This week I will be posting a 5 part series on the topic of homeschooling.
Monday: Why We Homeschool
Tuesday: The Benefits of Homeschooling
Wednesday: Our routine and Curriculum
Thursday: The Challenges of Homeschooling
Friday: Sheltering Our Children
I am praying praying praying this is NOT a controversial week. Please understand that I do not expect your convictions to match mine and vice versa - please do not expect my convictions to match yours. They are going to vary. We each must pray and seek God's will for our family in each season of life.
So let's get started!
Deuteronomy 6: 5-7 says "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Join me tomorrow for part 2 titled "The Benefits of Homeschooling."
Walk with the King!
I am linked to Raising Homemakers, We Are That Family, and

From a Christian mom with children in a public school ...a mom that admires homeschoolers, I just want to say .... beautifully said, Courtney :)
ReplyDeleteI'm very interested to see what else you have to say on this topic. We've gone back and forth on this. We live in an excellent public school district, but I still have my concerns about the influences my kids will have. Our oldest will be starting kindergarten next year. You may be planning to address this already, but how do you handle homeschooling when you have younger siblings to tend to as well? (Oldest is 5, middle three, and a ten month old.)
ReplyDeleteI felt you said that wonderfully, Courtney. We are educate our children at home and feel it is best for our family, as well. I try to encourage other mothers to do so, as well. Each and every day is a learning experience. Such a beautiful gift to have our children home with us, isn't it? Thank you for your words.
Thanks for this series. My husband and I have been going back and forth on this since last summer. We both want to do it but it would mean a cut in income as I would have to leave my job (as a public school teacher!). We have been praying a lot. We have been looking at a lot of homeschooling blogs and asking others who are homeschooling. It will be good to see how another family does it.
ReplyDeleteI am a Christian mom with children in our neighborhood public school and this is the best overview I have heard! Great job!
ReplyDeleteI am excited for this! My baby is just 13-months but we have started tot school(purposeful play). My husband and I have talked about this a lot and like you said nothing is permanent.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I really appreciate your testimony and your honesty. I have my first child ready to start kindergarten next year and I am really struggling with this. I don't know which way God is leading at this point.
ReplyDeleteHomeschooling rocks! ;~)
ReplyDeleteExcited to get re-encouraged! great idea!!!
We have been homeschooling for over 2 years.. I have 3 children. 7, 5 and 4!
It was really a calling from God, something I never imagine I would do. But God knows you better then anyone else, He was right..homeschooling works really well for us. Its really a way of life more then anything.
Blessings, Sarah beth
Well said, Courtney! There ARE so many different ways to accomplish this. I have felt so thankful that I live in a country where we have the option to do what we want to do. Both of my children were homeschooled all 12 years. Our reasons for homeschooling were similar to your reasons!
ReplyDeleteI do find it sad to see the division that can happen between families when it becomes controversial, so I loved how you pointed out that there is nowhere in scripture that says what schooling choice we should make! Good job.
As far as losing our children goes. I have been in the homeschooling arena for 15 years and I have seen so many different situations. I have seen kids do great and some walk away from the faith. We must be so prayerful, as parents, to seek God and do all we can to point them to God etc. Ultimately they must choose to make it a reality for themselves, and only God can do that work in their hearts. Schooling choices can't. Even we as parents can't! So, even if they stray inspite of all we do as parents, the best thing to do is pray for God to draw their hearts and create in them a desire to know Him.
If you have laid a foundation and are prayerful, you can rest assured that even though no one is a perfect parent, God will be glorified!
Good job, Courtney!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello Courtney!
ReplyDeleteI am a regular blogger on your Women Living Well Wednesday posts. I am about to be a new and first time Mom. My husband and I are expecting our first child (a baby boy) this May.
We fully plan to homeschool our children. I am former elemntary school teacher. I have my Masters in Education, and I am a firm believer in homeschooling. You said it beautifully in this post, and I look forward to learning from you throughout the week!
Sarah Chritensen
I can't wait for this series. We are on the fence on what to do so I think this will be interesting to hear. Thank you for sharing.
Great job Courtney! I agree with your points. I never would have thought that we would be homeschooling our soon to be 11 yo daughter but by the grace of God, we have been for ALL of her schooling years so far. That in itself is a complete testimony!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can read over on the right hand side of my homeschool blog (rittercoolschool{dot}blogspot {dot}com) about WHY we homeschool.
I look forward to your upcoming posts concerning it and you are right...that and "socialization" {smile} of homeschoolers are quite the controversial topics. Koodos to you for stepping out to cover it.
I'm looking forward to this series!!! I have a feeling your wisdom is very encouraging in this area! :)
ReplyDeleteYes, I was also really impressed how you presented the reality of the situations that different families find themselves in. We teach our children at home, too, there are six of them, the oldest is 10, and our reasons are very similar to yours. And it is so beautiful to see how many families are encouraged here by this topic no matter what road each chooses to travel, God can be glorified and turn all things for the better for those who seek him, right?
ReplyDeleteFrom a mother of 4 who desperately wants to homeschool. This has been a discussion back and forth between my husband and I. In the end I submitted to him and our children are in a very nice DODS school. We do something we call "double" school. Just were I teach things at home as well during the summer and over breaks. Maybe one day the Lord will change my husbands heart and I will be able to have my children home. But that you for a wonderful post! The decision isn't black or white!!
ReplyDeleteGreat said Courtney!!!
ReplyDeleteSee, this is the choice in your country that you have. In Germany homeschooling is prohibited by law - if you don't send your children to school, you actually commit a crime. So our choice is to send the children in a public school or to have them in a very expensive private school, that are usually not christian - at least there was no option for the elementary school.
So here we go from there: As our school system ends lessons before lunchtime you can have your child back home for lunch and be part of their homework and their afternoon activities. So you can use this time to be with your children and form a family and their believe.
Isn't it fantastic how different live can be?
Looking forward to hear more about homeschooling though - as it always gives me great ideas what to apply for our home.
Hi Courtney,
ReplyDeleteLike most people who comment here, I have been very inspired and encouraged by you! I don't have children yet but your series on homeschooling (I watched everything that was already up on YouTube!) has really blessed me and encouraged me to pray about homeschooling my children.
Please know that God is using you in amazing ways to bless people who come to your blog - even as far away as Australia! I have been changed by it and I know many other have too.
Thank you so, so much.
Harriet in Western Australia.
Very well said Courtney! I'm so thankful to have had our girls at home since the beginning. Our oldest daughter is 11 and our youngest is 8. When someone would suggest homeschooling before they were born, I'd laugh and say, "no, they're getting on that big yellow bus!" But, a Christian friend came alongside me and showed me how homeschooling could be such a blessing and as we prayed about it, we realized it was what the Lord had for us! So, so thankful my girls don't have to deal with some of the things I did being in a brick 'n mortar school. But most of all, we love seeing them learn to love the Lord!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the rest of your series!
I am glad you are doing this series. There can be so much pressure on what people think is "right or wrong" across the board. often times these "feelings" give no thought to each family's current season in life, a person's frame of reference, the areas when husband and wife may not agree, but still have to make a decision, etc.
ReplyDeleteI think what is "right" is that in the end, it is our job as parents to train our children in the things of the Lord and to know that we must give an account about what it is they are learning. Two out of 3 of my children are in public school. My husband and I are looking to transition to homeschooling in the fall. I "unofficially" homeschooled my children from day one. Both of my school-aged children could read and write before entering school at age 5. But most importantly, they have a love for Jesus in their hearts and such sweet faith in God.
I must say it is harder to know all of what they are learning when they are in school each day. At a young age, they may not be able to communicate everything about their days at school. Also, I've found that depending upon the teacher, you may or may not know what is being taught. It is just more difficult to oversee their learning when they are away, and especially at a young age.
I am in constant prayer about this topic and the ways it will change our lives. Thank you again for sharing this area of your life because it is very much relevant.
God Bless!
None of my mom friends homeschooled when I chose to homeschool my children, so making my decision was very hard. I had no idea what I was doing, but I felt the call to homeschool so deep in my soul, I could not ignore it. It has changed our lives, my three giggly girls are just amazing souls and I wouldn't change this journey for anything.
ReplyDeleteshannon -the inspired page.blogspot
Thank you for doing this series. We are learning toward homeschooling our boys for the early years and I've been really interested in the "why's and how's" so this is just perfect. So glad you are willing to share!
ReplyDeleteI just love hearing from you, Courtney! You are so positive and encouraging! I wish we hung out! :D
ReplyDeleteI would add this (maybe you said it and I missed it!)...
ReplyDeleteAsk God.
Each family must bow before the King with humility and say, "Lord, what do you say? What should we do?"
The decisions we make in regards to the eternal souls we're raising must be led of God.
Thank you Courtney for your heart towards the Lord, your enthusiasm for peace, and your encouragement to women that is wrapped in love. Love you! :)
I am looking forward to reading what you have to share. We are pulling our daughter, BLISS, out of school. Today is her last day.
ReplyDeleteSarah Mae - Lol!!! You are correct – I neglected to say prayer!!! But in the next video (which I shot them one after another) I right away say “I neglected to say we should be praying about this decision” Duh!
ReplyDeleteYes - a massive oversight that is corrected in tomorrows video - sorry my mouth gets ahead of my mind sometimes when I'm making videos :-)
Well said! My girls are in public school, but we bought our house based mostly on the school district. I would absolutely homeschool if we were in a different district.
ReplyDeleteI think you approached this topic perfectly! There are soooo many people out there that stand so FIRMLY on the ethics of one over the other and I think that it's a decision made based on TONS of factors but the biggest reason we made the decision was that God prompted us to - the Holy Spirit urged my husband and I to homeschool. Other factual factors played into helping us make that decision but God was number one! But I also know several people who have made a God-urged decision for public school and Christian school too. I love how God knows exactly how to work in each one of our lives in a way that will glorify Him firstly!
ReplyDeleteI would love for you post something regarding military families. How can you homeschool two ADD children with a spouse that is gone 8 months out of the year? I envy those women that can homeschool. Beautiful dream of mine.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing Courtney, I hope this series will get some POSITIVE discussion and prayer going!
ReplyDeleteWell said Love this and there is not a cookie cutter way to do this you must seek what God would have for your individual families and go from there. We have homeschooled our seven children now for 14 years and it is something you have to know God alone is calling you to. I would like to say to the Mom's who have said they would love to but cant or only in their dreams listen friends God has your families RIGHT WHERE HE WANTS them so embrace that and shine where He has placed you!! God Bless and Thanks Courtney for sharing,
ReplyDeleteIn His Grip,
Thanks Courtney for sharing us this! I want to homeschool our children and my husband is on board with it. We just havetwait for our daughter to be old enough she's 4months old right now) Im looking forward to doing it :)
ReplyDeleteAs a mother of 3 with 2 children in a Christian school I was wondering if you have a Christian school in your area. I just want to remind you all that just as God will provide the knowledge and strength for you to homeschool, He will provide the money if He leads you to send your kids to a Christian school. I believe that I am making an eternal investment in the lives of my children by sending them to a Christian school - you can't put a price on that!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis was such an encouraging post! I went to a public school and really thrived as a Christian in the environment. As a newlywed I have already heard "you're not sending your kids to public school are you?" and "you should really look at what the Bible says about that." It can be so discouraging!
ReplyDeleteWhen we have kids, my husband who was a homeschool/public school combo, would like me to homeschool in the beginning and go from there. I will of course be praying about the decision, but I may use your video to show family in the future. Your words were my thoughts on the subject to a T!
I like how you kept repeating, "Do not lose your children." So important! No matter where our children go to school, God has given us the responsibility! I know so many times as a teacher that parents expected me to do all the work that was actually their job (I was a Christian school teacher too!). Other parents were great partners. I plan to homeschool and I'm so excited!
ReplyDeleteWent to a homeschool mom retreat this weekend and heard a story from a homeschool mom in my small group about a family she knew that was called to send their children to public school to be salt & light. They didn't just send them though, the mom volunteered and was in the classroom. They were founders of Backyard Bible Club and met the kids and families their kids went to school with. They discipled their children to be that salt and light. The ladies in my group agreed that parenting was the key to helping our children achieve the best.
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job with your video.
For the "anonymous" commenter, who asked about homeschooling as a military mom with a hubby away. I had to note that our speaker for the retreat (this year & last year) Diana Juergens is a homeschool mom/military spouse of 8 daughters (3 graduated and in college). She wrote a book called "Wife of a Soldier, a Journey of Faith". It's not all about homeschooling, but it is about her life with and without her husband, and how she learned to lean on her BF, Jesus, while her bestest friend, her hubby, was away. It's 22 years worth of their life. I would recommend the book to anyone (Do a search for the book to see what others say. It's also on Amazon).
I love the Deuteronomy verse you used. My friend and I chose that for our homeschool support group verse. I don't think I could do the job those "salt & light" parents did at this point in my life. I'm still struggle sometimes trying to teach my kids to love God while I have them at home all day (besides all those activities we run around for).
Keep up the good work!
I went to a homeschool mom retreat this weekend and heard a story from a homeschool mom in my small group about a family she knew that was called to send their children to public school to be salt & light. They didn't just send them though, the mom volunteered and was in the classroom. They were founders of Backyard Bible Club and met the kids and families their kids went to school with. They discipled their children to be that salt and light. The ladies in my group agreed that parenting was the key to helping our children achieve the best.
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job with your video.
For the "anonymous" commenter, who asked about homeschooling as a military mom with a hubby away. I had to note that our speaker for the retreat (this year & last year) Diana Juergens is a homeschool mom/military spouse of 8 daughters (3 graduated and in college). She wrote a book called "Wife of a Soldier, a Journey of Faith". It's not all about homeschooling, but it is about her life with and without her husband, and how she learned to lean on her BF, Jesus, while her bestest friend, her hubby, was away. It's 22 years worth of their life. I would recommend the book to anyone (Do a search for the book to see what others say. It's also on Amazon).
I love the Deuteronomy verse you used. My friend and I chose that for our homeschool support group verse. I don't think I could do the job those "salt & light" parents did at this point in my life. I'm still struggle sometimes trying to teach my kids to love God while I have them at home all day (besides all those activities we run around for).
Keep up the good work!
You are so right about weighing all of the options and making the decision based on your personal situation. I actually wanted to homeschool my children, and my husband was the one who felt that they needed a little more structure (time management is not my best We are very fortunate to have an excellent Christian school just a few minutes from our home and so they have both been there since kindergarten. The school is fairly small, but still has excellent academics and an amazing sports program, especially considering the size of the school. Most importantly, the staff & teachers love the Lord - and God's Word permeates every area of learning.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I was disapointed at first because it was so hard to let them go - but it has turned out to be such a blessing to our family. My children have just thrived there, and in fact it's looking like my daughter will be the valedictorian of her senior class next year. The Lord has been so faithful to us and has brought so many wonderful friends into our children's lives that we otherwise would not have met.
Also, over the years I have really come to realize that I have a tendency to be a little too much of a homebody, and I think that if I had homeschooled my children all along, I probably would have isolated them a little too much. I am so glad that I honored my husband's decision, because I did not see this in myself back then.
Thank you so much for your blog - I always feel uplifted when I stop by.
Sorry, I accidentally commented under my hubby's account! Now I can't get it to delete.
ReplyDeleteWell said...
ReplyDeleteWe are a homeschooling family of 11 years. Most days I love it. Your comment about "Don't lose your children" is perfect. It can happen right in the home. It is good to be aware of everything going on with your children. Love your blog and read it everyday.
You are a blessing.
Thanks for this video, Courtney. I look forward to the rest of the series.
ReplyDeleteI have a one year old and have been wondering what we will do when it comes time for her to go to school. I really can't see myself home schooling her, but am worried about the influences she will be exposed to in a public school. I appreciate you pointing out that the schooling decision is not a permanent one and can be changed as needed. That helps me relax a bit, realizing that any decision we make, can later be changed. I also really appreciate you saying that a main goal is not to lose your child. That will be a good indicator to know if we need to change a previously made schooling decision when the time comes.
I know a family that home schools and is committed to do so until the time comes that their boys education would be hindered due to the parents limited ability to teach what their kids need to learn. My problem is that with all that kids are supposed to do and learn at a younger and younger age, it wouldn't be very long before my daughter would need to go to school outside the home to get a proper education!
Lastly, it makes me sad that you have to worry about addressing topics on your blog that might be seen as controversial to some. That's one reason I could never have a public blog, I don't have thick enough skin to deal with people's (sometimes) nasty reactions to differences in opinions.
That said, I really appreciate your willingness to address topics, even though you know there may be some backlash.
In another one of your videos, you mentioned that some people had a negative reaction to a previous video and you realized that their problem was with God (and his Word) and not you. I think that was a great insight on your part and am glad you had that realization and have that comfort.
Hi. I haven't yet listened to your video but will do. I believe homeschooling is the best thing to do for your children.
ReplyDeleteMy son is now 28 and he was 16 when my husband and I became Christians. There was such a huge change in our lives that it may have been quite daunting for our son. He came to church with us initially, but then stopped coming. He is now not at all interested in knowing Jesus although he will "put up with listening" when we discuss things and if things are worrying him he will let me pray.
For me, it's such a wonderful situation to be in when you can bring up your children according to the Lord's word and to be able to share Jesus together. I have to remind myself that my life is God's plan for me, just as my son's life is God's plan for him. I do pray that he will look to Jesus soon.
Bless you in all that you do for Him.
I'm new to your blog...and I've spent some time reading..and I TRULY love your heart!!
ReplyDeleteYou have an amazing heart for the Lord, his word, your husband, and your precious children.
Keep up with speaking God's truth!
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks, and I loved your explanation of why you homeschool, and the options that we have as parents. I think the absolute key is exactly what you said: no matter which option you choose, do not lose your kids. Very well spoken! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI love this post, I have been homeschooling for the past 3 years and love it. I do pray every year if this is where He wants us and so far it is. I love that you said that it's not permanent. God can change things at any moment. Trusting Him and surrending your childs education to Him is a must. He knows what is best for you and your family. I love that there is no cookie cutter way of doing it. At first I have to say I thought there was a certain way to homeschool, but after much prayer and counsel I found what works best for us. Thank you for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love hearing what you have to say. You're so inspirational and very sweet in never wanting to offend anyone. God Bless you and your family!
mom of 3
I enjoyed this. I look forward to the rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteI am a mother to 5 wonderful children. I home schooled for 6 years. After that I started having health issues. The Lord spoke to both my husband to put our children in school. They have been in school for 2 years now. I am at their school at least 3 days a week volunteering. I am very on top of everything at their school. I want to home school again but only when the Lord tells us to bring them home. Thank you for your post and I look forward to watching more of them this week.
Mom to 5
I'm probably in the small minority, but would love it if you could post the highlights of what you said in words. Videos are so long, and my life just doesn't allow time for a bunch of those. Again, realize I'm probably in the minority. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWe have four children. Our eldest son went through public school from K - 12. Our second son lasted in public school til grade 7, and then we realized it was never going to work for him. We started out with distance ed for a few years, and then changed to homeschooling which we will finish in the next 1 1/2 years. Our eldest daughter was in public school for the first five years, did distance ed for a year and went back to public school. Our fourth child has been in public school for three years, and we are now considering homeschooling her at some point in the future. I just want to echo that you have to figure out what is the best for each child at this point in their lives, and evaluate it as time goes on and situations change. We know in our hearts that we have done what we feel is best for each of our children.
ReplyDeleteRebecca :)
As a fellow homeschooling mom (children ages 5, 3 and 16 mos.) I am very excited to hear more of your thoughts on this topic. I've loved what you have to share so far! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the video. I had to laugh when I read one persons comments about preferring to see it in written form! I perfer videos, they are usually quicker for me than reading:)
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Sheila :) I too prefer text to video.
ReplyDeleteSheila and Julie - I apologize I can't transcribe these but the reason I am doing video is because it's a TON of info to type out - but I can say it so quickly in just 5 short minutes. For now I chose video style because it was the quickest route with trying to balance real life off-line :-)
ReplyDelete(I took one hour last week while the kids were in roomtime from 2pm to 3pm and shot one video after another...there is no way I could have written this much info in that short amount of time - so sorry :-(
Thank you for letting me know though - and I'll try to be mindful of this in the future.
Much Love,
I am so thrilled to see home schooling growing in popularity. I home schooled my daughter for 13 years. She just graduated in June. (sniff sniff). There were times when it was so tough but I am so thankful that we stuck it out. Looking back those years were the most amazing and I wouldn't trade that time for anything. No regrets! She turned out great.(she's even socialized!!! that's a home schooling joke!) It is worth all the sacrifice that is involved! I MISS it!! lol
ReplyDeleteI love to encourage home school mommies to "press on!!" and I will most certainly keep you in my prayers.
I am so thrilled to see home schooling growing in popularity. I home schooled my daughter for 13 years. She just graduated in June. (sniff sniff). There were times when it was so tough but I am so thankful that we stuck it out. Looking back those years were the most amazing and I wouldn't trade that time for anything. No regrets! She turned out great.(she's even socialized!!! that's a home schooling joke!) It is worth all the sacrifice that is involved! I MISS it!! lol
ReplyDeleteI love to encourage home school mommies to "press on!!" and I will most certainly keep you in my prayers.
Courtney, God Bless you and the ministry of what you are doing. My children are 21 and 22. I did lose my children. I started out homeschooling. That was back when it was just really getting popular and I did not have the support of my husband or in laws. (I think they would think differently now!). I entered them into private school (where I worked part time for there tuition) and then eventually public school. My daughter was a very strong Christian. I did not realize I was losing her but I was. She is now a senior in college and had an abortion last Oct. and recently cut her wrists while taking drugs and drinking. I don't say this to scare or discourage. I was a very attentive mom and tried to teach them about God. Problem was that I didn't really teach "relationship" so I don't think they (or I) really got that. I just tried to do all the "right" things. Look the right way, be the perfect Christian family instead of dealing with the heart. I know my very good friend also feels the same about raising hers. Anyway, I believe your heart is in the right place. Please if you think about her, would you please pray for our daughter Tiffany? Our son too - Garret. Tiffany is a beautiful girl (inside and out) and I know God has a plan for her. She is just lost. Take it from a mom a little further down the road. What you are doing is good! You are right. DON'T lose your children. Of course they are Gods anyway but I can see where I became "lax" because I was tired. God Bless you. I am following your site. You encourage me. xo In him, Becky
ReplyDeleteBecky (Brad & Becky) Reading about your daughter makes my heart hurt for you. I am lifting her in prayer now. I hope it will give you some comfort to know that others are praying for your children.
ReplyDeleteCourtney, I'm so glad your doing a series on this. I'm really looking forward to learning more from you. I've been homeschooling my oldest for a year and a half now ( she's in 1st grade) and I love it. But it's tiring, plus we just moved and I'm having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I'm hoping this will be an encouragement to me :)
ReplyDeleteWell said! You touched on every instance that could happen. I am not the most patient person when it comes to homeschooling but for a season we did have to take our 4 year old out of daycare. It's been a little challenging because I don't want to homeschool, I feel like I would do my child a disservice. We have 2 VERY active boys and I have 1/2 a brain left when my husband comes home.
ReplyDeleteI wish I was that patient mom but I'm ok (now) with my capeabilities. I enjoy all aspects of education as long as the children are being served. They deserve a chance to be educated citizens in this country so they can lead the next generation. Awesome job Courtney!!!! I appreciate you.
Courtney, boy was God using you to talk to me lol.
ReplyDeleteMy 5 year old is in Kindergarten...he is in public school. I have planned to homeschool him since he was 2. However I ended up having another baby (he's now 18 months) and he is a handful. I'm lucky if I can go to the bathroom peacefully nevermind give my son a proper education.
The past week homeschooling has been heavy on my heart. You saying that no decision is permanent was exactly what I needed to hear.
I have a feeling I will be homeschooling in the future...I spent so many years studying it and I have such a passion for it. I just need the little guy to get a bit older so I can get a good night's sleep and the ability to get simple stuff done.
Courtney- Great post. Whenever people ask me about homeschooling- one of the first things I tell them is that it's what works for us- it's not for everyone- but it's the best choice for our family. Our schools in our state are last in the nation- homeschooling is the best opportunity I can offer my kids to ensure they get the education they need & deserve.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post today...I really look forward to Friday's post as that topic is one that seems to come up more and more.
ReplyDeleteAmie-From the HHH
I myself was homeschooled and my mom continues to do so with my younger brothers and sisters. I love how you emphasize that this does NOT have to be a permanent decision! I did want to attend a public school in high school, but my dad was not on board. I feel that I probably got a Better education in elementry school being homeschooled than I would have if I had remained in the Catholic elementary school I was previously attending. However, this all changed a lot when I reached high school. At the time the internet options were not available as they are today, and I became very frustrated with the lack of help. My parents each graduated high school but had not farther education. Highschool has changed a lot since my mom was in school and things like a foreign language, government, and english literature, and algebra. she was no help in. My mom also had my younger brothers and sisters that needed much more time with their elementary school studies. Despite this I graduated and received a scholarship to a in state university. The two brothers after graduated (one a year early) and went to tech school and then they both joined the military! My next three brothers did not graduate high school. My mom still has young ones who are now struggling a lot even in their elementary years, and I worry that this could be a continuing trend. MANY things have changed since my parents started homeschooling over 15 years ago, my dads job, and other time commitments. My mom has said that they made this decision and they are not going to back out now. I really worry about how this decsion is effecting my younger brothers and sisters now. No matter how good of thing it can be or could be, I agree with you, it does NOT have to be a personal decison. Having these events play out in my own life is one of the reasons that my husband and I have chosen not to homeschool. We also have the blessing of living in a very small town with a wonderful Catholic elementary school. I think homeschooling can be a very wonderful thing, as long as you can recognize when your student is struggling...
ReplyDeleteI love the video and look forward to see the rest of them. We started homeschooling because my daughter was diagnosed with Cushings Disease. She was sick all the time and having to play catchup on all her work, she was an (A) student, but it was becoming so difficult for her. She was being teased about her weight also. She weighed 40 lbs. and within 4 months had gone to 75lbs., she was at that time diagnosed. I had never even considered homeschooling and my son had been through 8 rough years in public school due to his ADHD. HE was an (A) student, but stayed in trouble all the time because he could not sit still, thus making him hate school. We have been homeschooling with the Abeka DVD system (not cheap but work the cost), if you have a child that is doing Trig or higher the DVD system is the way. You can learn it right along with your child. This is our fourth year and I would not dream of sending them back to public school. I am so thankful that God has provided for us financially so that I can homeschool our children. I look forward to following your blog. If you or your children want to send my daughter a message of encouragement dealing with her illness you can to to: and them type in mackensiegracecarter (just like this in lower case letters). It will take you to her website. She would love for you to leave her a message in the guestbook.
ReplyDelete"Do not lose your children". That is so true!
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful every day that I am able to stay home and homeschool my daughter.
I'm looking forward to the rest of your posts.
Becky (from Brad and Becky)
ReplyDeleteAs someone who has been in your daughter's shoes (abortion, drugs, etc) I wanted to encourage you to continue to pray for her. You are right, God DOES have something BIG for her life. I am now about to turn 31 and have three children, married, graduated college, and I teach a post abortion support group at my church for women who have had an abortion. I would encourage you to visit to see if you can find a support group near you for your daughter. Post Abortion Syndrome is REAL and ONLY God can heal her from her pain!!
I am so excited you are sharing your thoughts on homeschooling this week. :-) I am a homeschooling mom and agree with every family must decide the best educational path for their children. I almost teared up when you said the most important thing we must do is NOT LOSE OUR CHILDREN. You are so right!!
ReplyDeleteWe homeschool for similar reasons to you. The situation in the secular schools is terrible. And even before we found biblical reasons for doing it, it just seemed 'better' to nurture and train our children ourselves-this was a decision we'd each made even before we'd met, LOL.Then when we put the Bible together with the 'secular' reasons it was plain to us that for our princples-homeschooling is the only way that would please God.