I immediately whispered in my husband's ear "I will be hitting on you in heaven!" But honestly - I can't imagine not being married to him in heaven. Some of you may be unhappily married and doing the dance of joy when you read this passage - while others may be baffled.
As I pondered this passage, the reality that I will be "alone" in heaven sunk in. I don't mean alone and lonely but alone when I stand before the judgment seat of God. I can't hide behind my husband like Adam and Eve did. 2 Corinthians 5:10 says "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."
Have you made mistakes in marriage? Maybe you think it's your husband's fault that you bicker so much or are having parenting troubles - maybe you fight over financial problems. On judgment day you won't be able to point your finger at him and blame him - because you two will not be married. "Each one" will stand alone before God and "receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."
Remember Ephesians 5:33 "The wife must respect her husband." How do you treat your husband in the midst of your daily living? Have you had a short temper, been impatient, or used harsh words. Are you striving to be more respectful? You will be rewarded for your kind, gentle, loving and respectful ways.
So I encourage you today - no matter what mistakes your husband makes - with one eye on heaven and judgment day - strive in your marriage to do what is right. I know you may grow weary but remember Galatians 6:9 "Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season you will reap a harvest IF you do not give up."
Walk With the King!

"As I pondered this passage, the reality that I will be "alone" in heaven sunk in. I don't mean alone and lonely but alone when I stand before the judgment seat of God. I can't hide behind my husband like Adam and Eve did."
ReplyDelete---Good point! I hadn't thought about it like that. We are each responsible for our mistakes, and you're right on that we can't hide behind our husband or anyone else- we're each accountable for our sins.
I shared my blog with the kids this morning - simply because they also need to be thinking about the day they will see God face to face. I want to raise them to be God pleasers!
Thank you for your post. I found you through another blog the other day and enjoyed reading your posts. It is so nice to find encouraging Christian women online!
ReplyDeleteFunny how I came across this blog. What a great thought and lesson on personal responsibility. In spite of that I believe our marriage can continue in the next life. Here is a link explaining my belief if you care to read: http://mormon.org/mormonorg/eng/basic-beliefs/heavenly-father-s-plan-of-happiness/heaven-and-eternal-reward
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great messages.
Dear Royce,
ReplyDeleteI base my belief on what Jesus said in the Bible. I do not believe that Joseph Smith's writings are from God.
I fully appreciate your kind and gentle way that you shared your thoughts - most of the people who disagree with me attack me as a person and say some awful things. Thank you for your kindness and I hope you will return.
Much Love,
ReplyDeleteI too am LDS (Mormon) and differ in beliefs on this subject, but I wanted to comment on your comment to Royce. It it so beautiful to see Christian voices and actions on the internet. You are a great example of your faith!