Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trusting God When We Don't Understand Why

9/11 brings back a lot of painful memories - shock, horror, sadness, fear.

Heroes arose on this horrific day. Firemen sacrificed their lives to save many. God Bless their families.
I am also reminded of the amazing story of the widow of Todd Beamer. Todd, a man of faith, courageously led other passengers to overpower their hijackers on flight 93 to thwart the plans of their hijackers. Their plane crashed in a vacant field in Pennsylvania and all on board died that day. Todd is a hero.

"I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

Lisa Beamer told interviewers "God says, 'I knew on September 10, and I could have stopped it, but I have a plan for greater good than you can ever imagine.' I don't know God's plan, and, honestly, right now I don't like it very much. But I trust that He is true to His promise in Romans 8:28."

Sweet Lisa is an example of a woman trusting God when she didn't have all the answers and couldn't understand why.

Is there something happening in your life that you just can't understand? Follow Lisa Beamer's example - Trust God. He has a greater purpose and plan that we cannot see. Meditate in Psalm 23 today and rest in his loving arms.

Walk with the King!


  1. Such a humbling, somber day for all Americans. I'm reading "The Case For Faith" by Lee Strobel right now. He makes that point well, that trusting in God during trials or times where we don't understand God's seeming lack of intervention has the potential, in challenging our faith, to greatly strengthen it. Lisa truly showed the world what that looks like in action.

  2. Beautifully said, Courtney. Todd and Lisa Beamer are both heroes in their own right.

    I wasn't a believer on 9-11-01. I remember fixating on the newscasts and President Bush recited Psalm 23 in his address to the nation..I remember these words: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” I was afraid of death; I didn’t understand it. His words from the Bible ministered to me at exactly the right time and planted a seed of curiosity and longing.

    Lisa was right; God does work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. We will probably never understand why on this side of Heaven, but it is well with my soul.

    Thank you again, Courtney. Beautiful words and such a lovely tribute to those whose lives were tragically taken day nine years ago today.

  3. This post was very touching...
    I had my eyes filled with tears...
    That's a sad moment in American history but surely God is making something out of this mess...
    Gog bless you all, Priscila.

  4. I needed to read that today. Thank you!
    I'm awaiting a biopsy on Monday because I found out yesterday that I have a mass the size of an apple in my pelvis and some other worrisome things going on. I've been afraid as I lay here on bedrest in a new city with all my friends hundreds of miles away.

    Thank you for posting this. It renews my focus that I'm not the only one in a crisis.

  5. Anonymous - I am so sorry :-( I am saying a prayer for you right now. May you sense God's presence with you and feel at peace.

    Much Love,

  6. September 11th is such a biitersweet day for my entire family. We remember the events of 9/11/01 and 9/11/09. My precious baby nephew received a life saving cord blood transplant. He is now a healthy lukemia free 16 month old. We praise God. We will never know why he gave Dylan lukemia and a 20% chance to live at just 2 months of age, but we do know it changed our family forever. He is a reminder of the power of prayer and that God is in control.

  7. I don't understand why I am having what I think is my third miscarriage in 9 months. I am trusting. But I really thought this was my time.

  8. I was a firefighter when September 11th happened. I was beyond horrified and I remember gazing out of one of the fire station windows into the clear, crisp fall sky and wondering what our world would be like ten years from then. Nuclear war? World war? Or would we somehow find peace?

    It's been nine years and I'm very confused. I have no idea what the world is at today. I can only trust that God knows what He is doing because we don't seem to have anything resolved yet.

  9. This post is perfect today. About two weeks ago my brother fell from a tree in my front yard. He shattered his wrist, fractured his pelvis and has a lot of bumps and bruises. He's had 5 surgeries so far on his wrist. He isn't allowed to walk for 8 weeks. It's hard. And the kicker is, before he came to my house, he was at church for the first time in a long time. We don't know what the Lord's plan is for us all the time. But he is wise and all knowing. Trust in him is crucial!! Thanks again for the wonderful post!

  10. Courtney, thank you for sharing this. I was touched by Lisa then, and I am touched by her now.

    My husband was working three blocks away from the Trade Center when it happened and I was pregnant with #3. I tried to remain calm, but was not able to reach him for two hours. He was okay but shaken. They closed off everything in NYC, including bridges and tunnels.

    I watched on TV as it happened. I'll never forget it. Never!!!

    God bless.

  11. God's sovereignty brings me more peace than possibly any of His other attributes. Even when we don't understand the plan, He does. And it's always for our best. Not that it's easy to do (I speak from experience...I've been struggling with infertility for over 3 years now), but allowing oneself to rest in the acceptance of His Will brings such comfort in trials.

    Praying for those of you who voiced concerns. :)

  12. My heart goes out to the families who deal with 9-11 daily as they wake up daily without their loved ones. May God continue to strengthen them and use that day for His glory!!!

  13. To forgive is beautiful, but we will NEVER forget those who lost their lives or those who lost a loved one. May God bless them!

  14. Cried the whole way through that one. What beautiful words from such a beautiful woman. I would pray that I could have such grace in the midst of tragedy.


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!