Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

On Thursday my video blog was about how God helps us in times of need. An Anonymous commenter said "But practically speaking... what does that mean? HOW does He help us when the baby is sick and the floors are filthy and we haven't slept in 48 hours and we don't have help to cook meals. It's one "theme" I haven't understood as a Christian."

I repsonded back to her in the comments section and shared with her how our outside circumstances may not change when we cry out to God in prayer - but our inner self - our soul and spirit - is comforted and calmed by the Prince of Peace.

I could go on more, to try to explain this concept but last week my sister sent me the link to her friend's blog. My eyes were opened immediately to the presence of God in the lives of this couple who just 10 days ago weathered a serious storm with grace. Here is a picture of how the Prince of Peace helps us when we feel weak.

Kim wrote this on their blog before the baby's arrival: At 21 weeks of our 1st pregnancy, our doctors alerted us to the presence of multiple developmental abnormalities with our growing son: Calvin. At 22 weeks it was confirmed that he has a chromosomal abnormality known as Trisomy 18. Trisomy 18 is typically fatal with only 10% of babies with this condition making it to 1 year old. Since our Calvin has some serious developmental abnormalities (severe heart defects, etc) he will most likely not live very long after birth. This has affected our lives unlike anything else, however we believe that God is in control of this situation and every situation.

Some people would say that our circumstances are not fair, and on a bad day we would agree, however, instead of looking at things in a negative light we are trying to view everything in light of God's sovereignty and yes, even in this difficult situation give Him praise. We can be thankful that we are able to conceive, we can be thankful for being able to feel Calvin move in the womb, for our special moments of bonding with him while he’s still here and most of all, we can be thankful that we have hope that through Jesus Christ we can be with Calvin again.

Calvin and his medical diagnosis is not a fluke or a mistake, he is our son and his life was planned down to the finest detail before the world was formed. God has formed him in the womb just like any other baby and his life has purpose. No matter how short his life, it will be full and God will use him in whatever way that He sees fit. Calvin will have the benefit of knowing that He was used of God in a mighty way through the lives of his mom and dad and for those around them. He has already taught us how to love and trust God and each other more deeply than we could have ever imagined. We know that this is happening for a purpose and although, we may never know what that purpose is (while on this earth at least) we know God works everything together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We know that Calvin is a work of God and that his life is according to God’s purpose. And, we know that The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).

To view the birth of this sweet baby click here. I can guarantee you that you will see with your own eyes - the presence of God in the lives of Kim and her husband Josh. When we walk with the King - he gives us a joy, hope and peace that this world does not understand. If you are feeling weak today in the midst of your circumstances - draw near to God and find encouragement in the strength of your fellow Christians who are enduring hardships with you.

Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble."

Walk with the King!


  1. Thanks for sharing their story, Courtney. FYI - tomorrow I'm starting a big series on "how can a good God..." - understanding pain and loss.

  2. Gosh - that's really something. I clicked over to Kim/Josh/Calvin's blog and slideshow. Big mistake to do that in my lunch hour at work - I had to go have a cry in the bathroom. I pray God gives peace and comfort to those poor grieving parents. (Better stop writing here - tears are welling up in my eyes again just thinking about their situation.)

  3. Thank you for sharing Calvin's story, Courtney. I pray that many will see Kim and Josh's blog and slideshow and that it will touch lives for God's glory. I know that they need prayer, so I hope that this will lead many believers to pray for my dear friends. Thanks again for your ministry to me and so many others!

  4. Thank you for sharing, Courtney. I was impressed with the obvious peace and joy in the faces of the parents and family members and friends as they held, loved, and rejoiced over Calvin. God was honored by their response to the pain and disappointment.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!