Monday, August 24, 2009

Back-To-School - Weekly Schedule and Routine

I have recently joined the twitter world and am posting my tweets along the left side bar. One person I follow on twitter is Kay Arthur. Saturday when she tweeted, she said "be rigidly flexible"..."be intentional".

This sums up for me what a "weekly schedule" - or for a more affectionate term - a "weekly routine" should be. It should be intentional - by nature it's rigid, but in reality it is flexible.

This week - most kids are going back-to-school and all of their activities are going to change the flow of our week. So as we assess the different days of the week and see that some are busier than others - we must also assess what day is best for grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, or outings. If we wait until Monday has begun to make these decisions most likely we will procrastinate and be stressed out by the end of the week - and end up trying to accomplish a full week's worth of tasks on Saturday!

So I sat down and wrote up my new fall schedule/routine! Here's mine:
Sundays - Church
Mondays - Clean up from the tornado that hit over the weekend!
Tuesdays - Outings and errands
Wednesdays - Cleaning
Thursdays - Grocery Shop
Fridays - Laundry Day
Saturdays - Watch Ohio State Football

For some, organization does not come naturally, I feel that I fall into that category! Now you may say, "no way - you LOVE schedules so you must do this naturally" - but honestly I have read many good books, systems, websites and CD's to come to this place in life (as my mom and husband can testify - in my younger years, I was apt to over book myself and be completely stressed out - now I accomplish much more but with ease and joy). If you regularly feel overwhelmed by all you have to accomplish in a day, week and month - then I'd suggest you pursue learning the skill of organization.

It may seem like a lot of work to put a routine into place but in the end you will save a lot of time and guess what you get to do with your free time!! Relax and cuddle with your chicks and nuzzle with your hubby. Enjoy the fruit of your labor!

Proverbs 31:28 "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her; Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."

Walk with the King!


  1. "If you regularly feel overwhelmed by all you have to accomplish in a day, week and month - then I'd suggest you pursue learning the skill of organization."
    I've been reading books and bfollowing websites (FLyLady, Messies Anonymous, Pam Young's "Sidetracked Home Executive" etc.) and statring control journals/systems for literally YEARS yet this weekend still felt overwhelmed by the clutter in my house. But I have hope that one day I'll master it!

  2. Oh I'm sorry - no matter how "organized" we get - life can throw a bunch of curve balls at us.

    As I look at your comment - I realize that I completely neglected to say that ultimately - we really can't organize away all of our stress - we NEED God - we need his grace and strength everyday to help us. Because life is hard and we do get overwhelmed and bogged down.

    I guess today's post is a "how to" get your physical world - home - in order - but your inner soul can only find calmness through our quiet time with God - casting our cares upon him because he cares for us.(I Peter 5:7)

    I will pray you find peace and an inner calmness in the midst of things being a little chaotic right now!!!

    Thank you for your feedback Heather!!!
    Much Love,

  3. I just love your blog, it is so practical. Thanks so much for sharing your schedule. I always need a good example to help me figure out what I need to be doing. I am still working on my new fall schedule. But I don't think I will be able to implement mine for a couple more weeks. My mom, sister and new niece are coming on Saturday and will be staying 2 weeks. Life always seems to get turned upside down when you have people staying with you.

  4. Perfect timing for this, Courtney! Organization does not come naturally for me either but having a schedule makes my life sane! Time to make my school year plan! Thanks for the encouragement :)

  5. I am going to start working on my schedules this week and hope to stick with it! Yesterday in church our sunday school talked abtou welcoming certain interuptions into our schedule b/c it may be God giving us an opportunity to share His love! He doesnt care about our schedules for the day...He has a bigger plan! I thought that was really interesting because I tend to get annoyed if my plans are interupted however that may be God working it out so that I can be a blessing to others or I can be blessed bu Him or others that I didnt "plan" for that day!SO I need to remember to allow room for God to work despite my plans!
    Here's my weekly plan so far:
    Sunday-church,family day
    Monday-"school time" and cleaning/laundry
    Tuesday-Bible study and office work (filing/organizing paperwork)
    Wednesday-"school time", story time at library, cleaning/laundry
    Thursday-"school time", Grocery
    Friday-errands, field trips, leftover cleaning
    Sat-fun day!swim class

  6. Snuggling with the hubby is my favorite part :) and times like this when we're "changing gears" seem like the perfect time to stop and break down the days. Thanks!

  7. I just found this free homeschool tracking software. It's not for chores, but it helps with setting up school work and keeping track of what we did for the day. Cleaning is another story :P

    But it's called Homeschool Tracker and its free.

    I have only downloaded and entered the first few weeks assignments, so I can't say its awesome, but it looks promising and one more way to keep me organized. I think it would be great for older kids especially because it has a transcript option. But it records all the assignments and you can print out reports. It looks great!

  8. Kimmy - looks like you have a GREAT plan!!! Thank you for sharing it!

    Michelle - thanks for the link - that looks like a great tracker. My homeschooling curriculum is a virtual curriculum so I am already using the schools web tracker - but this is an excellent tool for those who don't have that - thanks for sharing!


  9. Just found your blog and love it. Thought it was funny to read you schedule as mine is so similar...From cleaning on Monday to Ohio State football on Sat.!! Go Bucks!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!