Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's Not All About Our Quiet Time

Francis Chan (author of Crazy Love) says imagine you told your child - "Go clean your room."

Then your child walked away and returned and said: "I memorized what you said...I can say it in Greek! In fact, some of my friends are going to come over tonight and do a little study on what it would look like for me to clean my room!"

That scenario is absurd! Yet, are we guilty of doing that in our quiet times? Is there a disconnect between our quiet time and our application of God's word in real life?

We can read God's word, study it, memorize it, look up the Greek meaning and even apply it to hypothetical situations. But all of this is a worthless ritual if we do not apply what we read in God's word to our daily lives.

We just launched the Good Morning Girls website last Friday. We now have almost 20 brand new groups who have signed up so far - states represented are: Ohio (3 cheers for my home state!!!), Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Nevada, Virginia, Nebraska, Maryland and Oklahoma!

I am over the top excited to see so many brand new Good Morning Girls groups BUT I just want to be honest here - it's not ALL about our quiet times...

Walk as Jesus walked as you Walk with the King!

Side note: For all the winter GMG groups returning, please sign up for the new session - I have not heard from many of you but I know many of you are still going. Please sign-up on the message board here!


  1. I absolutely love this Francis Chan video clip and recently used it on a blog that I started to go alongside a Hebrews bible study I am leading. Thanks for posting it!! I know that I spent too much of my life on that "middle road". I am praying that many will watch the video and would respond to the Holy Spirit as He prompts them to approach their personal faith in Jesus Christ and the application of that faith in a life-changing way.

  2. Wow! Great video! So true! Thanks for posting that Courtney!

  3. interesting post! I should listen to the video soon but time is short now, Little ones are just woke up from nap time! Mama as to go!

  4. Thank you. That was very interesting and eye opening. My husband is a youth minister and I think this would also be very helpful for him. Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a wonderful, truthful post. I never thought of it like that!

    I wasn't able to get the video started so I'll have to check back later!

  6. We just finished this book in our SS class. Great book!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!