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Book Review: God's Little Princess Devotional Bible

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Women Living Well Blog: Book Review: God's Little Princess Devotional Bible

Women Living Well Blog

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Book Review: God's Little Princess Devotional Bible

I have fallen in love with Sheila Walsh's book titled "God's Little Princess Devotional Bible". At first glance, the pictures and colors are very appealing to little girls ages 4 to 9. Well, it's even appealing to mommy who is old hehe!

As I read this book with my daughter, I enjoyed the interaction that each short story gave us. Sheila starts by giving a scripture passage straight out of the Bible to read. Then she writes a short lesson teaching a virtue that a child/princess of God should seek to obtain. She encourages little girls to be wise with their words and to seek to know their loving and forgiving God. She encourages little girls to love and serve those in her home, her church and school.

Throughout the book she assigns activities to do such as: putting on a ring to remember that you are God's precious jewel, make a list of those you need to pray for with your mom and pray for them daily, or list things that worry you and sing the song "He's Got the whole word in his hands" and add each item to the verse as you sing.

She also has a portion where you and your child can act out stories in the Bible. For example the parable of the sower: she suggests you pretend to be a farmer and spread some seeds on the floor using m&ms. Then have your little princess pretend to be a bird and swoop them up! Then you as the mommy move to another place in the room and pretend to plant your m&ms along a weedy, thorny area - have your princess quickly swallow them up - like the weeds did to the seed...and on it goes.

Sheila does a great job of taking abstract spiritual thoughts and making them concrete for little girls to learn. I highly recommend this book and know that this is a book that my daughter is going to bring to me over and over again to read with her. Grandma's, I recommend you buy it for your grandchildren for their birthdays or Christmas (maybe include a pretty princess necklace with it so they can remember they are a child of the king). Their mommies will thank you!

Walk with the King!



Blogger Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Very cool! My daughter will be 4 in December. Maybe that would be a good Christmas gift. :)

June 29, 2009 at 7:51 AM  
Anonymous Kristi said...

I wondered if I would like this... your review has me interested, now! :)

June 29, 2009 at 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Kristy Calderwood said...

We just started using this for Urban Connections on Tuesday night & I LOVE it! It is really engaging for the children & it easily can be used as a step into a deeper discussion about God's love, compassion, & his role in their life. I also love how she put so much love & creativity into this herself with the skits & projects. This is definately a must read for little girls.

September 29, 2009 at 10:52 AM  

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