Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Notes From Sally Clarkson's Session on Parenting

Yesterday I was a Hostess over at the Heart Of The Matter Online's Homeschooling Conference. I opened for Sally Clarkson (who will be a fellow speaker at the Relevant Conference in October - I am DYING to meet her!!) and I led a chat session after her session. If you missed it - here's the Cliffs Notes version!!!

First let me briefly fill you in on who Sally is. She is the homeschooling mother of 4 children - 3 are grown. She has multiple books published on Motherhood and she is a blog writer (I Take Joy) and a conference speaker.

Yesterday I was like a sponge, soaking in all of her Titus 2 wisdom so I thought I'd share with you a few of her key points that encouraged me!

1. Read great books to your children and introduce them to the best minds in the world.

2. Satan hates children. They are the next generation and he'll do anything to distract them with television, video games etc. Remember to continually prepare your children to serve God.

3. Create a foundation of love in your home. Teach them to obey the greatest commands, to love God and love others. Just as Jesus spent time with the disciples eating, laughing and doing life with them, as parents we must build bridges of love to our children's hearts. Live, laugh and do life together.

4. Establish a foundation of grace in your home. From Genesis to Revelation we see the grace of God revealed. Teach your children to offer God's grace to others - many times this is displayed through good manners.

5. Inspire your children. They were created to do good works. Find their talents and let them be who they are. Fill their hearts and minds with heroes and those who made a mark on this world for Jesus. Stand with your children through trials knowing that this is making them a stronger man or woman of God. Don't always protect them, let God build their character and grow them through their trials.

6. Teach your children scripture and live out a faithful story before them. They will have to be warriors for God one day and they are watching us. What are we role modeling? They need to see our passion for the Lord which gives them a foundation for their faith.

7. Train your children to be self-controlled, to work hard and long hours, to be creative and grow them into maturity. Be intentional about your training. This is a long process. Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." "When he is old" means when he grows a beard. This is a process. And remember - at what age did we become perfect? We are working towards maturity not perfection. Filter television. Be sure to fill their minds with truth.

8. Teach your children to serve others. Train them to take initiative in relationships. If you want to see them as a servant of God, you must incorporate it into their lives. Show them the needs of the world through missions, homeless shelters, serving your neighbors and opening your home. Do not let your children become the future Pharisees of America, teach them to serve.

"Training your children in Godliness is a lifestyle!"

Yesterday I wrote about some of my personal frustrations in parenting. Then as Sally spoke, God touched my heart and moved me to not only go the distance with my children in patience and perseverence but to go deeper with my children in faith, love, grace, inspiration, and service. Thank you Sally for oozing wisdom!
Walk with the King!

Check out all of Sally's resources at Whole Heart Ministries. After hearing her speak - I am heading over to this site to order Our 24 Family Ways: A Family Devotional Guide.


  1. Thanks so much for posting all of that info from her session on parenting!! I am really looking forward to meeting her and hearing her speak at the Relevant Conference as well. We have been using their devotional guide for a few weeks and will incorporate it into our school day as well. I think it is wonderful and the questions included on each day have really sparked some good conversation between myself and the kids.

  2. Thanking your for sharing Courtney! I really needed to read these words today. Especially no. 5. Our 5yo starts kindergarten in a few weeks and I've been dreading it the whole summer. He gets fearful in new situations and it worries me that I won't be there with him during the day to deal with all the new and scary stuff. But I need to let go and let God. He's not just my child, he's God's child too. And God will be there and use this new challenge to help our son grow in character.

    Mary Ellen

  3. Thanks for the refresher, Courtney! Sally Clarkson's book, The Ministry of Motherhood, is in my top 5 all time favorite books. It has tremendously shaped who I am (or try to be) as a Mama. I have never heard her speak though, so thanks for sharing your notes.

    And how exciting that you were given that platform!! So, so happy for you! :)


  4. Thank you for sharing these notes, Courtney. I am especially convicted about my own life as I read them. If I am not disciplined and growing in godliness, how will my children learn to be?

  5. Sweet Courtney,
    You are a natural speaker and great host. I was listening to you as your mind churned away on what to say next and how to lead these precious moms in discussion that was relevant to them and you did such a great job! I prayed for God to continue using you. It was a blessing to have you be the moderator for me. I look so forward to our meeting in October. We must away for our own private cup of coffee together. I appreciate your heart and life. Many blessings!

  6. As a teacher, I loved #1!! I also want to add - read with your kids and talk to them about the books they are reading! Ask them questions, have them retell parts of the story to you, have them make predictions. It's easy to do and really helps kids become strong readers!

  7. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    No. 2 spoke directly to me. We have done away with so many "wordly" things over the last few years, and sometimes, I feel sorry for the kids...but you (Sally) are so right. Satan is using these things to speak directly to our children, and he's using my guilt, to try and win.

    I agree with are very gifted in what you do. I think your realness is refreshing, and your writing is straight from your heart to ours.

    Thanks again Courtney!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing! I love Sally and her ministry. We, too, own Our 24 Family Ways but haven't fully committed to really implementing it yet. Not sure what we're waiting for??? There's no such thing as an "ideal time"!

  9. Thanks for sharing your notes with us. I was not able to attend this year and this sound like advice we all need to hear. Many thanks again.

  10. wasn't it a WONDERFUL session - so challenging. It made me think of an analogy...with HS, we can easily get caught up in oiling and organising the cogs and wheels, when in fact we should be looking to the Force that TURNS those cogs and wheels. Without the power and strengh of the Saviour, we are nothing, and our wheels will not turn. We need to oil them with prayer, and make sure they don't get clogged up with musk, or jammed by things that get in and distract. On another note, I am merrily writing out chore lists for my home, and arranging to do them like you - alliterating with the letter for the weekday it is! Great tip!!! It will be great to remember to clean the "washing machine drawer" on a Wednesday! Thanks fir leading the session so ably. And THANKS to Sally for the inspiration and refreshment she brought to my HS life! God is good! x

  11. Thank you for this encouraging post, I just went WOW! I get such delight to her my lil 3 yo sing praise to God in her own lil songs and it just lifts my heart,I have never really considered that enemy input into the distraction of the children,
    My DH got me "Ministry of Motherhood," & "Dancing with My Father" for my birthday and I am just soaking in Sally's wisdom and insight.
    Thank you so much for this post and sharing your notes- you have changed the whole direction of my day!!

  12. I am so glad you shared this! Sally always has such wonderful things to say. I was able to hear her speak at a Homeschooling conference a few years ago. She was the highlight of the conference for sure!

    I'm new to your blog and am enjoying reading what you have to say.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!