Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Rachael Ray Show Re-airs Friday, June 25

I just learned that the Rachael Ray Show will be re-airing the segment on mariage tomorrow - Friday, June 25th. If you missed it the first time - you can find the local air time here.

Walk with the King!


  1. Oh my goodness! Let the marriage mailbag begin! Exciting.

  2. Oh cool! I'm definitely going to tivo that so I can sit down and enjoy it after my son goes to bed. Thanks for letting us know : )

  3. I am SO glad!!! I missed it the first time! My hubby is home today and we are going to watch it together. I have told him all about you and your husband and we are in 100% support and try to do the same here. God is SO awesome!

  4. 25, 2010 at 9:24 AM

    Thank Courtney for visiting my blog,
    you will love that recipe of Hashbrown casserole, and a girl friend of mine does step by step picture with her baking , so i thought i was a cute idea..
    I love the picture of you and your husband with your company uniform, do you work with him as well?

  5. 25, 2010 at 9:51 AM

    Courtney, I put you on my facebook to that the girls from the bible study i teach can watch Rachel Ray today.
    Cant wait..

    Look me up on FB,,
    Karen Turner Long

  6. I watched you on the Rachel Ray show and was amazed at how happy you are! I too am a stay at home mother....I do everything during the day and I do 90% of the housework. However, when my husband gets home at the end of the day, I expect him to help me with whatever I have left to do. Why should he only have to work 8-10 hours a day when I work 16? I have also failed to find the joy in staying home. I do it because I know it is where I should be however, it is often a thankless job.

    I applaud you for finding joy in this. I guess I wish that a little would rub off on me.

    I just have to wonder how realistic it is to be happy 24/7.

  7. Watching you as I type!!!! It's interesting to watch after you posted about how you and your husband met! You did a great job!!!

  8. Stacey - Thank you for writing.
    I made a 5 minute youtube video answering this very question titled Smiling At Home:

    Hope this helps!

  9. 26, 2010 at 6:41 PM

    Hey Courtney. I watched the RR show and loved it.. you did a great job and very beautiful by the way..
    Thanks for being a spokes person for some of woman.. come visit me again at


  10. Hi courntey! I saw your RR spot before I came across your blog via MBC - such a TREAT to have found your blog and connect with you. I am your newest follower! I am 35 years old, been married 13 1/2 years, and have 2 year old and 16 week old! Although the first 12 years of our marraige we both worked, and both shared the responsibilities of the household, now that we have children I stay home and maintain the home, and work some from home, while my husband works outside the home - all that you've said is right on and it's obvious the Lord is blessing your marraige as He has blessed ours. I couldn't be happier, and defining those roles are so important. I so often wish life was simpler for everyone the way things used to be - but I truly believe our marraige is one of the greatest testimonies we have to share with others - a beautiful reflection of our relationship with the Lord - and women are never more radiant and alive in their femininity and womanhood then when their men are radiant and alive in their masculinity and manhood - yes? our desires fit together like a puzzle piece so perfectly! oh there is so much more to say but will talk more with you soon - would love to have you follow me at - I'm a new blogger, only 6 posts, but heartfelt posts indeed! would love your thoughts.

    p.s. i host a weekly mom's group in an effort to connect with other moms and such but have also had a tremendous opportunity to mentor young women on what it means to be the wife and mother that the Lord has called us to be - so cool!

  11. Karen - no I don't work with my husband but I volunteered my hands to help out at their booth! Just trying to be supportive!

    Mangiabella - so great to cyber meet you!!!



I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!