - she does good to her husband!

She does not talk about doing good to her husband - she DOES it! She willingly cooks, cleans, cares for the children and stretches a dollar. She willingly submits, respects and praises her husband. She willingly responds to his physical touch and seeks to satisfy him in the bedroom. (okay - I could go further on that one but that's a topic for another day lol!).

She does not criticize him over and over for the same flaws but loves him despite his flaws. She knows the power of her words and would not, in a moment of anger, use them to harm him.

In the very first marriage of the Bible, we see the glaring example of Eve harming Adam. She took the bite of the fruit and invited him to join her in her sin. He foolishly followed her lead! A wise woman understands her power of influence to persuade her husband to do things that without her nagging, begging, manipulating or crying he would not choose to do. We must not attempt to lead our husbands - but allow them to lead us (Eph. 5).

For how long does the Proverbs 31 woman bring her husband good? "All the days of her life." Are these words heavy to your heart? Is your marriage wavering? Let me suggest that a struggling marriage may mean that there are spiritual problems in your own life. If you are wondering how in the world you are going to love and respect this man you married FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...let me give you the answer.
By fearing God.

Your walk with God is the key to having a successful marriage. You cannot control your husband's walk with God - only your own. But when you faithfully pray, read God's word and obey it, it will change the course of your marriage! So do you need a change of course today? Pursue God, pursue the Proverbs 31 woman and pursue bringing your husband good all the days of your life.
Let's inspire each other, share in the comments section one way that you go above and beyond to do good for you husband.

Walk with the King!


  1. What a great post! I enjoyed the encouragement...

    Thanks so much for joining us this week~

  2. until when, Lord? i asked this question last night. well, i got the answer --- all the days of my life. how amazing God answers...

  3. Sometimes my walk with God alone is not enough for a successful marriage. But maybe that's just me. I think whether or not I have a successful marriage, God is glorified by my obedience.
    Nevertheless, I am blessed by this post.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Mine is here.

  4. thank you Courtney! I so need a change of course today! My marriage is in shambles and God has shown me my part in it and I'm ready to submit to Him and to my husband! Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement!

  5. I think we have to remember to that we are responsible for us...we can't change our husbands or make them be obedient to the Lord. We obey and God will bless us for it (and we need to pray for our spouses that they will be obedient to the Lord). Thank you for sharing this today...a great reminder for all of us!

  6. This morning I went above and beyond (at least for me) and got up extra early and surprised my husband with a great breakfast of ham,cheese,peppers & onion omelet before he went to work. I wanted to surprise him because I love him (& this was before I read your post).
    This past Monday I made a batch of cookies and sent them to work with him and telling him that he and the other people at work deserve baked goods because they work hard. If anybody knows me, I love to make food and give it to people. I get that from my mom. :-)

  7. Thank you everyone for sharing your heart... and Regina - thank you so much for your loving example! That's wonderful! I think most husbands would LOVE that! Mmmmmm...it all sounds so good to me...you inspire me girl!

  8. What a great post!

    I had a frustrating morning today - and it's not the dear hubs fault or anything, but I have kind of been taking out my frustration on him as of late. :o (

    Glad to see this great post is changing the wind in my sails to the direction it needs to go - back to the drawing board, or the Bible in this case!

    Always a blessing to read, Courtney! :o )

  9. Thanks Courtney! I needed to hear that today.

  10. Thank you for this series I need the reminders & encouragement I am so glad I found your blog/page & glad it is on facebook a great way to remind me to go to your page !!
    have a Blessed day showing actions of love to your husband!

  11. Courtney- THANK YOU for this posting this today. You asked us to comment on what we do above and beyond for our husbands- I WAS BLANK! My husband I have been a couple since I was 14 and he was 15. We married when I was 20 and started our family right away. I think I come to realize that I love my husband but I'm not in-love with my husband. (But I want to be) He is a wonderful man. Your blog has been encouraging me to do my daily devotions and really think about the way I act in my marriage. You are a blessing and I can't wait to get to your blog every morning once I have gotten my 3 kids off to school. Thank you does not say enough! God Bless you and your marriage.

  12. You have no idea how many times I have read one of your posts and applied it to my life. I am so thankful for you and your gift! Everyone's marriage will look different because we are married to different men, but we can take what you pour out of your heart and apply it to our marriages and it makes a huge difference. Many of us know the bible and scriptures but need to be reminded. Thank you for sharing your views and opinions and the oh so needed reminders.

    Also, I am a firm believer that if I work on my heart and my walk with God it will rub off on my DH. When I shine he notices and wants to do better.

  13. Courtney, you absolutely nailed it on the head. It's about our personal walk with God that produces all the tools needed to have an all around successful life; especially our number 1 earthly relationship..our husbands.
    I'm responsible for changing me and strongly desire to be pleasing to God by pleasing my man.

  14. I wanted to add that not only are your reminders nice but they encourage me to dive back into the bible... yea I may know what I am supposed to do... and I may know Gods word (which I don't as well as I want to) but just because I have read it doesn't mean I truly understand it or that I am using it.

    So, I guess what I am saying is thank you for giving the inspiration to read God's word.

  15. Great post Courtney! Come on over to the message board (sub topic- marriage)to talk more about this.

    Kelly C.


  16. I have recently found your blog. I have enjoyed it so much that I spend time while my kids are napping going back to your previous posts and reading.

    This is hard one for me today. I love my husband. I support my husband. We are best friends. And I know he is my perfect match/soul mate. But I have a problem with: "She willingly responds to his physical touch and seeks to satisfy him in the bedroom."

    I am at a loss of what to do. It's not him. I don't want to have that with any man. I could go the rest of my life without that. People say it's because I have a 4 year old and 2 year old twins. I've had testing done to make sure that I'm not off balance somewhere. I've prayed to God, "Lord please let me have the desire to do this."

    I am just at a loss. I'd love to hear how other women who have been in this situation have gotten past it.

  17. What a great post! Very convicting.
    One way that I go "above and beyond" to do good for my husband is something so simple but for some reason means a lot to him... bringing him his coffee in the morning. It is so simple that for the longest time I would forget to do it. But he has told me repeatedly it makes him feel very loved and like I believe he is my prince! So simple but yet so powerful.
    This was a really great post! Thanks for writing it!

  18. I've been a bit prideful about the ways I go above and beyond for my DH. In fact I've started to have a bit of a martyr attitude about it lately. I get discouraged because I try to keep my husband happy, but he seems reluctant to care for us (his family) the way I think he should. I've recently been convicted that the real way that I can show love for my DH is to pray for him and do the things I've been doing for him with out expectations of actions in return. I need to rely on God to take care of our needs, and walk closely to him. This is the only way I will be able to continually show love to my DH without becoming resentful.

  19. Dear anonymous,

    I took way too long to respond to your comment - I apologize - moving to a new home has slowed my responses.

    I appreciate what you shared and I think having 3 little ones all home with you right now is probably extremely taxing on your energy level. I am not a Dr. but my advice would be to get more sleep, exercise and eat nutricious foods.

    You may just find that your body is exhausted and you feel like you have no more to give - we must take care of our bodies so we still have energy to meet our man's needs.

    I will try to write a blog post about this soon with more of my thoughts.

    Thank you for sharing your heart.

    Much Love,


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!