Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Is What Women Are Saying...

(My Good Morning Girls Group - 3 are missing)

We had over 1,200 women in the Winter 2011 Good Morning Girls Session!!! (if you are new here - Good Morning Girls are tech accountability groups for reading God's word every morning.  The book club is optional and we will be supplementing Sally Clarkson's book with a Bible reading plan that you can print out next week.)

Enrollment for groups is happening NOW until May 15th.  The summer session runs from May 15th- August 15th.

On May 23rd the Ministry of Motherhood Summer Book Club will begin on the site also (you do not have to enroll for this)! 

For all the information about the Summer Good Morning Girls Kick-Off click here.

Now here's what women are saying about the winter Good Morning Girls session! 

To say I love GMG would be a huge understatement
. This spring will be our groups 4th season (I think). Being accountable to friends and having the encouragement and support from my friends and the GMG blog has been a huge blessing. On days when I might not feel like getting into the word I know my GMG will be asking me the next day where I was.-

GMG has given me the opportunity to grow while being unable to attend bible study at my church. It has encouraged me with all the comments from other moms.- Elizabeth

GMG has provided the boost i needed to get back into the word. I love love love that.- Heather J.

GMG has been great for me. I have met some amazing women and even though we are an online group I feel like I’ve really gotten to know them and learned so much from them. I have noticed a difference in my days, when I start with GMG. It has been tough to always start my day with God but with GMG it has been easier to commit to.- Emily

I love my GMG group! It is an interesting group of women, some older with children grown and gone, some working, some stay-at-home, homeschooling, not. I love the accountability and learning what God is sharing for each of these ladies!- Mrs. K

Our family did the GMG’s James study for our morning devotional (we homeschool). What a blessing to study this book together as a family each morning. I printed out the sheets for it and had a notebook for each of us. It looked like I actually had my act together for this!! I also loved it that our last name begins with the letter “G”. The logo stood for Good Morning Garbers Thank you for your wonderful studies and the effort behind each. What a blessing you have been to our ENTIRE family, ages 7 on up!- Suzanne

Good Morning Girls has opened a new world for me. It hass guided me thru the Bible in a way that was never known by me.- Priscilla

GMG has been so instrumental in my spiritual growth. Not everyone in my group is a regular poster, and it was much harder this winter/spring than it had been this fall to post regularly, but I have found that because of GMG I have been reading in my Bible about 5 times a week consistently and the emailing has helped me really think about what I have been learning. It has helped me take some huge strides in my personal faith.- Amie

My GMG has been an incredible experience. I am in the Word more often because of this group. I am amazed by the insights of my group and I have learned so much from them.- Sandi

I always draw such encouragement from GMG! I am in womens ministry and sometimes I find I am always the encourager. I also find how broken ladies relationships are in their homes and with each other. GMG really shows me how many Jesus Girls are really out their fighting that brokeness and it gives me such hope!- Tiffany

GMG has blessed me so much! I was struggling with having daily devotions before I started this group. Now I am getting up earlier in the morning just to have my devotions so I can e-mail all the girls in my group before I leave for work!- Heather

GMG has been a great tool in the last year not only to help keep me accountable to reading and applying God’s Word but also to get to know some of the ladies from my church in a deeper and more meaningful way.- Jenna

I have had a Good Morning Girls group for a year and have loved every minute of it. It has been a lifesaver to know there are women there that will be praying with you and sharing their walk with God helps draw me closer.- Sonya

Wow, Good morning girls has been an blessing. It has kept me consistantly in the Word and has also fed me the Word, through my sister’s postings, during days when I just can’t my household together enough to sit down and study. God has also used the postings of my sisters in Christ to reinforce lessons he already teaching me. It is so so awesome to see his hand at work in such intricate ways.- Hanna

GMG has been a sisterhood when there was none available for me in my transition of physical homes. It was the catalyst for my blog, born out of a desire to love the ladies in my life that I can’t be near with anymore since our move.- Dawn

Good morning Girls has been a God send to me. Having children and not being able to leave the house much is a very sad and lonly and depressing time for me. Good morning Girls has given me the chance to pull together and this time around help host for the first time online fellowship. It has given me adult communication and structure with Gods words. It has helped me run/ teach/ guide my home, family and relationship with my husbands in ways I never expected. My whole life has changed to the good and I am finaly beginning to smile once more and not feel so isolated to the world that is so different in opinions than mine.- Kimberly

We are filled with a diverse group of women, with one purpose – grow closer in our walk. It is so nice to have a place to go to online where I know I will be encouraged. Every day I look forward to seeing who has posted and there is no doubt that our ladies are praying because when you ask for it, you feel it!!  So thankful for each of the ladies and the opportunity that we’ve had to grow. God is AMAZING and this ministry is such a blessing!!- Stephanie

GMG has rocked my socks off!- Sheila

I am SO excited to get this session started!!!  Come Join Us!

Walk with the King – he loves you so!!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing what I wrote... I hope it encourages other ladies to join so they too can begin their journey to a closer walk with the Lord... Loving all my Sisters in Christ!!

  2. Good Morning Girls has helped me stay grounded in God's Word and make wonderful friends. I loved the study of James. I can't wait for the next session!!


  3. Good HEAVENS... look at all that HAIR in the photo! LOL!! gorgeous!!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!