Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Be The Woman Your Man Needs

Word-Filled Wednesday: Proverbs 31:29 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."

Today's verse is absolutely my favorite verse from the Proverbs 31 passage!

We are on the home stretch of our Proverbs 31 woman series - with just 3 weeks left to go! For the last 21 weeks we have seen the Proverbs 31 woman pour her life out for her family - from caring for her husband, children, servants and to even caring for the poor. We've watched her rise early, stay up late, plant a vineyard, sew her own clothes, her family's clothing, the tapestries and beddings! And here we find her reward: Her husband praising her.

Let's just stop right here! I know what some of you are already thinking, "Courtney you are in lala land - my husband never praises me. All he does is criticize me!" You are imagining that I have a husband who daily says remarkable things about what I do in the home, with the children and the blog. Nope! That is not the case - though I do have a husband who I know is pleased with me. He does not go around pouring out praise.

I live in a normal marriage where my husband sees my flaws and will even mention things that need to be addressed that are being neglected. And when he points those out it's like a dagger to my heart. I take it very personally and seriously. That's something he wishes I would not do. But I have said to him before - "I'm striving to be the Proverbs 31 woman whose husband praises her. So if you point out my flaws I've failed!"

You see, no amount of positive reader comments, worldly accolades, praise from my parents, friends, pastor or even praise from the kids can compete with my desire to please my husband.

The Proverbs 31 woman knew her husband's needs, met them and as a result he praised her. If we neglect what our husbands ask for, ignore their advice, withhold action in the bedroom, and refuse to submit and respect them -it's inevitable - we will not get a whole lot of praise from our husbands.

We can be the best room mother, best career woman, best servant at church, or best friend another woman can have but when we come home - if our husband's needs are not met - we have failed to be like the Proverbs 31 woman.

Every husband has different needs. Every marriage will look different as a result. We need to listen to our husbands.
Do you need to work on being the wife your husband needs? Then join me every Monday from June 7th through August 9th for a summer series titled: Completing Him Challenge - Be the woman your man needs.

I will be giving a weekly principle from scripture along with a challenge to apply in your marriage. I believe if we listen to God's word and apply it in our marriages our husbands will one day say "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."

Take the plunge with me and Walk with the King!

I am participating in Seven Clown Circus Wordful Wednesday and 5 Minutes for Mom Wordless Wednesday.
holy experience


  1. Hi, Courtney!

    Completing Him - such a great challenge! I am going to tell my readers about it, mark my calendar, and participate. It will fit in nicely with my HELLO, HANDSOME! blog party, June 21 - July 21. I hope you are able to attend. Here's the link with all the details:

    I hope you don't mind me copying the graphic and placing it in a post so that my readers can mark their calendars, too. Hey, if you'd like, I can help you write a code for you button, so your readers can easily grab it and place it on their blogs. Just let me know.

    Enjoy God's Blessings Today,

    Homemaker Honey

  2. Here's my post:

  3. I'm looking forward to your series. I have been desiring to do a better job of this.

  4. I have really enjoyed your series on the Prov 31 woman. I am glad that you will be continuing to spur us women on with the next series. I really have a hard time in this area of submission. I think mainly because I grew up without having a father around, but also, because my sin nature hates to submit to anything. I also am very independent, therefore, can get a bit resentful at the idea that someone needs me. Like you said though, we can be great at everything else, but if we neglect the needs of our husbands, then we truly have failed. I think this continuous nagging on my heart is God telling me that my priority is my husband. I can't ignore it. I can't ignore him. Yet, it is so hard for me. I read your blogs because it is a regular reminder of what my job, my purpose, and priority is, as a wife and mother. Thank you for that. God bless you today Courtney.

  5. So glad we have God's word to direct us in our marriages.

  6. Courtney I love this. For the past couple of months I have been striving to be the woman my husband needs..and sometimes I feel like such an epic failure!!!!

    Totally count me in for this challenge.

  7. I am totally with you on how those small comments can be daggers to the heart... I am looking forward to taking the challenge with you!

  8. That sounds like such a wonderful challenge! I am all in!! Looking forward to it

    God Bless You...your blog is such a blessing in my life.

  9. Courtney,

    Another great post/reminder & I am so glad you are continuing with a new series!! I will be following along.... the reason for my post is to share with you & your readers another post we can use... to help us pray for our husbands! (she also has one for your children if you look around her site) it's by Kat at the date of the post was may 30,2010
    anyway hope this helps someone
    Bless you!

  10. I'm so excited for Monday's! Thank you so much!

  11. Yes! I'm in!

    "Every marriage will look different as a result." - right on.

  12. WOW! This is good, looking forward to it (and a little nervous about how sore my toes will be at the end of the summer after you step all over them) =)

  13. Courtney! Woman of God, I love you. Thank you for your ministry. May the good Lord continue to bless you, increase your wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Remember this-

    John 15:18-21 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.

    Continue to speak with Great Boldness. Prayers and Blessings

    Vanessa White

  14. I'll be here for the challenge Courtney.

    I have experienced some praise & criticism this week. It was interesting how the criticism didn't cut as sharply after receiving the praise. The praise was like chocolate, I savor it and then the criticisms aren't as bitter.

  15. Beautiful WFW and great reminder!
    I will have to mark my calendar for the Completing Him challenge.

  16. ohhh that's one i've got to work on!! Great challenge, I'll have to give it a try!

  17. Awesome, awesome awesome! I'm definitely participating and am going to tell my readers about it as well!

    Many Blessings,

  18. Courtney,

    Oh, I am looking forward to your Completing Him challenge and posts! I feel my focus turning toward this matter and not so coincidentally, it seems many of the wonderful blogs I follow are addressing this subject as well. Thank you, Lord!!!


  19. Thanks for the positive feedback on the challenge - Monday I'll be posting a video blog and link up for all the bloggers who want to participate!

    Darla - I checked our your link - thanks for leaving it here!

    Homemakerhoney - love it!

  20. Thanks to my friend Tiffany, I have found your blog. As a newer mom of a 16 month old, it has been difficult to find that balance of wife and mommy. I am most definitely looking forward to this series. Thanks for giving us such wonderful tools to study God's word.

  21. Courtney, I am so encouraged each time I visit your blog. I have participated in a Good Morning Girls group and am now awaiting the beginning of the Completing Him Challenge. I am planning to link up each Monday and to include a post on my blog to encourage other wives as well. Thanks for your spiritual leadership. :) Lana


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!