Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vlog: Easy Front Twist Hair Tutorial

Let's talk hair! As a kid, my sisters and I would spend hours playing with our hair - curling it all over with different sizes of curling irons, using hot bendy thingys or crimping irons. Then we discovered hot rollers and well - I've been using those since the 80's!!!

So every now and then I try something new. I shared my Messy Bun Video with you all and I know a couple of you have mentioned you wear a messy bun from time to time!!! So I thought maybe this could be useful - or not lol!! I always wear my hair the same way for every Women Living Well video but - trust me - I do not curl my hair every single day! I do love to wear a messy bun and lately I've been doing this 30 second front hair twist! (my son was my videographer so I apologize for the shakiness and my daughters interruption lol!)

Just an extra tip: Sometimes I do the twist across the front and then from there pull it into a pony tail or messy bun!

The quicker we can get our hair fixed and in order the more time we can spend at Jesus' feet or serving our families and friends!!! Hope this helps!

Walk with the King!

This is linked to Kelly's Korner.


  1. I can't braid to save my life but this looks easy enough. And I love that you can dress up a ponytail with it (my style of choice). I'm going to have to try it one day.

  2. So cute!! And I love your daughter's little voice..."Puppies!" priceless:) I've tried this twist thing before and didn't like the outcome, but I don't think I was parting my hair over far enough. So, I'll give it another go! Gotta love the quick cute hairdos!!:) Thanks a bunch!

  3. I am so thankful for your encouraging and uplifting blog. I have given you the Versatile Blogger award. Please visit my site to receive your award: I shared your blog information with others so they can be encouraged, too!

  4. I love the messy bun now and I am so going to try this one out. It looks great and it is something different.

  5. love it! will def. try this. -hilary in florida

  6. I loved the messy bun, and I am so going to have to try this one too! Courtney, you rock!

  7. Very cute! I haven't seen that hairstyle, but I'll have to try it once my hair gets longer. Thanks for sharing!

  8. love it! my favorite part is also "puppies!"

  9. My daughter REALLY wanted to be in the room since Alex was recording it so I said she could BUT I said "you must be very quiet". She LOVES dogs so when I said the word "puppies" - all bets were off she just could not keep herself quiet!!! lol! She cracks me up!!!

  10. Cute! I like it! You make it look great, but I don't think I'd get the same effect, with out lots of work on the rest of my hair. :) p.s. your daughter is adorable saying, "puppies!" love that!

  11. I have LOVED your messy bun and used it a LOT! It saves me a lot of time and I get compliments on it. I also have just pulled the sides back and rather than using a clip I'll make a mini messy bun out of that hair and get compliments on it also. And it only takes minutes! Woo hoo, thanks!!!

  12. Oh my goodness, could your daughter's little voice be any cuter?

    (She must take after her mama;-})

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love all of your hair tutorials. Gosh, I love your hair. I could never do that. I can't even grow mine long. It is way too wavy and thick. My grandma says I will be thankful for that when I am older though. :)

  15. love it! I usually put my hair in a messy bun, but I know my husband loose my hair loose, that would be a nice compromise between all tuck in or having hair in my face!

    Thanks for the tips

    Ps I read your post when you were writing about cutting down blog writing day and commitment, I admire your choice and pray that God is giving you joy in doing His work, I know that what you are doing please Him!

  16. Thanks for this helpful video. I love learning new things.

  17. I have to tell you this. I was watching this with my 23-month-old daughter sitting beside me. She watched it EIGHT times! Every time it was over, she begged to watch it again, and then she'd watch it intently and try to do it with her hair! Soooo funny!

  18. Courtney, I just watched your messy bun video last night, and I tried it today, and I love it! With two boys, I love to put my hair up, but I've never been good at fixing it, so your video was so helpful! I love this new front twist! I think that will be the style to try for tomorrow!:) Your daughter's interruption was really cute!:) "Puppies!" LOL

  19. I like the new header. Is it taking a longer time to load? Let me know if it is.

  20. Hi Courtney!

    I just want to tell you what a blessing your blog has been to my life in just the short week that I've been reading. I've felt the pull for a while on my heart that there was something missing and this week while thinking over the things I've read & seen on your blogs & vlogs the Holy Spirit spoke to me and opened my eyes to the fact that I need major refocusing in my life. My husband & children should be getting the best I have to offer, not the rest of the world. Such a simple concept, but lost on me for far too long. So thank you for that!!

    Anyway, I tried this front twist today to spruce up my ponytail and it was the first thing my husband noticed when he walked in the door. He asked if I'd done something differently with my hair, and then said he liked it! :-)

    Blessings on you!!

  21. love love love your new blog look :-)

  22. I can't french braid, but this looks doable. And CUTE! Thank you for posting!!

  23. Courtney you are so cute! LOL :)

    That looks cute, i will try that tomorrow :) Thanks for sharing!

    (Was just telling Sarah Mae I'm going to be joining in on one of her 12 new "things" - fixing her hair everyday and learning a few new ways to style it. Yep, me too! Just went to the salon this weekend for a cut and style {no, no it doesn't have anything to do with Relevant - nope, not} :)

  24. I've watched a lot of your videos and I wondered how you were gonna get in your "walk with the king" on this cute! I love always makes me happy to hear those words, so here's a hearty, "Amen"!!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!