Sunday, October 10, 2010

How To Make Your Home Sing!

Last week we had a two-fold challenge, "light a candle and every time you see the glimmer of it pray for peace in your home". I want to encourage you to keep your candles and prayers going.

This week's challenge is two-fold also: Play soft music everyday in your home. Choose worship, classical or another form of peaceful music that the family enjoys. Focus on using peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships. Remind your family to avoid seething anger, tattling, criticism or back talk. Role model gentleness this week.

Let's start with your music choice. If you need suggestions for music here are a few:

1. If you know how to play an instrument, play it this week! In our home, when I sit down to the piano to play, the atmosphere completely changes. All whining and complaining disappears and dancing and singing begins. This is what the book of Psalms is all about - making a joyful noise unto the Lord! So pull out your dusty instruments and start playing!

2. Sing or hum in the kitchen while you cook, in the bathrooms while you clean, or while you drive in the car. Force yourself to open your mouth and let your joy of the Lord be heard by your family. It will be contagious!

3. I like to listen to George Winston - my favorite CD is titled December. I have listened to it for 15 years. In college, it really helped me shut out the dorm noises and focus to study. Since then, this CD remains in the CD player ready to go at all times. Sometimes I put it on repeat mode and it will go for 10 hours straight! I love it! Here's a sample:

4. I like David Nevue - I discovered his music on the blog A Holy Experience. His music is similar to George Winston's in that it is classical piano music. To hear his music visit her site and while you are there - hang around a while and I think you will find inspiration. (I regularly open her website and let the music play while I hop around on facebook or write blog posts.)

5. I like Worship and Contemporary Christian Music
- the sky is the limit on this - from hymns to Casting Crowns to the oldies like Michael Card. All of this music fills our family's hearts and mind with God's truth.

It doesn't all have to be slow. Music with a beat can lift spirits and add zest to a boring day. Pick a style that fits your mood and family and get that music going. Once you've determined your music and have it going - it's time to work on ourselves.

1. When you feel tempted to raise your voice, use a child's name in a snarl, furrow your brow into a scowl or speak rapidly in anger...purposely lower your voice to just above a whisper. Proverbs 15:1 says "A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger." Focus on gentle words, facial expressions, and touches.

2. Purpose to not let someone else's anger make you angry. Many times as a wife and mom I find myself responding to other's emotions. Someone in the family is grumpy and two minutes later I'm grumpy too. Someone in the family is speaking harshly and two minutes later I'm speaking harshly too. Purpose to stay in control of your emotions and not let the other members of your family dictate your mood.

3. Yelling at a bud won't make it bloom. Your home will not blossom into a haven if you are not controlling your temper.

4. Continue to pray for peace in your home.
Persevere in prayer for your family. James 5:16b says, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

If you are participating in this challenge leave a comment below with how it's going - if you are a blogger copy this button into your blog post, write about how it's going and link up below! Thank you all so much for your accountability. I so appreciate you joining me on this journey!!! We are in it together!

Walk with the King!

I am linking up here :


  1. I love this one Courtney! The music part is easy for me - we have TONS of classical and Christian music that I just need to pull out more! I think I will even put it in the van when we go somewhere instead of kids' CDs all week!

    The verses about anger, prayer and peace are so helpful - the gentleness part is where I will need the most prayer! By the grace of God!

    Thanks girl! Such a blessing!

  2. Love this one! I just recently found your blog through Lara's at Just for the Love. I just thought I might let you know about an artist that we listen to in our home all the time, his name is Paul Cardall, and he is amazing! He actually just published a book about his life called (I think) Before my heart Stops. He has an amazing story and testimony of Christ. Hope you like it!

  3. I am following along and I really am enjoying it. It's nice that it is not overly time consuming, but the rewards are huge. I light a candle in my home everyday anyway, but never used it as a reminder to pray... SO good, Courtney!

    I am a blogger but haven't posted on this challenge yet although I do have the button on my sidebar.

    I am going to blog about this challenge this week.

    I love your blog, Courtney. Keep up the good work.
    It really blesses so many of us!


  4. When the kids were little we used to put on Disney songs that they knew and danced around the room. We also played worship music and sang songs together.

    My boys loved to sing, and they still do. I love the whisper suggestion. I have done that at church when I want to get the children's attention. I just start speaking quietly and they strain to listen.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  5. Great post! I love music and have been challenged recently to keep up the instruments that I play...It makes a difference in MY heart, even though I don't have children around yet to catch the spirit! Blessings.

  6. I've been lighting my candle daily and I <3 the reminder! I have a hard time remembering all day long to ask for His help making my home the place I want it (He want's it!) to be. The candle has been literally a "God-Send". I'm looking forward to the rest of the challenge :o)

  7. I have been enjoying this challenge! I love seeing my candle burning all day long, and what a great thing to be praying for my home and family throughout the day as well. I am looking forward to digging through my CD collection this week, it will help me remember to play more classical music for my daughter. :)

  8. LOVED the music and website you suggested. I'm playing it as I type. Thanks for all your encouragement in maintaining a peaceful and quiet spirit in the home...that was written just for me! I'm printing out today's post and saving it my "inspirational articles" folder for future reference.

  9. Love it! These are great tips.

  10. Just popped out my Playlist "Lovely" music...filled it with several new songs, so there is plenty to keep us going all day. Today is perfect for it, a rainy, overcast day. Cozy time!

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  13. Yelling at a bud won't make it bloom. HA! That made me giggle out loud. So very true, of course, but still made me giggle.

    I love the tip to "speak above a whisper" when we're frustrated or angry with our children. I prayed over their rooms before I entered them this morning, asking God to help me grasp and implement this if I'm feeling like I'm going to blow (I have a very active bunch).

    And I love love love George Winston. Saw him perform at Akron U. many years ago. He came out in socks only, no shoes. ;) Have you heard Jim Brickman? Oh my, love his music. Try Early Snowfall, Blessings, or Rejoice. You'll be hooked.

  14. Can I just say AGAIN how timely this challenge is for me? The Lord was already reminding me how important it is for me to set the tone in my home way before this challenge came along. That's why I am so glad to be joining in on it! I know with all my heart that He is honoring my efforts in this area, and it is already making such a huge difference in our home. Praying for peace every time I see the candle--wow! It probably sounds cheesy, but it is making such a HUGE difference. God has placed a seed of peace deep within my heart from this challenge. I am so excited about it!

    Thank you for being your wonderful self and including all of us in this : )

    Lots of love!

  15. We are experiencing peace in our home!!!! We usually have a modicum of peace in our home, but since lighting the candle and praying intentionally, peace is more of a banner over our home than just one characteristic that we strive for.

    I will start the music today. Another way to slow down into intentionality. :)


  16. I'm excited for this part! :) Having just me, my husband (who is at work all day) and our 6 month old son (who likes music, but doesn't really care if it's on or not just yet :), I'm glad to have the opportunity to start practicing making our home peaceful through music. I want to get into a good habit so that when my little boy IS old enough to care and, Lord willing, we have other children who will care as well, it will be second-nature for me. :)

    Last week I lit the candle when I started to make dinner each night (although I must confess that half the nights we weren't home... ;) I prayed when I saw the candle flickers and thought it interesting that I would find myself praying not that the Lord would PUT peace in our home, but to KEEP it in our home. And I would find myself thanking Him for the Peace that we ALREADY have in our midst and in our individual lives because we have Him IN us through the Holy Spirit! I praise God that because we are at peace with Him because of Jesus' finished work on the cross, and that we CAN be at peace with others, and even have peace in the world, whereas, without Him, our unbelieving neighbors have NO HOPE at all of True Peace.

    Thank You, Jesus for Your sacrifice which brings me peace with God the Father, through the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, and that you are sitting and ruling at the right hand of your Father RIGHT NOW!!!! =D

  17. I really enjoy listening to music throughout the day...lately it's been classical or instrumental, just as background music.

    BUT, my musician-husband does NOT like to have background music on. He finds himself thinking too much about it, and cannot concentrate on what he is doing or what is going on. So, I find myself turning the music off when he is home.

    I am, though, grateful for your thoughts on providing a home that is peaceful and gentle. I'm working on this in my tone and expressions, especially when I get frustrated with my two little boys.

  18. Thank you so much for this challenge! I've really been struggling lately with my temper and tone. I am going to do my best to be a calm gentle spirit that can cause the blossoms to bloom! Only by the grace of God can I do this, but thanks too for the accountability!

  19. This is a great challenge. My family is curious about my change of attitude but the whole house is benefiting and that is just from me unplugging when I come home. I have some great Christian artists on my ipod and a wonderful K-Love station to change it up a bit.
    You are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  20. As my husband would say "Music is an everyday occurrence" in our home. We are empty nested and enjoy sharing music for our generation. We've done this since we married five years ago.

    That does not mean that this challenge was not a challenge for me. I zeroed in on the 2nd half. "Focus on using peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships." We have some work to do in that area.

  21. I love having the candle lit everyday and love how it reminds me to not only pray for peace in my home but also pray for my family when they are not with me. Turning on the music now. Love making my home a haven...thanks for the encouragement!

  22. There are so many wonderful ideas in this post. I love the candle idea!
    I turn music on when I am exercising or cleaning. We listen to the Christian station as we run errands and I sing and hum all day long! Music is so soothing & energizing.
    Following you from Marriage Mondays.

  23. I love George Winston. I saw him in person, but I think I'll need to get some CD's. They are so soothing!

  24. I just wanted to ask which CD has this song on it, Cannon in D that is playing on your post? I love that song and want to get the CD of his that has it on there. Could you tell me? I tried looking but don't see it, maybe its called something else?
    Thank you! Such a great idea and I am enjoying this challenge as is my family I think :)

  25. Sunshine mama - it is on the December CD that I recommeded and it's my favorite one on there!!! Here's the link with the list of songs on the CD:

    Hope this helps!

  26. I blew it today! This was nice to turn to tonight and repent and get myself back on track. I have posted in big letters Proverbs 15:1 all over my house to remind me as well as my children. Please pray for me.

  27. Love that George Winston cd too!! My husband introduced me to David Lanz, Cristofori's Dream. that is a good one too.

  28. I'm following along on the fall challenge. I've been posting to my blog. I just want to tell you that I just bought the George Winston CD on iTunes and I love it. It reminds me of the piano playing music in Nordstrom. I could sit there all day & listen to the piano player. I wish I knew how to play an instrument. You're right the music is peaceful & calming. Its now playing in my home! Thanks for this challenge, its hitting close to home for me.

  29. Courtney ~

    It is a joy to join again this week in your challenge. Candles and music are commanplace in our home, but now both serve to be reminders to pray for peace to be present in it, too. Thanks for hosting this challenge and encouraging other women to be peace creators...haven creators.

    Blessings and peace to you this week as you continue making your home a haven for your family ~

  30. Hooray! I am so glad so many of you are joining me!!! It's so great to not be alone as I struggle with this too!!!

    If you fail (as I already have today) confess and move forward in perseverance! Do not give up - keep praying for peace!!! May God work mightily in your homes - I am praying for you all!!!
    Much Love,

  31. Thank you so much for doing this, Courtney! I can already tell a difference from last week. I'm focusing less on things that take up time like internet and focus on kids and spending time with them and God! :)

  32. I am so blessed I found your site! Applying this - and I just started - candles and music - has already worked on the atmosphere and I'm by myself! Since we're doing the 30 Days of Intimacy, I can't wait for him to walk in the door tonight. I believe he will feel a difference!

  33. I needed this. I just wish I would have read it earlier in the week. Thanks again for all of the encouragement!

  34. I just found your blog this evening and I'm loving it. If you aren't familiar with Keith & Kristen Getty, I strongly recommend you give them a try. There music is so uplifting. We listening to it all the time and my 3 year old knows many of the songs. It blesses my heart to hear her singing to the Lord. Now we just need to work on harmonies.

  35. You've introduced me to George Winston! Thank you!



I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!