Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Children - A Reward or Inconvenience?

Does America treat Children as a reward or inconvenience? With all the talk in politics these days over abortion I have to wonder what your view is? Do you think children are a reward? I know many women who have struggled with fertility and they would shout a resounding - "yes - children are a reward!" And those of us who can conceive should confirm this - yet in America this has not been the case as millions of mothers have slaughtered their unborn babies!

Psalm 127:3b says "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, Children are a reward from Him."

Do you have days where the kids are fighting, disobeying, and giving you a headache and you think - certainly this can not be a reward!!! But it's true - your little sweat peas are your reward. Do you treat them that way?

Some Americans have adopted the view that children are an inconvenience so they dispose of them via abortion. Some mothers have their children and then neglect them rather than enjoy them. And others have children and then spend their days complaining about their children.
I recognize that my children are a reward - but not the way I imagined they'd be before having them! Yes - I cherish the sweet moments every night when I rock my daughter and sit and chat with my son on his bed about his day. Their silly sayings, hugs, kisses, homemade cards and smiles are priceless!

But the biggest reward I have received from them is spiritual growth. My children have forced me to get on my knees more often in prayer. I am more aware of my sin in my own life and things I must change if I want to be a good example for my children. And ultimately God uses them to sanctify me - that is to reveal my sin and purify me.

I never knew how short my patience was until I had children - God has clearly shown me that I am far from being like Christ in this area. Since confessing this sin over and over I have found growth in this area and I am so thankful for my children who have drawn me closer to my Savior. It's a double reward!

Let's display to all of America that children are a reward! We value them! They are blessings! To an unwed mom - she may not feel like she just got a reward when the pregnancy test reads positive. But our feelings do not dictate fact. God's word says - "they are a reward". I pray God will forgive our nation for not viewing babies as He views them.

Walk with the King!


  1. Amen, Courtney! I loved what you wrote today and could certainly relate to the part about our children humbling us! Isn't that the truth!! Sadly I do think our society often puts children in the "inconvenient" category which is such a shame because they truly are a blessing (even when they are going through the terrible twos!)

  2. You made me laugh - yes, even the terrible twos are a blessing! It's good for us to be humbled - both before God - needing his help through the day and with others. The reality is there is no such thing as a perfect mom and my 2 year olds have made sure that people never thought that I was perfect ha! We've ALL been there!

  3. This is beautiful, Courtney. I am 57 and have one son who is in his thirties, I could not have any more children. The best time of my life was when my son was growing up, the rewards of parenthood far outway the dirty diapers, the sleepless nights, the crying spells and the lack of freedom.

    If I had it to do over again I would have adopted. I hope women can appreciate the calling we have been given, it is an honor to have children and raise them in the Lord.

    Btw, I am Mary Elizabeth Tyler from Desiring God. That is how I found your site. I am glad I did, too!

    In Christ's love,


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!