Monday, January 25, 2010

Tasty Tuesday: How To Make a Candy Land Cake

I regularly read Morgan's Blog titled "Adventures In Diapering". She is currently pregnant with her 5th child AND made this amazing cake that I feel compelled to show case! Is this picture not adorable of her and her masterpiece?

Here's how she made her Candy Land Cake:
The cake was fairly easy to make, but very time consuming. If you decide to make a cake like this, you will probably find it easiest to assemble the candy by looking at a Candy Land game board. Then just use whatever candies you want.
Candy Land Cake Supplies:
*Wax Paper
*13x9 in. sheet cake (the one I used was 2 cakes put together- half yellow, half chocolate)*Buttercream Frosting:
Various Candies, such as:
*Gum Drops
*Mini-Candy Canes
*Itty Bitty Marshmallows
*Peanut Butter Brittle
*Gummy Bears
*Licorice strings
*Heath Candy Bits
*Small Ice Cream Cones
*Cotton Candy

The day before my son's birthday, I made the cake and put a base coat of frosting over the entire outside of it. I then put the cake in the freezer for an hour or so to harden up a bit before decorating. After pulling the cake back out, I started to make the background colors (grass, sky, mountains, ect.) using frosting.I traced the outline of the cake pan onto wax paper. Inside of the cake shape I had just drawn, I sketched out the Candyland path making just a simple curvy line that copied the game board. Using scissors, I cut the wax paper along the line I had drawn. I placed the wax paper cutout on top of the cake and made tiny frosting dots to make the path outline onto the cake. After the frosting outline was on, I removed the wax paper.I touched up the background scene and started making the path and bridges using the buttercream frosting. I also placed some of the candies on that wouldn't go bad before the next day.

After everything seen in the picture below was completed, I stuck the cake in the fridge until the next day.FYI- The candy assembly the next day went MUCH quicker than the pre-assembly work day.
The Day of the Party
The next day I pulled the cake out of the fridge and started assembling all the candy details. Candy Canes in the bottom right corner, along with some tiny marshmallows for snow. I stuck suckers into some of the gum drops, made a castle using 2 ice cream cones, frosting (including red to make a cherry at the top), cotton candy, and 2 toothpicks stuck into the back for support. In the right corner I made Queen Frosting's place using pink cotton candy. A licorice bridge was made using pull and peel licorice twisted and stuck in place with frosting.I sprinkled Heath candy along the side of the peanut butter brittle house. To finish the cake off, I tore little pieces of cotton candy off stuck them all along the base of the cake. Voila'! The cake was finished and the kids were thrilled!
(Look at the birthday boy with his cake - what joy!!! Visit Morgan's website for more wonderful ideas and crafts for little ones. She is so very creative! If you are looking for meal ideas for little ones she just finished a series on this topic too.)
I am participating in Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday, Dining With Debbie , Balancing Beauty and Bedlam and Tuesdays at the Table recipe exchanges. For more blogger recipes go to these links.

Walk with the King!


  1. I love this cake! I try to be very creative with birthday's and this is one I will try! Thanks for sharing and thanks to Morgan for sharing as well.

  2. That is a beautiful cake. I love looking at birthday cake ideas.. now if only my daughter liked candy..

  3. That cake really is impressive. I am glad you shared the cake with us,this week.
    So, we went to church, on Sunday. It was fun to tell The Thorns about our online friendship. They thought that was pretty cool and they obviously think a lot of you and your husband.
    We are really enjoying our time at Redeemer Fellowship and so glad God directed us to that church!

  4. What an AWESOME!!! cake.
    Come by and visit so you can enter my GREAT!!! giveaway for a waffle maker.

  5. That's beautiful! Stopping by from TTMT to say hello

  6. what a great TT and that young one looks super happy as well

  7. Now that sounds like a great cake. I can't wait to try it. Doylene


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!