Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Family Devotions

Have you been a part of a small group? What was your favorite part? Most likely it was the way you grew closer to those in the group as you opened up during discussion time about things in God's word and things close to your heart.

We led a small group in our home for 3 years that ended a year ago. I was very sad on the last evening as the small group came to an end. God had new things in the plans for Keith and I and so we felt the need to move on. But I had grown very attached to the group. I prayed for them regularly, thought of them often and enjoyed the close, safe friendships that I had with them. Over the course of 2-3 hours during our meeting times the conversations usually went deeper and deeper and deeper. Rarely in life do we discuss the deeper things of God - it takes time to get there. So I valued this small group like none other.

In the past year, I have seen a small group blossom in my little family of four. While the kids have been young I have looked at devotional time as Keith and I being the teachers and the kids being the students. But as the kids have begun to want to discuss some of the deeper things in God's word, I see a turn in our times together from being a teaching atmosphere to more of a small group discussion atmosphere and I LOVE it!

Daily I read out of the NIV Bible during breakfast to the children. Because of my husband's work schedule it is difficult to have family devotions daily - so weekly is what we currently do. I blogged about our summer family devotions on the 10 commandments here.

I always imagined that devotional time as a family would be magical - that is not the case. It is hard work and it takes some planning to make it a meaningful time and discussion - but what we gain from our "small group" time together is priceless!

If your family does not already meet together at least once a week to read the Bible, I want to encourage you to start a devotional time now. Approach your husband to see what he thinks. If he is like my husband he will want your help. Be your husband's helper and take the initiative to chose a book or a study that your family would enjoy. Then help your husband by getting the children together and ready to meet. If you have little ones who won't make it through the time quietly, prepare them with crayons and paper or another book they can look at. My children have journals that they draw pictures in of what we are reading and discussing. Allow your husband to lead and make it your duty to keep the children quiet so your family can experience a meaningful time of meeting with God and each other.

I have discovered a powerful tool for memorizing verses and it's called Seeds Family Worship. This company makes CD's with verses set to modern music that the entire family can enjoy - while memorizing scripture. Check out this video below with one of their songs from their CD's. I can guarantee you if you listen to the song the entire way through you will have Psalm 55:22 memorized. Give it a try! I highly recommend you purchase one of their CD's even if you don't have small children - purchase it for yourself!

Feel free to share in the comments section what you have done in the past for family devotions - I have a lot to learn in this area and would love to hear from you on this subject!

Walk with the King!


  1. Good stuff Courtney. We started this past January reading the "One Year Bible for Kids". Andy reads the passage for that day every morning at brkfast (sometimes we get behind and that is fine too, we just read several days readings in one day). The kids love the idea of reading the ENTIRE Bible this year.

  2. This is a great idea. I sometimes find it hard to stay on schedule everyday reading to them from the bible. I like the idea about reading at breakfast time. Good way to start out the day. I'm going to do this. You have such wonderful ideas and I am so thankful for you and your site. :-) I also like that cd. We listened to that song and Jacob loved it. We are going to order it right away. I get so excited to read your blogs because I know that I will learn something good from it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. We are using a devotional called Dinner time devotions... we are already all gathered at the table at dinner time, so it works!!


  4. Hello Courtney!
    I am glad to hear that you are making the education of eternal Truth the most important part of your day! For the Wood family, we simply read through the Bible 1, 2, 3 chapters a day. We don't need expensive, cleaver or fancy programs to teach our children Truth do we? We love our time in the Word!! How much time we spend just depends on how much discussion there is. We review facts about our Faith on a daily/weekly basis. The children can earn candy from the candy jar (the only time they get candy) for answering questions correctly. For example all my children know the books of the bible, the days of creation, the ten commandments, how many books of the Bible Paul wrote, the fruit of the Spirit... and so forth. In our home, Family devotions is a time for Sinners who have been Saved by Grace to come together and learn, encourage and grow! When we get to the end of the Bible we start all over again! Often the children say, "I wonder when I grow up and finally move out how many times I will have had the Bible read to me?" I believe it is a 'rich' child that can say, "I had a mother/father that daily read the Word to me."

    P.S. I will check out the music you listed. I am always looking for songs that edify and reinforce what we are learning. We have used the Judy Rogers CD's for the last 15 years. They are precious!
    With much love,
    Mrs. Joseph Wood

  5. Courtney! This was just what I was looking for. You are an answer to prayer. As I was looking to see what would work best for my 2 1/2 year old I thought it needs to be music. She has such a love and and ear for music already that it must be how the Lord will speak to her. These CD's are just what I was looking for - praise God!

    One thing that I have noticed for myself is that if I work on a verse or topic alone with God along side of trying to teach it to my kids, then the Lord multiplies the blessings. I might not 'teach' all I have learned directly to the kids but I think that in my living out what I have learned along side of sharing the truth with them the lessons seem to become more real to all of us.


  6. Holly - that's a GREAT idea to buy a One Year Bible for Kids to read through with them! I love that idea!

    And Mrs. Wood - I love the candy jar idea for answering questions correctly!

    And Melodie - it appears that meal time is the way to go - it does seem to be a time when we are all there and the kids are quieted down.

    Thanks everyone for sharing!

  7. I forgot Hope - oops - yes - I always share with my children what I am learning in my quiet time. When I was working on gentleness I had them working on it too. When I was reading Proverbs I would pick one or two out to share with them. I read my daily blogs to them too - just so they can be a part of my world - I even share some of your comments with them!

  8. oh my goodness I love this!!I gotta get these cd's for both me and her!lol I remember you sharing about them before but wasnt at the place to start using them yet but now is perfect!!cant wait!

  9. Hi! I'm new to your blog and am also a huge fan of Seeds Family Worship. It's such a blessing to hear my 2 1/2 year old singing bible verses while playing! What a wonderful ministry. Thank you for your inspiring, Christ-centered blog. It's brought be great comfort and encouragement this morning.



I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!