The Proverbs 31 woman was a domestic artist. Proverbs 31:22 says "she makes coverings for her bed." Did you catch that - she MAKES her coverings.
Well, I'll be honest - I buy my "coverings" at Target! But I am working my way through a brand new book titled "Polished Cornerstones - Projects for Daughters on the Path to Womanhood". I want to train my daughter to love homemaking. So, yesterday at breakfast we read some of Proverbs 31 and then proceeded to do our morning chores. My daughter makes her own bed everyday but I wanted her to learn to make her bed to the glory of God. To develop her heart towards wanting to make it beautiful - to let making her bed become a work of art.
Sure, it's not perfect, nor the way I would do it...but she's a domestic artist in training! And it's my job to teach her and show her the significance of making her bed.
The Proverbs 31 woman would have spent countless hours making her coverings. It is innate within humans to be drawn toward beauty and so rather than rushing through this rather meaningless task - I challenged her to take her time and make it beautiful to the glory of God!
Genesis 1:27 says man was made in God's image. Our God has created majestic mountains, beautiful sandy beaches, breathtaking sunsets and from the flowers, to the stars, to the birds and butterflies - all of creation declares God's artistic nature.
If you have a daughter, encourage her to express herself - to make it a work of art. Teach her to find joy in making her bed. Praise her efforts and diligence. And as mothers, remember to be a role model like the Proverbs 31 woman and make your bed to the glory of God!
This post is the beginning of a regular Wednesday series I will be participating in. It's Raising Homemaker's Wednesday Link up! Check out other blog posts from the book Polished Cornerstones.
I'm also linked at Word Filled Wednesday's and Wordful Wednesday.
I love the idea of finding ways to make the everyday into a work of art. Love it. The picture is FABULOUS.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of the news my daughter gave me a few weeks ago. She is off at work for the summer at a Christian Confernece Center and she is a children's program leader but had to know how to work in housekeeping if needed. They were doing a demo of how to make the beds and my daughter was THE ONLY ONE that knew what a hospital corner was AND she was able to demo how to do it. I just KNEW it would come in handy someday. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's so great, Courtney. My almost 5 year old really loves to make her bed pretty, and I like emphasizing the idea to do it for the glory of the Lord! (Colossians 3:17 is my life verse, so this really "sticks" with me!)
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome Courtney! My daughter is 12 and LOVES to help me around the house. I hated it when I was a child, but I think it is because I perceived it the way my mother did. The reason my daughter loves it so well is because she hears me singing and praising while I work and she loves the fact that I love to care for our home and our family. It is rubbing off on her in a wonderful way!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging words today!
After just watching a spectacular display of clouds in the sky last evening I agree with God appreciating art and sharing His artistic talents with us. When we create a warm and caring environment in our homes to honor Him and our families it is a blessing to them and us. I feel so much more at peace and able to worship my God when everything is peaceful around me. A site that has helped me with homemaking is Flylady. You can google it and find the main site. It helps with daily organization skills. Sometimes we have not been taught these things as chilldren and it helps to have someone come alongside and encourage us and model it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great reminder for me to make my bed this morning. It is as yet still unmade.
ReplyDeleteAlso brought to mind a missionary friend of mine whose husband was away on meetings. While he was away, she took the time with another girlfriend to redo the bedroom, creating a new headboard and bedding, etc. She showed it to me when she had finished. It struck me what a beautiful gesture for showing respect to her husband, making him feel like a king with this new bedroom. With help from her friend, she did not spend heaps of money, being a missionary she did not have it. The bedroom was stunning. And, I purposed in my heart that day (I was single then) to do the same one day for my husband.
So very, very true!! Great illustration.
ReplyDeleteAll for HIS glory.
Blessings to you this WFW!
What a great post! We need to be reminded that we are walking in God's Kingdom with the King and do ALL to His glory. It is wonderful that you are teaching your daughter to do all to the glory of God.
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled on your blog yesterday and already you have been an encouragement to me! Thanks so much for your focus this morning about teaching your daughter how to glorify God in the tiny details! My daughter is only 3 but I strive to do just that often - Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful! I have three wee ones, only 2 are old enough to make their beds - or so I thought. My 15 month old wants to be like her big brother and sister, so she tries to tuck her blankets into her crib when the other two make their beds. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteI too recently stumbled upon your blog. I was doing some kind of search and there you were! I feel like it was a divine appointment for me. I love being a homemaker but sometimes I feel guilty about certain things like taking time for myself or maybe people think I care too much about clothes or my hair. But you really helped me to see that it is a gift that we can give to ourselves and our husbands to look our best. I appreciate you!
ReplyDeleteYou are giving your daughter some wonderful training. What a blessing to read!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog by going to Raising Homemakers i want to tell you you are great. I have been watching you videos and I cry as you speak because you speak to my heart i want to be a better mom and wife. You have a voice and a personallity that just makes me say amen I want to be like that. Keep up the good work for GOD. Lisa
ReplyDeleteI do not have a daughter, but I am going to think of this when I make my bed each morning! What a wonderful reminder to pray and give glory to God. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteFabulous! I do, as well... I don't want her hubby to have to teach her like me, after she gets married! lol
ReplyDelete(side note: my Mommy was/is a wonderful homemaker. My whole life. I seriously do NOT know how the bed-making went by the way side ;-))
Awesome. My mom always told me that if you make your bed in the morning, your room instantly looks cleaner. This is a great first chore to teach our daughters.
ReplyDeleteI love it. Carissa also makes her own bed each morning as part of our morning cleaning schedule. Your a great momma!
ReplyDeleteI've read a lot about the Polished Cornerstones - Projects for Daughters on the Path to Womanhood. I have a daughter who will be 4 in September. Is she too young for this book?
ReplyDeleteBlessed Mom
ReplyDeleteLet me persuade you inter a quilting class.......LOL.
ReplyDeleteNot, that to be honest...I often have them on my bed. But it has been a lovely way to move out of a Christian enclave and meet those who need the Lord.
There is a double thought to that covering there not.....covering for us physically but the covering of righteousness for us spiritually and may your daughter learn both......Blessings.
Blessed Mom - she is NOT too young - this is the time to start! You would definately benefit from this book - it will be a resource you can use into her teen years!
ReplyDeletefirstly I would like to let you know that I find you so inspirational! You are an awesome woman and a joy to listen to and have really impacted me personally in my quest to walk with God and I thank you sincerely for your time and effort you give towards speaking with women about life and Gods message for us. It really resonates with me as a young woman eager to start a family founded on the word of Christ and I feel like what you do is a great gift for women everywhere seeking guidance with a personal tone.
I watched your YouTube video the other day titled praying continuously and it really struck a tone. And I have been thinking about rejoicing in all of my action. I was part of a mass layoff a little bit ago from my workplace of two years and have been at home actively seeking a new job and it’s been a struggle some days not to become overwhelmed and to find satisfaction but it was so great to hear this! And I have been sort of enamored by “rejoice always” and was re-reminded again today reading this charming post
I was never raised with religion and while in my heart I have always believed in goodness and God and been certain of right and wrong I am just 23 this month but until about four years ago I was afraid letting go and letting Christ guide my life so it’s been a wonderful re-education. I had never felt so satisfied and full of joy and love in my life! And while I am always mitten by every understanding I take away from reading the bible I have been rolling this thought around in my heart since I read it. WOW! Reprogramming myself is tough?
It’s amazing how tough it is to just re teach myself to find
Oh my gosh
JOY! Always!
Anyways I just thought I would share this with you
Maybe a tad childish to have a profound revelation about this idea at my age but I am genuinely touched
Hope your having a glorious day to
Oooooo Jasmine! Thank you so much for commenting! It warmed my heart and I'm doing cartwheels that God is changing your life!! God is so good! Continue to walk with him, yield to him and enjoy him. Life may not always deal us happy circumstances but joy is not based on our happiness but rather an inner peace that comes only from God in the midst of chaos!
ReplyDeleteContinue to pray and rejoice - it will change the entire course of your life!
Much Love,