Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Want To Meet You!

Tickets go on sale TODAY for the Relevant Blogging Conference! I am so honored to be on the list of Relevant '11 Speakers - here's those joining me!

The Relevant '11 Speakers:

When Relevant '10 came to an end, I felt like a new woman. I had been touched deeply by the words of Ann Voskamp - "your keyboard is sacred. It is an altar where you come and lay down your life and offer up your blog posts as a sacrifice to God."

My perspective of Women Living Well grew - it was always my service to God but it became more - it became my gift to God.

My prayers for Women Living Well grew. I want women everywhere to not feel isolated in your love for God, your husband, your children and your home. I pray that you would find a warm place here where we can sit down together over the sacred keyboard and be filled up. And when our hearts are full we can overflow in obedience to God in our daily lives.

And so if you are a blogger - I want to cordially invite you to join me at Relevant '11. I WANT to meet you - to hug you - to hear your story - to put a face with a name and to know my partners in Christ who are laboring beside me as we pierce the darkness of the web world with the light of God's truth.

If you need a few reasons more to attend (besides meeting boring me lol!!!) here's a video my bloggy friend Sarah Mae made just for you!

I really wish there were a conference where I could meet ALL of my readers who are not bloggers! But since that does not exist - I just cross my fingers that a few of my bloggy friends will be there! If you plan to attend please comment below!!! I can't wait to meet you!!!

Walk with the King!


  1. Courtney--maybe you guys can start up a conference so the readers can come and meet you all as well. Ha! :)

  2. I will be there! :) I was one of those crazy 50 that was able to snag an early bird ticket (rate) in less than a minute flat. Woo!!! It was strangely exhilarating! LOL

    I can't wait to see you again and hope we can get some time to talk (and snag a picture! ;) )

  3. Got my early bird ticket too! Can't wait to hug you again!

  4. It's in October, right? For some reason I thought it was in April.

  5. i'M going, I'm going!!!! I decided with sadness to not go this year! Then Darlene and another friend asked me about it over the past 2 days. I went to bed and declared that the Lord would wake me up if I was to go! I couldn't fall asleep!!! So I bought a ticket and voila! My excitement is contagious!!! Can't wait to see you again!

  6. Nicole - I wish someone with administrative skills would - that would be so fun!!!

    Christin and Erin - you go girls!!! You got early bird tickets - you must have been up late last night!!! I Love it! And yes - we must get pics together!

    Stephanie - yep October! You have time!!!


  7. Flamingo - YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - I'm so glad you AND Darlene are going! I enjoyed you both so much this past October!!! Woohoo!!! See you there girlfriend!

  8. I'll be there!

    About this conference for blog readers.....this is something I've been praying about. I didn't even have a blog but I went to Relevant 10 because I wanted to meet some of the women behind the blogs I love.

  9. I will be there, too! First time commenting here but have listened to many of your videos and have visited previously.

    I literally know not one soul going to this conference, and almost chickened out last night, but with the encouragement (and logic) from my sweet husband, I bought a ticket.

    Looking forward to "getting to know" some bloggers before October.


  10. I want to attend but it depends on how it works out for us financially! I'd LOVE to be there. It would be great to meet you and so many other amazing gals! Either way, I will be praying for you as you prepare to touch the hearts of many women for Christ!

  11. Does it include hotel stay in the ticket price or no?

  12. Courtney- I snagged an Early Bird ticket last night. I'm so excited!! Looking forward to meeting you and all of the other amazing women God will bring. :)

  13. I was not able to come last year and praying about this year as well. If its the Lord will for me to attend this year I will be there. It would be a blessing to meet the ladies behind the blogs that I adore and admire. Hugs Courtney!!

  14. Got an Early Bird ticket last night. did the Happy Dance! Looking forward to hearing from you again. God used you to touch my heart last year.

  15. nevermind I found my answer, I was hoping not because my parents live in Hershey and then I could just stay there and drive to the sheraton :-) Hopefully I'll be able to go!

  16. Can't wait to see you again!!

  17. this really makes me want to go... but pessimistic ol' me counts why not...

    I am not a "real" blogger
    I don't have much money
    I wouldn't know anyone
    I'm too chicken to ask my husband

  18. I will be there! :) Got my ticket last night! (I tried to snag an early bird ticket but didn't make it in time!) Looking forward to (hopefully!) meeting you!

  19. I am gonna pray about it. I don't blog like you do but I do enjoy blogging and reading blogs! Maybe I can learn a few things :) And seeing you in person would be great! God has really put some things on my heart in regards to evangelism and outreach, a.k.a. Africa/helping the poor and I would love to encourage believers to think more about those subject. I haven't searched real hard to see if there are many blogs on those subjects. I am sure there are so if you know of any pass them on!

  20. Amanda - girl - no fear - everyone there is SO friendly!!! Can't wait to meet you!

    Becky - The Lord can provide a way! Check out Sarah Mae's sponsorship ideas!!!

    Christine and Erin - you go girls getting an early bird ticket!

    Sonya - girl I need to meet you!!!

    Oh Ingrid - I would love to see you there!!! You are a real blogger! And yes - you must go to http://www.wearethatfamily.com She has a Mercy House in Kenya and all her proceeds from her blog go to the Mercy House. The Good Morning Girls are sending care packages and donating $$ toward the house right now!!! You gotta check her out if you haven't yet!

    Thanks everyone for sharing today!
    Much Love,

    Sharon - I just love the name of your blog - the hiking part gets me everytime!!! Hiking with the King! There's a nice ring to that!!

    Steph Layton- see you there!!!

    Darlene - don't even get me started! We are going to have so much fun!

    Julie Anne - come on it will be so fun - and you can try to find a sponsor to pay your way!

  21. I'm going I'm going! My hubby said absolutely I can go! We bought the ticket last night... *doing a happy dance at my desk this morning*

  22. Oh, how I wish I could go! I was planning on going, had money set aside and everything, but we found out a couple weeks ago that we are expecting again! I am due October 13.... so Relevant would be a little too soon after birth! :) It's a fair trade though, I'm very excited to welcome another blessing into the world. Maybe I will get to go next year!

  23. Audrey - congrats on your baby!!! That's a wonderful exchange!!! They'll be many more!!

    Holly - wooohooo!!! So happy for you! See you there!!!

  24. I'm going!!!!! Yippeedeedooda! My husband and I sat on the couch, and two laptops, and I was able to get one of those 50 earlybird tickets. I can't wait to give you a big hug! =)

  25. I really want to attend. I just have to work up the courage to commit. It sounds so wonderful and so uplifting. I'm so close to buying my ticket...


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!