Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Met Michelle Duggar!!!!!

Something VERY exciting happened Monday night - I met Michelle Duggar!!! Woohoo!!! I wanted to stand at my seat and cheer but I restrained myself hehe! Do you know the Duggars? They have a television show on TLC called "18 Kids and Counting." They have 18 beautiful children who sang, played violin, piano and recited Ephesians 6:10-20 (with hand motions) for the large audience. Their presence as a family 20 strong spoke volumes. What a powerful testimony of how God is faithful in blessing a family who is completely surrendered to God.

Michelle GLOWED! She really does - she literally overflows with a passion for Jesus. Jesus was the topic of the evening - NOT parenting, homeschooling, or homemaking. Now I must admit - I went hoping to get some parenting and homemaking tips. So, for a moment I was disappointed - but today I am not. Because she left me with something greater - a resolve to trust more in Jesus' grace for my daily tasks.

If you want to know - how in the world does Michelle do it all with 18 kids? The answer is Jesus' grace! Michelle shared her life verse - 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."

Michelle shared the story of one night long ago when she had the first 7 children - she was up past 1AM doing laundry and she began to cry. She was overwhelmed with the diapers, dishes, laundry, meals, cleanup, corrections, school lessons, baths, hugs, kisses, and the list went on. It was at that moment that she cried out to God "Lord, I need your help, I can't do it all!"

Do you feel like that somedays? I know I do and I only have 2 children - which is humbling! But I see her now, many years later standing with her sweet husband and 18 children - and through God's grace he has given her the strength to do the work He has given her to do. She said, "God will not call you to do, what he does not give you the grace to do."

That one sentence resonates in the depths of my soul. "God will not call you to do, what he does not give you the grace to do." God has not called me to the same tasks as Michelle - I do not have 18 children or a television show. But God has entrusted 2 little ones, a husband, a home, a ministry, and a few other things into my hands. Do you feel overwhelmed as Michelle once did? Take heart, I saw with my own eyes Monday night - It IS possible with God's grace to do marriage, motherhood and ministry well!

I must applaud the Duggars for their willingness to open their home for all of us to see on television. They do not claim to be perfect, as they humbly said, "We don't know all the answers but we know the One who does." I see the fear of the Lord in their lives and I want to follow in their footsteps - (not to have 18 children but) - see my children as a reward and blessing as they do, to speak gently to my husband and children, to spread the truth and love of Jesus with the world, and to trust in God's grace to help me do the work that God has called me to do.

George Washington Carver said, "When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." The Duggars do just that! Let's follow in their footsteps as we live out Matthew 5:16 in our lives. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Tomorrow I will blog more on the Duggars and some of the things I learned from their new book titled: The Duggars: 20 and Counting.

Walk with the King!


  1. due to your COMPLETE insanity at thinking a woman with 18 (and more??? she says) children. Our household can no longer follow your blog...

    you should REALLY re-evaluate your morals darling..

  2. Oh bummer - I'm sorry you feel that way :-(

    You are welcome to explain to me further the moral issue if you'd like - specifically chapter and verse in the Bible - cause that's my moral standard.

    Thanks for hanging out with me this long on my blog and I hope someday you'll reconsider stopping by!!!

    Much Love,

  3. I am so encouraged after reading your post! I'm not really familiar with the Duggars (we don't have cable); but I looked up their family website after reading your teasers the last couple of days about them.
    So often I feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of taking care of my two children, husband, and home. And I KNOW that Jesus is the answer. But the Duggar family is living proof of that. Thanks for sharing this! :)

  4. How in the world could having an unconditional faith in the Lord to care for your needs and the needs of your family be immoral in any way? I too respect and admire the Duggars and if anything, am convicted by their lifestyle. There are few people who would allow God to have complete control over the amount of children you have. It's commendable and I respect their resolve to let it be God's way instead of their way. God has blessed them for their trust and faith in Him and I can absolutely see why! I can see why someone who does not know the Lord may be confused at their lifestyle but as a Christian it is obvious.

  5. I really enjoyed seeing them too that night. They really did encourage me to be more patient with my children & not be so quick to get angry. That really hit me hard. I do not always have patients and that can make me quick to get angry and want to lash out. I do admire the way they live their lives.

  6. To "Sprite,"
    Courtney wasn't suggesting we all go out and have as many children as possible. What she was impressed by was Mrs. Duggar's sweetness and peace of spirit in spite of having what to many of us would be an overwhelming situation. I confess, I like you once had a knee jerk reaction when I 1st heard of The Duggars. Until I had a better glimpse into their lives and was compelled to change my mind. They are growing into happy, productive joyful members of society. Nothing like the picture of oppressive chaos I had unfairly imagined. Maybe you should (like I had to do) take a good hard look as to why you have such strong negative feeling about it. I think you are the one who needs to re-evaluate.
    As for Courtney...She is one of the sweetest, most well rounded and grounded women of encouragement I have ever met.
    Humbly submitted, Jinka

  7. Thank you for your encouraging and lovely words of your encounter with the Duggar family . What a fantastic reminder that no matter the number of children God has blessed our families with, we cannot mother on our own power.

    We certainly are entitled to have our own opinions and morals but the one thing I cannot deny is God's word and his word is infallible! Psalm 127:3-5

    The story of the Duggar family's faith, spirit and love for their children and and the Lord is inspiring and has certainly encourages me to examine my own spirit and level of faith as a mother. The Duggars are present day Heroes of faith- they are just doing it in a technical time era and can touch so many more lives that way.

    I am blessed to have you as a kindred sister in Christ- thanks for your encouragement! Blessings!

  8. I am soooooooo jealous of you! I love that show and I need some of her advice on parenting as well. Although, I agree what she said was way better. Glad you had fun!

  9. a little confused by the "Sprite" comment... it seems to stop mid-thought. "... at thinking a woman with 18 children". I'm curious too about which morals Courtney has violated. It's okay that you felt bold to share your thoughts, maybe it will be a chance for us to all understand better.

    I have never seen the show, but have heard much about it. My conclusion has to be in agreement with what my "sisters" have expressed. I know many who are not taking seriously their role as wife and mom with only 1 or 2 children. Certainly, we are all called to different roles. Some even to singleness. I would hope we could all agree though that the point in life is to glorify The Lord Jesus in all we do and love people to Him! This looks differently for all, but why is it seen as a negative thing when this family is doing it so beautifully?
    They have not been a burden to society and from the looks of things it's just the opposite!
    From reading Courney's blog, it was clear that she did not come back from that evening trying to push the idea of a large family on the world. She herself felt challenged and encouraged by their lives and did a wonderful job to extend that blessing to those who were not there!
    I know that I for sure have a long way to go in being confomed to the likeness of Christ, but that is my desire and others who humbly set good examples of His power in their lives truly inspire me to "press on!".

    In love and peace,

  10. oh I'm so bummed I missed it now!! I can only imagine how hard it would be to continue to have faith when it gets so tiring some days. But Michelle Duggar has been such an example and encouragement of living life totally dependant and relying on God. Although I dont follow the show regularly and dont agree with every thing that they believe, I can not find one reason to fault them or find them immoral in any way. God has certainly blessed them with all their children and the amazing ability to raise them so well!Thanks for sharing...I look forward to hearing more!!

  11. I am so happy (and a little jealous) that you got to hear the Duggars speak. Wish I could have been there.
    Despite the fact that I don't feel called to have that many children, I admire the Duggars and their calm and gentle spirit (how different from John and Kate Plus 8) I do feel that in some way they have a lot more faith in that area then I do.
    We talk about wanting to be a living sacrifice to the Lord and yet we hold on to certain areas of our lives (like our uterus) because we want to be in control, think we know what is best for our families are afraid of what God might (or might not) do.
    I hope I can come to a place in my life where I truly believe and live out the things God says about himself and the promises he has made to me.
    Love your blog Courtney!!!!

  12. Ok...totally confused here by Sprite's comment. A dog thinks its insane to have 18 children? Hmmm...can't say I am going to put a lot of stock in someone who's dog is their moral compass. Courtney, this blog as well as ALL your others rocks!!! Can't wait to hear more tomorrow and don't get discouraged if anymore dogs post comments on your blog...your creator knows your heart=) Love ya!

  13. Hi, Courtney! Thanks for visiting my blog. :) My daughter got her chef's outfit for her bday in December and thinks she needs to wear if every time she "helps" me cook. :)

    I've only seen bits and pieces of the Duggar's TV show. 18 kids isn't for me, but from what I understand, they are pretty much debt-free, and a sweet, God-fearing family. Assuming the kids aren't having to take on parenting roles, I don't really know what's wrong with it!

    I still love your blog, and I've only been a Follower for a day. ;)

  14. I love you Courtney and I love the Duggars I think all of you are great examples to us all! Thank you for taking the time each day to help us all :)

    With Love In Christ,

    Melissa Andrews

  15. Don't agree with Sprite!! Courtney, thanks for writing this post and continuing to encourage all of us in our lives.

  16. Wow! I am truly so encouraged by so many of you who took the time to comment and say such kind words. Actually, I am completely humbled.

    Thanks chicks! You help me press on when I feel weary!

    I feel tempted to skip the second day of Duggar talk but on my post I said I would talk about their book tomorrow - so I'm going to follow through with my word and then duck once I hit the button that says "post". hehe!


  17. Sweet~
    Michelle is a darling!
    I love their family and got the chance to talk to Mr.Duggar on the phone,Michelle was not available.
    That is so neat that you were able to meet her!
    JimBOB was very nice and said I could call again but I've been to nervous too.
    I have only watched the show a few times and the part I remembered most was the part you said she spoke about. God gives us the Grace! I think of her when I do my laundry!

    Georgiann momma of 6 blessings so far!

  18. How did you get to meet her?

  19. I met Michelle at a local church - Ohio is her home state so they were passing through.

  20. I am so jealous!! If I met Michelle Duggar, my smile would definitely be as big as yours! Great picture - thanks for sharing!

  21. Hi Courtney,

    Please don't be discouraged by Sprite's comments. I have actually seen negative comments regarding the Duggar family under this User ID on other sites. I think the best path is the one forward...I think praying for whatever is causing that kind of bitterness toward a family that obviously loves the Lord is best. Whenever I encounter a situation I do not "agree" with I find it best to subscribe to "Judge not lest ye be judged" and also remind myself that there may be pain behind the harsh words and the only way to overcome that is through love. Hopefully, Sprite will be blessed in some way that helps overcome the attitude - that is what my prayer is! Ladies will you join me in praying for a blessing?

    Love in Christ


  22. When you think about the Duggars from the "worlds view" you are shocked and think oh my goodness how in the world does one have that many kids. To look at the Duggars from "God's view" you see this as many blessings and a complete surrender to God. I still hear some Christians say I could never have that many kids.

    What I have learned from the Duggars is how to "surrender" to God. To let Him be in control of everything not myself.

    Think about it when you are having children who makes the decision on how many kids you have? How many times to you hear one say 2 is enough or 3 is enough for me. I, I, I is in control. We are the ones who takes what God gave us and make it fit for "us". We take control and decide what is best for us not letting God be in control.

    Letting God be in full control of your life means being satisfied on the life that the Lord gave you. Wheather it is 1 child or a dozen. Each child is a gift from God and he will never give you more then you can handle. For he knows the plans he has for us.

    Unless you know Jesus Christ you have no idea what He has in store for you.

    Serving with Joy

  23. "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3)

  24. sorry this comes a year late.... I've seen it in myself so I know darn well anyone that goes out of their way to criticize the Duggars really are just jealous of their Blessings and their energy. In the end I rather be a Duggar 1 of 19 then none at all.
    As far as TLC goes look at Kate plus 8 that's life without Jesus GO DUGGARS!

  25. Thanks for posting this! I needed it this morning!

  26. So sorry to read the comment from Sprite... I thought your response was great. I don't feel led to have 18 kids... but it's not for me to dictate how God directs others in areas that are not spelled out clearly in Scripture (like how many kids to have). There is freedom and our Christian conscience on matters not clearly defined is encouraged to take over in some of these matters - with respect for all! :)

  27. Thanks for posting this, Courtney! I'm so glad to hear Michelle's glow on tv isn't just lighting or makeup. She has a real joy that just shines through, doesn't she? I *need* that!! :)

  28. Courtney, thank you for this lovely post! It was the first thing I read at 6:58a!! I used to have cable and loved their show, but after reading their book 19 Kids and Counting, I found a new encouragement for raising my kids with God in their hearts. There are even days that I feel frustrated that I think about their family teachings, and it can return my patience. So excited you met them!!

  29. First we are not to judge others. What I get out of learning from the Duggers, is that they let God lead their lives COMPLETELY. Not just some of the time, or Sundays and Wednesdays like a lot of people tend to do. I have 7 children of my own though they are not all mine biologically you never know what direction God will have your life go, I didn't just wake up one morning and say " hey I'm going to have 7 children" but that is the life God has given to me and so I take it as a blessing, raising any number of children isn't easy even just one, but its our responsibility to raise them up in the way of the lord so they may know him. And I believe that is Mrs.Duggers goal, not to be known for how many children she has but to learn how to have our family Christ centered even during difficult and trying times.

  30. Courtney,
    I have only just started following your blog and have been so encouraged. Like you I have been blown away by Michelle Duggar's faith. I am a single mom of one working full time and homeschooling so there are days I feel so frazzled but I know if a woman with 18 kids and a husbancd can still have the patience and gentleness to lead her kids I can as well.
    Again thank you!

  31. Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before! :) His grace isn't just something to pray for, it's something to be sought out and soaked up!!!!

  32. thanks for posting this. I needed a couple of reminders 1). that if Michelle Duggar can handle 18 that I can more than handle my one. 2). We all need the grace of Jesus to get through every single day. Kids or no kids. Michelle is such an encouragement to me. She is loving and sweet even to those who do not share her views or beliefs and her appearance shows the peace of Jesus. Look at her! She looks wonderful for having all those kids... like you said.. she glows!! There is something that I notice about Godly ladies... as they age they have have this glowing beauty that shows on the outside because their beauty is beyond skin deep.

  33. I have some serious love for the Duggars. We watch their show and they do not edit their faith out of it one bit. The entire family is an ecouragement.
    We may have different ideas about the amount of kids they have, but that's why we have our own families so we can have as many or few children as we desire. When anyone judges another, it takes them out of a position of humility and puts them into a position of pride. The Bible warns against pride- God opposes the proud. We do not want God opposing us. The Bible also says that we will be judged by the same measure we judge others..oh my!
    God bless the Duggars, every sweet one of them!

  34. When I grow up, I want to be Michelle Duggar! ha,ha No, we are done having children, but Michelle shines as a wonderful example of a mom who loves the Lord first and teaches her children to do the same. Someone who is never ashamed of her Savior, and who has managed that the Lord has given her well. She is a faithful steward, and we may not have 18 kids, but we do have 5...and I will be judged on whether I was a good steward of the 5 I was given.
    SO jealous you got to meet her!! :)

  35. I used to think the Duggars were totally off their rocker brainwashed fundies. UGh! Then one day a year later they were on TV and I stopped to mock them as I was flipping channels. Turned out to be a marathon to start their series and 4 hours later there I was waiting for the series to start LOL. Other things had been going on in my life at that point to open me, but its just funny how much my heart had been softened to what YHVH really wants from us.

  36. I got to meet her too!! :) Last summer at a conference in San Antonio and got a picture with Michelle, me and my youngest. I was SO excited!!!! :D She was such an encouragement to me as well as I'm sure everyone else there. I just wish I would have had an opportunity to REALLY talk to her for a while, ya know? Not that that's very practical with hundreds of people around and so many wanting to meet her but one can dream... ;)

  37. I really appreciated you pointing out that God doesn't call us all to the same things. I have a friend that has more kids than I do and her husband is gone for weeks at a time for work. I am always in awe of how she can handle such a load. I just have child and my husband is home every night, but I still get so overwhelmed. I know we aren't supposed to compare ourselves to others, but it's so easy to do!

  38. I had never really considered the humility Michelle would have to have, and also submission to God and His grace, in order to do all that she does. So many times when I watch the show I just wonder HOW in the world, and I don't often think "GOD is how!"

    Yet another beautiful new lesson God has shown me today. The Duggars are truly an inspiration.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!