Wednesday, November 24, 2010

10 Things I Am Thankful For

1. God's Word - the Bible. Daily I come to this living well, to drink a tall glass of living water and it is from this Living Well that Women Living Well was born.

2. A husband who prays.

3. Two beautiful children.

4. A godly heritage. (my dad, mom and grandmother.)

5. Sisters who challenge and inspire me (not pictured - brother in-laws who challenge and inspire me).
6. Cousins close by, who my children look up to as role models.

7. Godly friends (pic. 1 Angela, my best friend from high school and writing partner at Good Morning Girls. pic.2 My Good Morning Girls group who email daily after their quiet times. pic.3 My Tuesday Morning Bible study group)

8. An abundance of laundry that says we have an abundance of clothes.

9. Dirty dishes that say our tummies are full.

10. Crumbs on the floor as evidence of our daily bread God has provided.

And if I could take a picture of all of you - I'd put it right here! I am SO thankful for all of my on-line friends and sisters in Christ. You, dear readers, have changed my life. I give thanks to God for all of you.

Have a FANTASTIC Turkey Day!

Walk with the King!


  1. Courtney ~ so thankful for you and your encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!

  2. I'm thankful for sweet friends who shine their beautiful lights in the blogosphere for the YOU!!! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  3. Courtney,

    I have to say that I am thankful that I stumbled upon this wonderful site that you've created! You've motivated me to become a stronger woman through Christ and that alone is so amazing! I read your blog within 3 hours of posting, and you encourage and inspire me so much! Thank you so much! You are a true blessing! Have a Blessed Thanksgiving! God is so Good!

  4. So much to be thankful for. You have a blessed life!! Enjoy your day of thanksgiving.

  5. I am thankful for your ministry. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Courtney,
    Happy Thanksgiving! I am so very grateful for your faithfulness in this ministry... you challenge and encourage me to be a more godly mother and wife! Thank you!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! I love the pic of you and your husband praying together!

  8. Courtney, you are the one we have to be thankful for - all over the world!!! Your inspiring and encouraging blog is surely one great thing for women who believe in god and take care of their families! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Katja

  9. This was so beautiful to read Courtney! So blessed to have come across your blog..

    I adore all 10! especially a husband who the picture!

  10. Beautiful photos. And wonderful things for which to be thankful. I hope you have a lovely day, and that the One who provides all good and perfect gifts would be at the centre of our thoughts.
    Your blog is really something else! A real encouragement.
    We're in Scotland, so we don't have a major Thanksgiving Day like you folks, but today is our church's Harvest Thanksgiving too, so we'll be having a service later on.
    God bless...x

  11. you made me cry!!!!! What a beautiful post. I just love the angle you are so right. So many things we view as nuisances, but they are blessings beyond belief. Thank you for the wake up call! It is a BLESSING to have a sister in Christ like you Courtney! Happy Thanksgiving!
    Bless you, Janelle

  12. A very good list of gratitudes! I want to thank you for your blog. I read it daily and enjoy its wholesomeness. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your lovely family.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  13. What a beautiful post Courtney! I love how you incorporate the visual into your posts! And of course you ARE blessed beyone measure!
    I am also thankful, but my latest blog post is about a near tragedy we had on a Thanksgiving weekend.

  14. Oh Courtney, I am so very thankful for you too (not to mention everything you were thankful for, albeit inserting my own family members, lol).

    I have to say, when I saw the picture of you and Keith in a posture of prayer, my eyes filled with tears. Simply beautiful!

    Have a most blessed Thanksgiving. May God continue to bless and keep your family in the year ahead. Blessings,

  15. Beautiful pictures! have a Blessed and happy Thanksgiving, Courtney!

  16. If I were you, I'd also be very thankful for that brown sweater. Love it! I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family today!

  17. I am grateful for you. I hope your Thanksgiving has been as beautiful as you.

  18. Giving thanks for your creative ministry. A lovely read.


  19. What a great list Courtney! I am truly thankful that I found you this year. The Lord knows just to who to cross our paths with at just the right time. Your blog has been such a blessing to me. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and look forward to see what the Lord has in store in the future. Hope you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving and truly did not eat too much!!! luv you girl

  20. Beautiful list! I especially love 8, 9 and 10. I will never look at laundry, dishes or crumbs on the floor the same again...

  21. You continually inspire me with your positive outlook and Christ-centered mentality. Thank you for allowing us to share your jounrey with you.

  22. SO beautiful. What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for. God is good!

  23. Dear Courtney, the picture of you an your husband praying is one of the most beautfiul pictures I have seen. To have a husband that prays with you is a wonderful gift from that not all of us share. I love all of the rest of your pictures too...a great way to show your thankfulness.

  24. a wonderful post!!!! love the thankful spirit over the blessings of dirty dishes and laundry. What a heart you have!!

  25. What a wonderful blog post! I love it!!!!!

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I am so happy I followed you back here because I am loving yours!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!