Yep, I got pulled over last night after leaving church. I had barely driven down the road when the flashing lights appeared in my rear view mirror! It was a surprise. I truthfully had no idea what I had done wrong.
So the police officer asked - and I was honest, I said "I'm going to guess I was speeding." He said - "yes you were - do you know what the speed limit here is?" "No, was I over?" I asked. "Yes mam - the speed limit is 40 and you were well over". Argh!
He took my license and I sunk down into my seat and waited and prayed. Yep - I prayed a pitiful prayer begging God to get me out of this one! Lovely! I'm sure God really appreciates me trying to wiggle worm out of breaking the law.
Now I must admit I was not sure if I should share this story because people may judge me and it certainly does not make me look like much of a saint - but peeps - there are no halos in real life. And I know you all know I am far from perfect and this is just more evidence!
Okay - back to my story - the very merciful police officer gave me a... Warning!!! Hooray!!!! I wanted to kiss the man but I restrained myself and just said a big thank you to him and God. And guess what I did after - I drove as slow as molasses in the winter!!! It's amazing how effective a warning is!
What a perfect picture of God's mercy. I deserved a ticket - but the police man did not give me what I deserve. He gave me mercy instead.
What a perfect picture of God's mercy. I deserved a ticket - but the police man did not give me what I deserve. He gave me mercy instead.
Romans 12:1 says "Brothers, in view of God's mercy (Romans chapters 1-11 display God's mercy and grace clearly), I urge you to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God."
The police officer let me off the hook - but God has done more than let me off the hook for my sin. He paid the price for my sin on Calvary, calls me his child, hears my prayers and loves me and will one day take me to live with him in heaven - now that's mercy!
In view of this great mercy God has given me, I so desire to live my life as a living sacrifice for him - but it's not easy in daily life so first up - try to drive according to the speed limit as I drive my children to preschool! Baby steps here!
Your character counts everywhere, all the time!
Walk with the King!
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Walk with the King!