Friday, September 24, 2010

Is the Bible Really God's Word?

I struggle at times. I know that the only word we have from God on this planet earth is contained within this leather bound book that lies on my desk day and night. Yet the computer, television, a busy schedule, to-do list or even serving God - woo me away from hearing God's voice in his word.

I long to sit down and just drink from the living waters of God's word and be refreshed. I long for a still moment of prayer and time in God's word. But for some unknown reason, I regularly try to satisfy this need in other places!

What makes the Bible so special? What makes it the number one best seller of all time?

For the rest of this post visit me over at Good Morning Girls.

Walk with the King!


  1. It never contradicts. It does not condemn. It is full of grace and truth and unconditional love.

    It is living and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword.

    Yes... all of this I know, and yet, like you... still go wandering for satisfaction elsewhere.

    Thank you for this reminder.


  2. I'm so glad you posted this. I have been very confused lately and as I was dropping the kids off for school I remembered "thy word is a lamp unto my feet..." so I decided that when I got home I was gonna open up the Word. Then I got on my computer and was reading facebook, then I came thanks for steering me back in the right direction. I'm off to feed my spirit with the wonderful Word of God.

  3. I'm very glad you posed this. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Christian that struggles with this. Not just reading it (cause we can do that without really absorbing it) but delving in and devouring it..

  4. Courtney~ Really liked this post. I am always asking myself Why is it so hard for me to read the Bible daily, seems like I can find so many other things to do and they always seem much more fun until later in the day and then I feel guilty about not reading the Word.

  5. Our human body and sinful nature are compelling foes. Thank you for this post. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am totally there with you on the longing to sit and spend time with Him, to soak it all in!! I have been struggling with this lately and glad to know there are others struggling with that feeling of longing too!
    Heading over to read the rest...

  8. Hi Courtney, I had commented on a blog and signed up for e-mail comments and so a few days later your comment popped up on 'making friends' and I commented back to you ... , and I was just joking around (British sense of humor) but I also said that I would stop by your blog. I am so glad that I did, not only did I read Nine Doors Down, but went across to your Good Morning Girls and also just read your About Me - which made me smile by the end. I look forward to reading more, watching your video's, and taking a stroll together down the road of Our Lord ... hello, and thank you xxx

  9. I have read the Bible my whole life, but our church started Reading the Bible in 90 Days and I can see it in a whole new way. We read 12 pages a day for 90 days so it often takes me all day to get through it. I carry it with me and read it during kids' activities, appts., pickup line, etc. just like I normally do whatever book I'm reading. It is literally with me all day long. It is so neat to see the whole picture of God's story. It has made me realize how many verses we take out of context of the story. It also makes me ask myself, "Do I really believe this stuff?" because it is really bizarre. It takes my faith to a deeper level. If anyone is struggling I think this would be a great place to start.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!