Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Top 10 Favorite Blogs of 2010

These are going to be in no particular order! I love them all!

So here's my top 10 favorite Blogs of 2010

1. A Holy Experience - If you have not visited Ann yet - she is a must read. Her blog is peaceful yet heart gripping - she will cause you to worship every time you visit!

2. A Stay At Home Missionary - Joy challenges me! She is just like me - a wife, homeschooling mom, and a joyful homemaker who blogs...but in an instant you will find that her circumstances are nothing like mine. She lives in Indonesia with her missionary pilot husband and 5 children and the joy she exudes in her circumstances humble me! I want to be like her when I grow up!

3. A Moment With Mom - okay I want to be like Jeanette when I grow up too! lol!!! She has 10 children - and on Facebook she is the most cheerful voice of all my friends. This lady wakes with the roosters to her 16 acre farm and 10 children and joy just overflows. Her sunshiny spirit and uplifting emails have taught me so much about being a joyful homemaker.

4. Like a Warm Cup of Coffee - Sarah Mae was my first on-line friend that I talked to on the phone and then met in real life!!! She has turned into a real life friend who I care deeply about. Her transparency and vulnerability about her daily spiritual journey has challenged me. She is also the founder of The Relevant Conference and this girl (along with Muthering Heights and Mrs. Money Saver ) put on an amazing conference! God has given this girl many sharp skills - she simply wows me!

5. I Take Joy - Sally Clarkson was an author I discovered long before blogging. When I found her blog I was thrilled to be able to interact with her. The first time an email arrived in my inbox from her, I literally squealed out loud (just like I did when I met her in person - sorry Sally - you have that effect - I noticed other women did the same thing lol!)! She has taken the time to listen to some of my blogging struggles and has advised me. She has both challenged and encouraged me and I know that her blog will do the same for you. I am headed to her conference in Texas in February. I'll be sure to tell you all about it after!

6. Time Warp Wife - Darlene is my new friend this year. Darlene and I have so many things in common it's almost eerie!!! First, her original blog she wrote many years ago was titled Living Well...ya good title right? lol!!! Then when she returned to blogging this past year, she titled her blog Time Warp Wife...ya, the same name Rachael Ray gave our segment! So we have a few things in common! You will hear more from Darlene next week when I share with you all about her book that just hit the book stands titled Reshaping It All (co-written with Candace Cameron Bure - formerly known as DJ Tanner and sister to Kirk Cameron). In real life, this girl is hilarious - I laugh out loud at my computer when I read her emails! I love seeing her name in my inbox!

7. Grace is For Sinners - Serena was a new friend this year too that I had the privilege of meeting at the Relevant Blogging Conference. Her story of her journey to discovering true grace has opened my eyes. After reading her book and blog I will never be the same! It has changed me. And in real life - this girl is so deep and I am so blond...that she has to repeat herself so I can understand her! lol! She's gifted.

8. Ein bisschen Haushalt - This blog title is hard to pronounce isn't it!? Katja is from Germany and she has been translating some of my posts into German. I have to use google translator when I read her blog. I just consider it an honor to have my blog being translated by this new friend! If you speak German - she's a must visit!

9. Comfy In The Kitchen - I think you all know that I love Janelle -not only is she a dear friend AND one of my Good Morning Girls but she has also taught me a lot in the kitchen!

10. We Are That Family - I met Kristen at the Relevant Conference and I could have listened to her talk for days. She's fascinating! My favorite thing about Kristen is her website for Mercy House. She takes all her income from her blog and donates it to her charity Mercy House. That is remarkable and that is worth putting her in the top ten!

Honorable Mention - Money Saving Mom. Crystal is a woman who is not only savvy with her finances but she is faith filled. I admire her integrity.

Those are my favorites - would you share with me? What were some of your favorite blogs to visit in 2010?

Walk with the King!


  1. Wow. What a great list. I actually have only know a few.

    You would have to be on my top 10 though. I don't stop by daily, but when I do I always feels blessed, encouraged, and challenged.

    Bless you. Thanks for sharing all these bloggers I will have to pop by some.

  2. I love all these blogs you have mentioned and your's would definitely be in the 10 ten of my lists! Be blessed and thank you for your ministry!

  3. Courtney, I ran across your blog through Raising Homemakers. Yours and Raising Homemakers are the only ones I follow religiously. This summer has been a year of gigantic growth for me in many areas. I praise God for the progress I've been yearning for years to make, and I thank God for how you have contributed and helped. I was also a part of a Good Morning Girls group this fall. Everything has been working together for my good. Thank you!

  4. What a great list - I'm off to check them all out.

    Happy New Year!


  5. You're list is great!! I read many of these blogs (In France, we don't have such blog who speak about faith) I find in you're and the other blog a good inspiration for my own faith and I progress in my walk with God since I meet you !!!!
    God bless you and all your family and friend.
    Big Hugs from France

  6. Thanks for sharing! A few of these are new to me. I will have to check them out over the next few days.

  7. I have found some wonderful blogs this year and yours is one of them. I was able to connect with lots of people at Relevant and I have enjoyed keeping up with them.
    Have a wonderful New Year!!

  8. I love your list, thank you for sharing. I too, enjoy Comfy in the Kitchen. One of my other favorite blogs is

    My friend Katie does a wonderful job of sharing God's love and of course helpful tips and recipes.

    Thanks for all you do. May God reward your faithfulness.

  9. Wonderful Courtney,
    It is an honor to be in your top ten and a blessing from the Lord. You always take time to encourage me and so many others. I love your heart, your enthusiasm and your life-giving ways and words. I pray His blessings of peace, joy, wisdom and love for your family this year. Can't wait to see you in Dallas!

  10. I love money saving mom too! She has helped me revolutionize not only our finances but also helped me gain a godly perspective on running the home and honoring God in all things! Great list!!!

  11. I'm so glad to have met you this year! I will be checking all these out! I love the community that is online with these awesome women! I wish I could meet them all!

    BTW I got some of that bath and body works self tanner that you were talking about. In just a few days I may be as cute as you are...even though I am alot older...okay...maybe I won't be AS cute as you are...but close!


  12. Hi! Nice to meet you. I came across your blog this year and have enjoyed it! I'm so glad you posted your top 10; I look forward to getting to know them. I love your heart, it really blesses me. I'd love to video interview you for where I am one of the writers if you are interested. Look forward to hearing from you.


  13. Courtney I knew about some of these blogs already and some I didn't, I will be definitely checking them out! Yours is the first blog that I ever read and you would DEFINITELY be in my top 10-You have been such an inspiration and encouragement to me, and I thank God that I found your blog! God bless you in the coming year and thank you for doing what you do!!

  14. Excellent list... I read all but a few:).
    Another favorite of mine is I just found her this past year and haven't missed a post! She's a new mom who shares her insights in her walk with Jesus and Grace and the Gospel spills from every post.

  15. Thank you for sharing!! You are on my Top 10 List of amazing blogs, along with some that are on your list. And some I will be checking out soon!!
    Courtney, thank you for your servants heart in wanting to teach us woman to be woman of God. I am so thankful that I came across your blog. I've gleaned so much from you and have been soo encouraged. I had been praying for awhile for something like this, only God knows. Also with the Good Morning Girls. I had been praying for several months to be able to do something like that and I didn't know what, but it was on my heart. And then I came across GMG and knew right away that that was it. We did a trial run, and it has been amazing!! Ironing sharpening iron, God spoke and was definetly present. So thank you!! Let me know if you ever come to Las Vegas I would love to meet you in person and give you a great big hug!!

    God Bless you and {{Hugs}}!
    Walking with Jesus!

  16. I'm so happy to have had some extra time this last day of 2010 to discover your blog, via FaceBook. I look forward to returning soon. Oceans of blessings for the coming year. and See You on the Radio!

  17. what??!! mine is not listed? I guess one would actually have post for someone to read theirs. lol Ok...I will stop entertaining myself now and cracking myself up.

    Great list!

    Hope your New Years is Great!!

  18. Thanks Courtney- You are for sure at the top of my list I was so blessed to have stumbled upon your blog one night been visiting ever since. You have a servants heart as I do and one that LOVES your Mission at Home and you homeschool as do I for 14 years now. Your Love and passion for life and God is contagious and your encouraging videos uplifting. I am blessed to have found women via the blog world whom truly are tryin to be those Proverbs 31 women keep walking with the King and thank you for taking the time to share with other sister's in the LORD!!
    I too would love to meet ya in person and give ya a great big hug!
    Serving The King Together,

  19. Wow! I am so blessed to be named among your friends. I can't wait to visit each and every one of their sites. You are in my top 10 blessings of 2010 for sure!!

  20. I have been to many of these listed and they are such a blessing! :)

    I used to particpate in Darlene's Living Well challenges on Wednesdays -- well, on and off! LOL I was horrible about sticking with anything!

  21. I would have to say that yours is at the top of my list! I found your blog when my husband and I were thinking of homeschooling. After reading some of your post I knew that God was calling me to homeschool my children. I chose to go with OHVA and then found out that thats what you do too :) How encouraging! Also I live in Ohio, my oldest daughter is Alexis, and I have been married for 13 years. I actually found your site after checking out an episode of Rachel Ray (she came to my hometown, Wilmington). I have been to all of the sites that you listed on your top 10 and really like them too, except Grace is for Sinners. I went on it today and really want that book now!! I also would recommend one called
    Thanks so much for all of your support!

  22. A wonderful list!! Happy New Years! Here’s to a fabulous new year!

  23. So honored, and it was God working through you that got me into "blogdom" :) Can't wait to see what he has in store for you this year my friend! Love, Janelle

  24. Thanks for all the awesome new blogs to follow!

  25. Such a great list of blogs...I cant wait to read some of them! I love your blog Courtney. My cousin first introduced me to it and although I can't read all of them I try to keep up with them as much as I can...and hope to read more (as well as the other ones, too) this new year! God Bless You and all your doing for the Lord. :)

  26. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Such an honor - I love you!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!