Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Do You Struggle to Read Your Bible Daily?

Do you struggle to read your Bible daily? That was a unanimous - YES - right? ME TOO!!!

Oh how I struggle - I had NO idea how hard it would be to find sweet savoring moments with my Savior once I became a wife and mom!

In our heavily saturated tech society, I have found my box attached to the wall (that is my computer) to be a great resource for spiritual growth through on-line commentaries, devotionals and blogs. There is a shift from the old days when people sat on their front porches chatting their evening away. When I jog through our neighborhood in the evenings it is desolate. I think everyone is either watching TV or on their computers - probably on Facebook!!!

Remember when our moms were on the phone attached to the wall by a cord! The front porch has been replaced by Facebook and the phone attached to the wall - by a cell phone in our purse! No longer do we need to write letters - we just text each other! I LOVE these short cuts!

Since technology has become everyone's friend - why not use it for a greater good? God's word says: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says to, "…encourage one another and build each other up…"

Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

This new tech world offers women - who sometimes feel isolated from each other - a chance to connect. Starting a Good Morning Girls group is a way to make those connections deeper and more meaningful.

Are you struggling to read your bible daily? Are you in need of replenishing? Are you thirsty for the living well and the living water of Jesus? Do you need accountability in your daily walk with God? Let's start Fall 2010 off right!!! Consider today starting your own Good Morning Girls group by going here! I'd love to help you along your way! Ladies - we will not live well - until we are drinking from the living well of Jesus - that is what this blog - Women Living Well - is all about!

Jesus said in John 6:35 "He who believes in me will never be thirsty."

If you are thirsty today - do something about it!

My sweet partner Angela over at has made a one minute message for you!!! She lives in Texas...but can you guess where she was just yesterday when she made this video???

If creating a group is not for you, we would still love for you to follow along starting September 15th as we blog 3 days a week at We will blog specifically to encourage you in your daily walk with the King! Angela will blog on Mondays, we will both share blogging on Wednesdays about what we are learning in our quiet times (and we'd love to hear on that day what you are learning too!) and on Fridays I will be starting a new series titled "Foundational Verses You Should Know" (and really these are verses your children should know too!). See you there!

Walk with the King!
I am linked up here today:
works for me wednesday at we are that family


  1. Courtney, I have been in a GMG group for exactly one year today (started by a friend of yours.. Shasta) and I will say that it has been the first time in my life that I have consistently been in God's Word on almost a daily basis. Why? Because of the wonderful accountability and fellowship of my GMG. More than that, we have become friends and prayer partners through life's ups an downs. Thank you for coming up with the idea and taking it global. I pray that it is a blessing to many women. Praising God for your heart to see women to grow in the Lord.

  2. I am so excited about this! I am on my way to sign up! Thank you for this. Even though I am in a time zone completely upside down to most, I a looking forward to joining with women in seeking the Lord.

  3. I love it! All so true! Your post made me smile this morning because my blog's focus for September is putting Hebrews 10:24-25 into action in our communities in blogland and on Facebook! LOL Talk about confirmation! God bless you and your ministry as you start a new Fall! I will be stopping by your Good morning site often myself!

  4. So nice to hear your voice Angela! :-) Can't wait for my GMG group to start back up. I've missed it.

    It sure is a blessing. I love that there is more of a small niche accountability group under the umbrella of GMG!

    Great post Courtney! Yes, it is so hard... but HE IS SO WORTH IT.

    Every time I make it a priority to get alone with Him I am blessed and re-charged for the day.

    Love you girls and thank you for all you are doing to help women walk closer to our Savior!


    @ Ordinary Inspirations (

  5. Amen! Great post and great reminder to drink from the living well daily! Thanks!

  6. I have found Bible reading daily a little easier since I have found good reading plans online and printed them out.
    Mind you I read through one twice and thought how good I was at getting throught the whole Bible two more times........then I noticed..I can be so clever!!duh, that it was new testament, psalms and proverbs only.....oh well I read them all through twice......LOL.
    God got me.....the wholle bible once is chose started me off date wise in 2 Chron and it has been fabulous. I like a date and a reading. Keeps me in check. If I miss one night I have to read double..etc.

  7. Love the idea of GMG, Courtney! Praying that God uses it in a huge way! :)

  8. She's in San Francisco. That's my guess. Looking forward to the start of GMG Fall.

  9. Lisa - hooray!!! Warms my heart to hear this good news!!

    A Little R - woohoo - welcome to the group!

    Mary Joy - love it when God does that!

    Traci - she'll be at Relevant too - can't wait to see you face to face!!

    Casey - we are in it together!

    Ozjane - my husand uses Bible reading plans - he is about to finish reading through the Bible in on a 2 year plan.

    FunMom - girl you are the idea woman! I love yours too!

    Toni - you guessed it! Good Job!!!

    Love you guys!

  10. I love your blog and your message and your encouragement- but I have a really hard time reading with all the font size changes. It makes it very hard to read the text.

  11. What a neat idea! I'll definitely take a look :^)
    This quote from "We Would See Jesus" by Roy and Revel Hession is one that gripped my heart many years ago as a Senior in college:
    "If we do not have a continuing devotional life with the Lord, expressing itself in prayer and feasting on His Word, is it not because we have become spiritually cold and out of touch with the Lord?...the remedy is not, as popularly supposed, to make a new attempt to pray and read the Bible more regularly, but to go directly to the Lord Jesus himself -- to repent of the coldness and of the things that have caused it, and to receive from Him again His cleansing. Then it is that prayer and the study of His Word are suffused once more with the glory of His Presence, and become a delight, and our witness to others becomes fresh and spontaneous! In this way we find Jesus to be the pathway to our devotions, rather than our devotions the pathway to Him -- though obviously in getting right with Him we do actually pray, and in dealing with us God invariably uses His Word."

  12. I'm really looking forward to this! Thanks for putting this together!


  13. Anonymous - thank you for this beautiful quote!

  14. You Friday blog on verses sounds so good! Looking forward to it :)

  15. I'm convinced that if you have time to go to the bathroom and eat, you have time to spend time in the Word. Shouldn't we be showing our kids that even they need to realize that God is our highest priority?

    One of my biggest memories of being little was my mom going in her bedroom in the morning and seeing her sit in a chair in the corner with her Bible open. We were not to disturb her. That made a huge impression on me.

    Earlier this year, I determined to do a 90 day Bible read, and although the 13-14 chapters a day required a lot (we have 7 kids that we homeschool), it was wonderful for me to read a chapter here and there all throughout the day. It was spiritually enriching and turned my eyes continually toward things of Christ throughout the day.

    Thank you so much for taking a stand on making God a priority in our lives! Love your blog!

  16. Thank you so much for posting this (along with the other post more recently about struggling with morning time)

    I really needed to hear this. I started keeping an online journal and used that to pray to God. Having young kids up the minute I am (can't get up earlier) my attention span is shot if I try to talk to God with just words (or thoughts). I type a whole lot faster than I write, plus if I lose my thought I can just reread what I just wrote and get going again.

    As your other post states, I'm just going to give myself grace with this season of life. I have a 5 year old (who is scared of being alone so the clock trick won't work) and a one year old who still doesn't sleep through the night.

    Thanks again

  17. Oh how exciting what a wonderful way to really get into our Fathers word. Thanks for sharing this. I would love to sign up. I would love to join a GMG.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!