Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quiet Time Tip - Grab Your Highlighter!

Here's my quiet time tip of the week. When you read your Bible grab a highlighter and get marking! Here is what the book of Proverbs looks like in my Bible. And if you saw my last two Bibles they look identical. Why?

Because I struggle with words and my use of them. I long to be a wise woman.
Proverbs 13:3 says "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin."So, I highlighted every single verse on speech in the book of Proverbs with a pink highlighter. You can do this in your Bible with anything you are struggling with or looking to focus in on and learn.
Proverbs is also a great book of the Bible to read one chapter a day in. There are 31 chapters - so you can read one chapter each day of the month. Since today is the 17th of June, you would read Proverbs 17 today. And tomorrow read Proverbs 18 and go according to the date. And the end of the month, start over and read it again!

Think of the wisdom you will gain! Pray the Proverbs over your husband, children and yourself. Mark other key words with other colors of highlighters. Drink up God's word and Live Well!

Walk with the King!

holy experience
Resource Suggestion: If you are looking to understand Bible basics there is a brand new website that was begun by other mommy bloggers and students of the word titled Scripture Dig. They have been writing on topics such as: How We Got to 66 Books, What All the Different Versions of the Bible Are, and What the True Timeline of the Books of the Bible Are. If you have some questions about the background of the Bible and the basics of the faith - this is a great blog to visit.


  1. I have Psalm 141:3 "Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips." on the inside flap of my Bible to remind me to watch what I say. Our tongues can get us into to much trouble, not to mention wound the spirit of another.

  2. I highlight things in my bible according to color,, if it has to do with a man i high light in Blue, if it has to do with a woman , I highlight in Pink, and if it has to do with children and or family , I high light in yellow... that way if i am searching my bible for something to do with ME.. I know it will be high lighted in Pink..

  3. Courtney,

    Thanks for sharing. I am actually in the process of working on my speech so this was very helpful.

  4. Reading a well marked up bible is like reading someone's diary. Except, it's a diary that you can always be proud of!

  5. I use a colored pencil in my Bibles because it doesn't bleed through the pages! Just a tip.

  6. I read the Proverbs chapter of the day, and it really does help in my day. What a practical resource Proverbs is! :)

  7. Tara O - I had to laugh - cause that's next weeks tip shhhhh don't tell lol!!!
    Much Love,

  8. I love highlighter! I use pink for verses that are for women and other colors for other things, it's fun, bright and helps me memorize verses :-)

    thanks for sharing these tips :-)


  9. Hi Courtney,
    Thanks for the tips. I like to work through Proverbs with my kids at meal times (thanks to your example). They are too young to sit through entire chapters, but we do a few verses from my One Year bible each day and chew on the words and their meanings. Sometimes I'm blown away by my kids' insight and understanding. Other times I'm challenged to explain what something means and how it applies. It's always interesting, never boring.

  10. I love using colored pencils and pen on my scriptures. Highlighter goes through my onion skin pages. Helps me find that verse I really loved when I need it. Fellow TILT blogger.

  11. Elizabeth George suggests using pink highlighter for verses specifically for women in "A Woman After God's Own Heart" and I LOVE that tip! It's so helpful to be able to flip through your Bible immediately see what God has for women! I work at a Christian bookstore too, and we carry a LOT of highlighters that are specifically designed for Bibles that don't bleed through. Most Christian bookstores do...

  12. Gretchen - what a fun job - working at a Christian bookstore! I love our local one - I could stay there for hours!lol! But the kids won't let me!!! :-)! Thanks for sharing!

  13. This is a great idea, but I think I'd feel awful about it, because I like to keep my books pristine, it would feel so weird to deliberately mark one up! But, I can see the value in it certainly!

  14. I use some great waxy highlighters for my Bible and I love them!!

  15. Courtney~ Love the look of your Bible shows you read it and know it well. Mine had some highlights but I am still working on it :) Do you mind me asking what type of Bible you use. I have lots of different versions but was just curious. I like my ESV for everyday reading but like a nice study Bible to really get into a book. I almost had to laugh when you were talking aboutProverbs 13:13 I have personally been working on my self control it is right now running amuck!! That verse is used in the short Bible study I found online about self control.

  16. I love it. We have similar looking Bibles. I used to have post-it notes with thoughts from sermons (or my own thoughts) posted througout my Bible - until I gave up and just started writing on the pages themselves. :) Some of those thoughts have impacted my life in such wonderful ways and opened God's Word to me in new depths.

  17. Hi there!

    New follower!

    I would love if you would come and visit my blog and become a new follower :)

    Have a great day!


  18. Thanks for sharing. I am actually in the process of working on my speech so this was very helpful.
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Walk with the King!