Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time For a Change in My Blogging - So I Can Sharpen My Ax

My Greek professor at the Moody Bible Institute used to say - "students, don't get rrrrrrrusty (he always drew his R's out long)...you must take the time to sharpen your ax so when you hit - you hit hard and you make a mark."

It's time I sharpen my ax! This picture is a little misleading because it looks like I'm going on vacation - but I am not. I am changing my blogging schedule and this should give me some time to sharpen my ax.

The blogging world is fantastic. I used to burn up inside with thoughts and feelings that I had no way to express except in my journals. Blogging has been a release for me and an unexplainable joy! I truly treasure you - my readers. I have met SO many women who are so neat! You guys fascinate me!

But in the spirit of the Making Your Home a Haven Fall Challenge, I have decided to slow my blogging schedule down. I have recently sent emails to websites I contribute to, telling them I will no longer be contributing and I have been saying "no" to guest post requests. Saying "no" and "I quit" are really hard for me.

But in the process, I am finding a burden lifted and I feel stronger with each "no"!

I have decided to even say "no" to myself! I have been blogging 5 days a week for 2 years straight. I LOVE blogging and seriously have gone back and forth on this decision. I have decided to decrease my posts to 3 days a week - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

If you are looking for something to read on Tuesdays and Thursdays hop on over to GoodMorningGirls.org where my high school best friend blogs on Tuesdays and I will be blogging on Thursdays there!

I apologize this is a very uninspiring post - I don't have much to say except that I feel the Holy Spirit prompting me to take a step back - and I am listening and praying that I heard Him correctly!

Ecclesiastes 3 comes to mind: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and time to gather them..."

The last two years have been a true joy to pour out my soul everyday but I sense a new season where I pull back just a hair to breathe in fresh air, read new books, and fill my soul with more great things to make my ax sharper.

Keep Walking with the King!


  1. Dear Courtney,
    This IS an inspiring post!!!!
    This is you being a great example of what it looks like to obey God's leading in your life! What could be more inspiring?!?
    Thank you for taking the lead in this and you WILL be blessed! (Perhaps this will be a help to those who struggle with too much screen time! A chance to "disconnect" and reconnect with Jesus!)
    You are a blessing!
    ~Kim A.

  2. When God talks it is best to listen, so glad you are saying "no" and take some time for yourself!

  3. Courtney, I am praying God will bless your willing heart and that as you step back from "all this" you will be filled with an increasing portion of Him!

    Much love,
    Teri Lynne

  4. Courtney, I am really encouraged by your humility and listening to Him. I have been hearing Him say the same to me in my little world for the past several months--slow down, say NO to more, even/esp. church stuff, good stuff (very hard for a doer like me)and to focus on these precious years with my young kids, and on being a less stressed-out worn-out wife! It's so hard in our culture to choose to "slow down" and simplify, but there are seasons when we need to cut out distractions that keep us from hearing Him. Sorry to spiel--just wanted to encourage you and I will be praying for you!

  5. Courtney,
    I always read your blog & never comment. I just began homeschooling my 2 children this year, and I often think of you and how you manage. Honestly, it makes me feel as if I could do more at church, home etc. even though that quiet, small, still voice is telling me otherwise. Thank you for inspiring me with your obedience and Godly priorities!

    Niki P.

  6. you are practicing what you preach there is no shame and no sorrow in that!! you now have more time for your Husband and your children!!! I am happy for you and pray that the Lord will us this time to refine you and grow you and Love you more!!
    Praying for you!!

    Apryl Yoder

  7. You just do not know how much I needed to hear those words today. God has truly been working on me to cut back on everything and I have just been refusing to do so. I kept telling myself that people rely on me and if I don't blog or guest post, I will be letting people down.

    I have to remember that MY home comes before MY blog. Thank you so much dear friend for this reminder.

    You are a gem!

  8. No need to be discouraged. You are and always will be a "living well" to us women. Refresh, Relate and Release:-)!

  9. Good for you! I have a Monday, Wednesday, Friday writing schedule for my blog too. On Tuesday and Thursday I absorb, read, and minister to the women who read at my blog. God has really blessed me with a sense of balance. During the 2 hours I usually blogged I have a some extra quiet time. It works well for me. Everyone gets used to it...and I stopped writing for the sake of writing and more for what God would have me share...sharpening my ax regularly...more time with my family and hubby...less burning out. Thank you for walking the talk. Its so easy to get into a constant need to write...a need to compete with other blogs. Just being who God calls you to be is the best thing in the world for us and our families. Which is the number one ministry He calls us to! Good job!

  10. Sometimes God leads us to do things that we don't understand. He's guiding you for a reason!

    And . . . You're ALWAYS inspiring, Courtney ; )

  11. Good for you! I know it's not always easy to be obediant.

    Earlier this year I completely shut down my blog for a chance to step back and reevaluate my priorities.
    I just opened a new blog (Joyful Mothering) in July and it's hard because I have to start from scratch. However, my vision for blogging has shifted a bit and I'm allowing God the control rather than trying to do that part myself. :)
    So I totally understand!!
    But, I'm looking forward to seeing you at Relevant, girl!!!
    Oh, and if you need someone to guest post for YOU, I'd love to help out! Just email me with details. ChristinNJon @ yahoo (dot) com

  12. Isn't it Stephen Covey that says you have to take time to sharpen the saw? If God is convicting you to slow down, then do it!

    I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned how your old professor rolled his R's.... totally reminded of "ruffles have ridges", lol!!!! Surely I am not the only one that remembers that!

  13. Girlfriend, I didn't think this was unispiring at all! I think it's awesome! I am not an everyday blogger, and I find it allows my posts to have more meaning because I often write exactly what I'm thinking at that exact time. There's a sweetness in listening to that voice of God and simplifying!

    (And side note - I just love love love Good Morning Girls, and I'm so thankful God planted that idea in your and Angela's hearts!)

  14. I think it is very wise to listen to that voice inside:-) We mums wear so many different hats and try to be so many different things to people. It can be very easy to get so busy with doing good things that we forget our cup needs to be filled too, usually right at home with quiet contentment:-)

  15. Courtney, this may sound strange, but I think this is one of your best posts. First, a woman living well for the Lord always tries to follow His leading and secondly it encourages all of us to seek God's best for our relationship with Him and our God-given responsibilities. I am "proud" of you. THANK YOU! ~Jenny C.

  16. Courtney I will have to say that your post couldnt have come a more perfect time for me. It just gave me a sense of peace that we can not always be so involved and ignore what God is trying to tell us. I had to take a break wasnt because I wanted to it was cause I couldnt keep up. After that time away I was able to find a new sense of being that the Lord will want me to share. Good for you for following Gods will for you. Slowing down is not all that bad cause we still get to hear from you. I love that we have different seasons for everything we have going on.

    Much love girl

  17. I am right there with you sister!!!Oswald Chambers has some very inspiring devotions over the last couple of days that I have enjoyed very much, I think it will lift your spirits as well: www.utmost.org. Have a blessed week!!!

  18. I would definitely not call this post unispiring! Most of use need to hear sometimes that we need to do hard things for the betterment of our families or just to sharpen ourselves. Clearly you are a very wise woman who is more concerned with what the Lord thinks of her than what the World does....and that my friend, is VERY inspiring!

  19. Love your blog, Courtney, you've been a great encouragement to me this past year. Nonetheless, this might be the best blog post you've done, which sounds odd, but as a Christian woman, knowing when to say no and having the guts to do what you know deep down inside is hard. SO, it is an encouragement to see another woman sorting through her priorities, and when a woman does that, everyone will be even more blessed.


  20. Non un-inspiring in the least, girl.

    Good for you for being obedient. The very fact that you are feeling lighter indicates you've chosen wisdom in this regard.

    I blog for many of the same reasons you described and I, too, have felt the same ebb and flow of seasons influencing my writting - Roll with it, I cheer you on!

  21. A wonderful post as we watch you listen to the Holy Spirit, and even though you may "love" blogging, you are stepping back! Way to go!!!

    I saw a cartoon in a mag. last night I loved,

    Old man in his death bed, surrounded by family...he states "wish I had spent more time on the internet".


  22. Well done, Courtney! We can't follow the King unless we're listening for His voice.

    God bless you in this transition!

  23. I made the decision about a year ago to do a M, W, F schedule as well for blogging...and sometimes, I write out my posts a week at a time so that I can sit back and let Blogger work for me.

    It feels nice to stick to that schedule and if I don't have anything to write about...I don't! No biggie. :)

  24. dear courtney,

    this is such a confirmation to me, because i
    was feeling led to slow down my posts, as

    i want to put more time and prayer into each
    one instead of just blubbering out what pings
    on my brain.

    your blog is so great, thanks for the visit.


  25. I was just thinking last night about how we all end up realizing the need to slow down in the blogosphere...I literally was thinking about you and wondering when/if your time would come. Haha!

    Oh, this is a very inspiring post, in my opinion! :)

  26. I really respect your ability to take a step back and re-prioritize. I hope you see other parts of your life bloom from the added attention. This post DID inspire me... thanks.

  27. Hi Courtney,
    I recently stumbled across your blog and it literally saved my marrige. I just gave birth to my third child in four years and was feeling so bogged down with everything. Your blog was like a gift God sent to me right when I needed it most! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it. I look forward to your posts, three days a week!

  28. Way to go! We always need to be evaluating our time and considering whether what we're doing is worthwhile in light of serving Him! Psa. 90:12 speaks of how we use our time and it's always a good reminder.

    I'm positive that none of us will lie on our deathbeds some day saying, "Man, I wish I'd blogged more...."

  29. Courtney,

    As you can see-we understand! You need to be there more for your family, etc.! I respect you for being honest and obeying the Lord. God Bless!!

  30. Courtney,
    Just wanted to encourage you that even THIS post is an encouragement to women as, by example, you have helped us to remember to constantly be taking stock of our activities and our priorities. It is SO easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life, even in the good things we may be involved in, and not listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting.
    Well done, Sister!

  31. Courtney!
    This post was Spirit inspired! I work part-time 5 days a week. I am pursuing a PhD, wife of a husband who travels a lot for work and the mother of an active 13 year old boy. The Lord has been leading me through the Holy Spirit to reduce my hours at work from 5 days a week to 2 days. I enjoy the work but I have accepted your challenge to make my home a haven and this post spoke to me. I will definitely follow the Lord's hands and cut back to a 2 day work week. Thanks for sharing. Pray that I continue to walk in obedience.

  32. That is a VERY INSPIRING post. Thank you for all you do.

    PS - I would be wise, as a new blogger, to follow your lead. Thank you.

  33. I agree with so many of these other ladies. This is an inspiring post. Saying "no" is a hard thing for many of us to do, especially women (I think). I know I'm still working on it!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!