Friday, July 30, 2010

How 2 Years of Blogging Has Changed My Life

Next month, I will have been blogging for 2 years. At this point, blogging has taken up a HUGE chunk of my free time. This ministry has changed my life.

The emails I receive from hurting women - have touched me.

The encouragement and support from women whose lives are being changed - have touched me.

The criticism I have received from angry women - have touched me.

The writing of other bloggers in the "blogging community" - have touched me.

But most of all - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has touched me. He has opened my eyes to the needs, hurts and beauty of my generation. He has opened my eyes to the beauty of the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman. He has opened my eyes to what the word GRACE really means.

We do not and will not all look alike. There is no cookie cutter mold for how we as women will serve our God. We each have our own story from where we came, where we are today and where we are going tomorrow.

We are journeying together in this thing we call life. If I have ever appeared to have it all together - I apologize - because I am a very flawed sinner saved by grace. Nothing more.

During these two years, I've been surprised by some of my bloggy happenings...things like the Rachael Ray Show producer emailing me (I remember being weak in the knees during that phone call!) or when my readership spiked over 1,000 visitors in a day for the first time. Sure, those moments are exciting. But it's not what my blogging is all about.

It's about me being faithful to what I believe God is calling me to do. As I listen to God, submit to my husband, train my children, serve in my home and then turn my attention to the social media world -I open myself up - and say - here I am Lord, use me.

Has God laid a ministry on your heart? Have you surrendered your life to him saying "use me Lord Jesus". Oh, it's scary to say those words - but let me testify - it's so exciting too! There are hard nitty gritty painful days but THEN there are those moments when I sit on my deck, with my face towards the sun and the wind blows and I feel his presence like a warm coat around me. I have never been more confident in my life that this is the work God prepared in advance for me to do (Ephesians 2:10) .

I am reminded of Noah building the ark for days on end. Others walked by and wondered what in the world he was doing! (and trust me I have had plenty of people say "you do what? You blog? Why? Who has time for that?) In Genesis 6:9 the Bible says "Noah walked with God". This is what Noah was doing - walking with the King! And this is what happens when you walk with the King. The King might ask you do to something outside of your comfort zone!

Dear sister, take risks - follow the King of Kings! Is he asking you to submit to your husband? Is that scary to you? Do it - and you will find freedom there! Is he asking you to sacrifice something you enjoy so that you can spend time training your children? Do it - you won't regret it. Is he asking you to step out of your home and talk to your neighbor, your cousin or a mom on your child's soccer team? Do it! Be like Noah - who surrendered his all to the King - took a risk - and found joy on the other side. Do it!

If I can - so can you! But you must be listening - you must be sure that the quiet voice you hear is God's. And when you are sure it is - surrender.

I'm reminded of missionary and martyr Jim Elliot's quote "Where ever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

God can use anyone and he wants to use you. Below is a 4 minute video by Author and best seller of Crazy Love, Francis Chan. At birth his mom died. At 9 his step-mom died. At 12 his father died. His only close family was his aunt and uncle and at 16 they both DIED! And so at 16 Francis had nothing...

Are you living a "safe" life? Then You MUST watch this video - it is only 4 minutes long - but it will prepare you for the day you meet Jesus!

Join me in abandoning the safe life - let's serve our King of Kings with every breath we have - till we all meet together in heaven! I'll see you there!

Walk with the King!


  1. All i can say is WOW Courtney. What an inspiring and touching post, thank you for having the courage to reach us with this ministry you truly are an inspiration!! Thank you for blessing my walk with the King

  2. Congrats on two years! You are doing amazing works for God and yourself! Keep it up!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I don't blog but I am an avid Facebook-er and just added the balance beam clip to my wall. I am a newer reader, and while I may not agree with everything you do/say, I value your thoughts.

  4. I have seen that video before and I love it. I am a big fan of Francis Chan. If you haven't read his book, The Forgotten God, I recommend it.

    I love that your blog is encouraging. I love that, in my opinion, you don't come across as being perfect. You come across as a woman in love with God and striving to be obedient to His Word.

    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Aw, Courtney, what a touching post! God has used you in so many ways in the blogosphere, I can tell. Thanks for your faithfulness.

  6. Thank you for sharing this inspiring clip and for your transparent words of encouragement. I have really enjoyed your blog. I know I said it recently, but I am really looking forward to Relevant. God is going to show up in a huge way.

    Many blessings,


  7. Shared this clip on my blog, too, and gave you credit. Loved it... needed it :) Thanks for sharing it!

  8. Thank you for sharing this! It was a blessing. Congrats on 2 years of blogging! I also have enjoyed blogging - it's been a great way to be accountable to others for my walk with God (sort of like your Good Morning Girls). :)

  9. Thank you for your boldness and your overall passion for your husband, home, and children! I have been more inspired in the last 15 minutes of browsing your site than I have been in the last 15 days! I'm so happy to see how God has blessed such pure and biblical motives. Blessings!

  10. Congrats on two years!!!

    I just found you recently and I have been so blessed! Thank you for being obedient.

    People underestimate how exciting and fulfilling life is, when we are just obedient.

    I loved the video too, I'm a think outside the box kind of girl. :o)

    Hugs, Fi

  11. Thank you for this post. I am blessed that Lord lead me to you! You have helped me more then you know!! Keep up the great work you are doing!!! I just listen to Francis Chan last night on a radio program about his story. He is amazing an inspirational and could have chose another path. Luv you girl!!

  12. Thank you so much for this post! This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been reading your blog for about 6 months, but just recently I started following and created my own blog to honor The King! Thank you for your inspiration!

  13. Courtney, words aren't enough to tell you how much you have changed my life when I happened upon your blog. I am a work in progress and I am sooo thankful God sent an angel into my life to show/teach me how to be a better wife and mother. You are my saving grace and I thank you:-)!!!!

  14. Goose Bumps...the video was wonderful and really has me thinking! We are so blessed that 2 years ago you took the leap and started your blog. Reading your inspirational words are such a blessing to me & I am sure all who read. You are truly an amazing women of God. Thanks for all you do and sharing your heart so openly with all of us!!!

  15. The words 'Use me' are not easy words to say. I remember when God was making it clear to me that I was to homeschool....that was SO out of my comfort zone. Oh, I loved the idea of it, but - me? ME Lord? Who is sufficient for what God asks us to do? But He gives grace. He gives the blessing.
    Yes, we have to just be obedient. God does the rest.
    Love, Anne x

  16. I'm new to your blog. I find it to be so encouraging and love reading your posts. God bless you and your ministry.

    Mary Ellen

  17. Happy Blogiversary to You! We are very blessed and encouraged by WLW!

    ***AND*** Thank You for admitting that this "blogging thing" is a HUGE time-hogger...I think a lot of bloggers just act like it's no hop on, you hop off...and I've found that very Not True.

    Have a Great Weekend!

  18. Congratulations!!! on your 2 years of blogging. Your post was very uplifting thanks

  19. Congratulations on your two year anniversary!!!! My one year is coming up too! God is doing something so powerful through your ministry...touching so many lives with his amazing love!!! God bless you for listening to Him and following His lead with your blog ministry. God is working on me as well and I have answered the to call to blog ministry as well. Thank you for being so encouraging! I learn a lot from you in your ministry for my own marriage as well as ministering to women.


    Mary Joy

  20. Congratulations my sweet friend on your two years of blogging! I can't believe it's already been that long! I love seeing how God is using you in this ministry! You are such an encouragement to so many and especially to me! :)

    Enjoyed your video today too! Very powerful! Been thinking about it all day! :)

    Love you!


  21. Regarding Francis Chan:

    God has called me to not just step up on the balance beam, but to take some deep plunges into unknown abysses. I like to call it "spiritual bungee-jumping"! God sometimes calls us to do some pretty crazy things....

    I love hearing about your blogging journey Courtney. It's really cool and wonderful to hear about the ways God works in our lives. Bless you today...

  22. Hi Courtney,
    I found your blog a few weeks ago through Raising Homemaker's which I found through Simply Vintage girl or Sarah Mae's blog i forget which one. Anyway I have always wanted to be an encouragement to others to be a Godly wife. I have been thinking about blogging. I know what will happen though if I set up a blog. I will get stuck at what should be my first post. I find myself thinking often through out the day. That would be good to blog about. I did began setting up a blog with blogger but stopped at what do you want your blog to be called. I can't think of a good name. Anyway you have encouraged me to take that blogging step if I can come up with a name. Also even though we agree on a lot of issues you have still encourgaged me and made be think about and realize ways I could better serve my man and it has already began to make a difference. Love you girl.
    Sister in Christ

  23. Congratulations on two years! I really enjoy your blog!


  24. Thank you to every single one of you for your comments!! I truly cherish them and they keep me motivated to carry on into the third year!

    And my blog has grown because of you all and you all spreading the word - thank you!!

    I cannot wait to see how God works in our lives this year!

    If you are a blogger - KEEP it up - let's saturate cyber space with God's word.

    Much Love,

  25. Wow! That is great and so true! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Courtney,
    I remember my first day of having 1,000 hits - YOU sent them to my engagement announcement! Haha! :-) Look how influential you are! :-) I'm thankful for you!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!