Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School Pictures

Monday was our "First Day of School" and we celebrated by putting on back-to-school clothes, back packs with surprises in them and donuts with sprinkles for breakfast! Even though my kids are not stepping onto the big yellow bus this year - I wanted them to experience the excitement of the first day of school! So after some pictures - we headed to our new "school room" to begin homeschooling!

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 says "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you to day are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Whether your children attend a public school, a private school or are home schooled, Deuteronomy 6 applies to us all - our job as moms ultimately is to teach our children to love the Lord - love the Lord with all their hearts, souls and strength! It is our job to impress this on their little hearts as they sit at home, as they are traveling to different activities, as you tuck them into bed at night and as they wake up in the morning! I want to encourage you to evaluate your time this fall and be sure that this is a top priority over all the other busy busy busy things on your to-do list!

Here's a picture of our new home school room!

Walk with the King!

Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. I really like the picture of the kids standing with their backs to the camera facing your home.

    I hope this year goes great for you Courtney! Sometime I would love to hear your reasons for homeschooling.

  2. Your kids are adorable, Courtney! I sent my son to school on Monday. My daughter went last week. She goes to public school. My son goes to Christian school. We agonize over our school choices every year. It's so hard to know what's best sometimes.

    I hope homeschooling works beautifully for you and your little ones. I am confident that you are up to the challenge! ;0)

  3. Your kids are so stinkin' cute! I love how they dressed up and got back packs and you made it exciting for them. I was home schooled until 7th grade and it was certainly not that type of experience! Although my parents did take us on awesome "field" trips all the time which I appreciate now more than I ever did then. :)

  4. love this! we homeschool, too, and have been for five years...I can't imagine it any other way! I have never taken pics like this, but we do celebrate school in other ways...since we homeschool, it is really a lifestyle for us. But we try to make the most of every opportunity!!

    Deuteronomy 6 hangs in ym living room as a reminder to continually impress His word into thier young hearts. We just have to remember to follow the passage by FIRST loving the Lord our God with all OUR heart, soul, mind and strength...THEN we can impress them on our children!

    Blessing in your homeschooling!

  5. Fun, fun, fun!

    We take photos and get ready for day 1 too. We get lunch out to celebrate. Both of my girls have their backbacks since we have one day we meet with other homeschoolers. We start that group again next week so the girls have their new outfits and notebooks.

    Glad to hear it is going so well Courtney. The fun will continue, I am sure of it. It is such a blessing to be with your children and watch them learn/grow!!

    I just finished typing up my master chart for the week. I am tired just looking at it as Victoria is taking a lot of dance this year, she moved up a level in ballet. So 3 nights each week we will be in the dance studio, for about 2-3 hours per night. Oh boy!

  6. oh my goodness look how cute they are!!!! I love the pics Courtney and I love that verse even more!! Great reminder of our role in teaching our children about God!

  7. Love the pictures! I had an opportunity to share with my dentist today why we are choosing to homeschool - she has two boys, like me, so it was a neat opportunity. I think we're actually going to start school the first week of September; so it's nice to get a sneak peek from someone already doing it. :)

  8. so fun! That's great that you made the first day such an event for them!!

    I'd love to hear what you think of the virtual academy after you do it for a while - intriguing! :)

  9. School blessings to you, Courtney. It looks like you're off to a great start!

  10. What a CUTE CREW!!! Thanks for sharing . . . have a blessed week sweetie!!

  11. Your children are beautiful!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful year!

  12. I agree about the importance of those "first day' pictures - milestones matter to children (and adults!). You have beautiful children, and I hope you have a wonderful year of learning together. And I hope you might visit my post, #7 on this week's blog hop:

  13. Great pics! They look so excited!

  14. Beautiful children :) Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful year of homeschooling *Ü*

    "Come, you children, listen to me;
    I will teach you the fear of the LORD."
    Psalm 34:11

  15. Wonderful photos. We start our homeschool year on August 23rd. I hope you have a great year!

  16. I love that you put back packs on them and sent them outside so they could 'go' to school!
    We're not starting until after Labor Day! :) I'm old school...
    Following you from Heart of the Matter.

  17. Your "students" look so excited to start their school day. Good job, mom--you're not only teaching them, you're teaching them to love learning. The best gift ever.

  18. Thank you so much for sharing Courtney! Lovely children. Happy Homeschooling. :)

  19. GREAT back-to-school pics!! Love how you have your home in the background. I haven't taken my boys' photos yet, I am just hoping they cooperate.....LOL They are funny about pics. =P
    Many blessings on your new year!

  20. Enjoyed your post & photos! We always have surprises on the first day of school too~ little note pads, new pens, a treat, etc. So fun to make it special. Enjoy your school week! I am now following your blog.

  21. Great photos! I love your idea of starting them out like a "going to school" morning. So cute and fun. Have a blessed year!

  22. I LOVE your book nook!
    Also, How the be the women your husband needs. I have an amazing husband. We both feel we blessed to have such a wonderful relationship. In the past few months, I have been praying ecen more to fully move into my wife and mothers rule of life from our lord. So thank you for the post. I will be back to see more. Blessings Catherine

  23. Beautiful kiddos!

    It looks like they were having lots of fun. Have a blessed school year!

  24. Courtney, visiting from Not Back To School Blog Hop and I'm adding you to my reader list right now!!! I'll be back to dig a little deeper into the content on your blog, have a wonderful year and if you get a chance pop by and read a post of mine I think you will enjoy greatly!!!!

    p.s. i think i might have to take a trip to the dollar store to fill our bookbags with some goodies, great idea!!!!!

  25. What beautiful children you have! :D Thank you so much for your encouragement for homeschool! Your blog is always a blessing to me.

    Hope you have a blessed school year!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!