Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our Weekend Birthday Bash

Alex turned 8 last week and Alexis is about to turn 6! So this weekend we had our big birthday bash!
It started out with a massive snow storm! It was breathtakingly gorgeous outside!
Then daddy took Alex on his annual trip to Friendly's for his birthday breakfast! (Side note: Friendly's is a chain of ice cream shops in the mid-west. I worked there for 4 years as a waitress! We LOVE Friendly's in my family!)

The theme for the birthday party was dogs! Alexis wanted 101 Dalmation Dogs.

And Alex wanted military dog fighting planes. The centerpiece was our pinata!

Mommy made 2 pans of lasagna for our relatives, along with Caesar Salad and Italian bread.

Then we took pictures before all our guests arrived!


Cousins! (a couple are missing in the picture)

The cake was from Dairy Queen. Our local Dairy Queen said - "choose any theme and we can google it and put it on your cake!" Awesome huh? They did a GREAT job!

Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles.

Lexi's favorite gift - roller blades! She spent her Sunday afternoon rolling through the house! We need some warm weather so she can use these OUTSIDE lol!

Tired parents! lol!


The evening ends with wrapping paper, plastic cups, balloons, new books and toys scattered.

Mommy gulps as she reflects on the memories of her little ones who each day grow a little bigger.


Time seemed so slow during the Barney days.


Time is moving so fast I just want to hit the pause button.

Where did the days of binky's, bottles and blankies go?


Completely gone - never to return.

Tear *

She wonders is she good enough?

Is she doing the right things for her children?

Has she given them too much, too little, enough?

It seems like life is 2 steps forward, one step back.

Signs of maturity sparkle but then the bubble bursts and ugly messes she never saw coming spill out.

And she wonders - trembling - how will this end, will they live well?

She lays her head in the chest of her strong man and says, "I think this is hard for a reason.
God is making sure I don't think I can do this in my own strength.

He is keeping me humbled so I will learn to persevere in prayer.

It seems I forget to pray on my knees when we take 2 steps forward.

But on days when we are one step back, I am reminded I am weak. He is strong."

And 2 who are 1, comfort each other as together they look to the future with hope.

Hope in a great God who is faithful.

Hope that in our weaknesses, God will give us strength for the days to come.

Hope that our children will be the next generation to shine like lights in a dark world.

And hope for future generations.

Lord, have mercy on us - help 2 who are 1, spiked hair son and dimpled daughter. Strengthen us. May we be fully committed to you.

2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord range through out the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." NIV

Walk with the King!


  1. I love your decorations. The cake was too cute! We had our birthday bash (for our oldest daughter) this weekend also--with her cousins too.

  2. Oh, Courtney, did I really need a reason to cry tonight? *sniff* :)

    Seriously, this was a beautiful post, and so true. May God help us stay humble and diligent.

    You gave me something to remember in the middle of everyday struggles with kids ages 5 and almost 2; it goes so fast! Too fast to waste. :)

  3. The wonderful truth is that none of us are good enough. The more wonderful truth is that our God is suffucient for all our needs, when we are weak, He is strong. is it any wonder that we feel so weak so often :0)
    Love you lots! Your ministry encourages me more than you will ever know!

  4. Courtney!!! This looks beautiful. I was just telling my hubby here how beautiful of a job you did. And I LOVED the cake!!! Are those both your kids? Or are they cousins? I know you have a boy and a girl...just wondering....Your home is so lovely. Yummy Lasagne!! And just beautiful decorating...I love the cake!! I said that already - HA HA!

  5. Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful family with us and for being open and honest about your doubts and questions in life. I always look forward to reading your posts!

    I am a mother of two, so far - 4 mo and 2 yrs. I look forward to the day they are 6 & 8 but I cherish the days we have together now.

    May God bless your week and bring you even more strength and peace.

  6. Dear Courtney! Congratulations for being a mom for 8 (!) years! Yours Katja

  7. so true - time passes quickly, and with children, we are often brought to our knees more than ever.
    on a side note, all our wrapping paper gets put straight in a bag to go the recycling old momma, I am! :-D

  8. Made me cry. It was so touching to read this post. Katherine

  9. What a beautiful and true post!
    Happy Birthday to your little ones.

  10. Courtney.. what a great job you did combining the two themes! I salute your creativity and energy! Its been a few years since I did a real birthday party, I remember how exhausting it is. Thank God for strong shoulders and strong arms to hold us! I've needed them many times in raising my brood. With my eldest on the brink of 20, I've spent quite a few times with those 'pause button' wishes.

    Happy Birthday to Alex and Alexis and all God's blessings to you and your family!

    Thank you for sharing your special family with us.

  11. Oh how cute they are(: They look like they had alot of fun! Yes, time does go by sooo fast. Our children are 12 and 10. I get teary eyed too when I realize those other ages are now memories. Beautiful parties!!

  12. A beautiful reflection on a beautiful day. Love it.

    P.S. I have clock envy.

  13. I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago. It has been such a blessing to me! This post describes right where I am...3 girls (7, 5, 4). I used to want to rush things along, but I now tell them they should just stop growing already! ;o) Their replies, of course, are "But we can't!" :o) We have many good days, but we seem to have about as many not-so-good days with attitudes and heart issues. And then I have those doubts. If I look too far into the future, it just freaks me out some days. So, I have to constantly remind myself that this is a one-day-at-a-time job. God provides the grace I need for each day. And that's enough. He is so good!

  14. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. :)


  15. I love Friendly's too! We have a bunch of them in the northeast. I always had an ice cream cake from Friendly's for my birthday growing up, and now my husband has willingly continued with that tradition!

  16. Thanks for sharing this wonderful pictures and thoughts! You are so right! Time goes by so fast...

  17. Happy Birthday to Alex and Alexis. Looks like it was a fun party. And dinner and cake look absolutely delicious.

  18. Thanks for the ideas Courtney!

    My youngest two daughter's birthdays are just days apart! I love the idea of having a place like dairy queen split the cake so that we need only one. I may even try to make one myself. Of course their birthday's are in January so I will have a while to plan.

    Thanks for posting pics too!

  19. So sweet. I have to tell you now that my boys are 15 and 17, that it *still* feels like 2 steps forward and one step back! Prayer is what keeps me going. You're an awesome mom!

  20. Oh, that is beautiful! I think I am printing it to put in my journal. Thank you for capturing my hopes and fears and joy and pain.

  21. Love the blog! Im following! you can follow back at:

  22. Wow I needed this part She lays her head in the chest of her strong man and says, "I think this is hard for a reason.
    God is making sure I don't think I can do this in my own strength.

    He is keeping me humbled so I will learn to persevere in prayer.

    It seems I forget to pray on my knees when we take 2 steps forward.

    But on days when we are one step back, I am reminded I am weak. He is strong."

    Thank you!!!

  23. So nice that you can knock out two b-days in one big day!


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!