Friday, April 23, 2010

My Favorite Tool for Scripture Memory Giveaway!

I have discovered a powerful tool for memorizing scripture and it's called Seeds Family Worship. This company makes CD's with verses set to modern music that the entire family can enjoy - while memorizing scripture. And I am so excited to giveaway FIVE of their CD's to FIVE of my readers!!!!

Check out this video below with one of their songs from their CD's. I can guarantee you if you listen to the song the entire way through you will have Psalm 55:22 memorized. Give it a try!

I am so thrilled that Seeds Family Worship has been so generous to give me FIVE CD's to share with my readers! And there's a BONUS, in each case are two identical CD's, one for you to keep, and one for you to share with a friend! So really I'm giving away 10 CD's!!! This is my favorite tool for scripture memory and the children and I treasure our Seeds Family Worship CD's!

To enter to win one of these 5 sets of CD's just leave a comment below! I'll be choosing the winners randomly on Thursday, April 29th. If you don't win, I highly recommend you purchase one of their CD's even if you don't have small children - purchase it for yourself! They are a blessing in my life.

Walk with the King!


  1. This is one of my new goals - memorizing scripture. I do think it is very important and want it to be a priority. This would be so helpful - I love singing! :) Blessings to you, my friend!

  2. I would love to win this! I've heard so many good things about these cds.

  3. I would love to win! I've heard some great things about Seeds!

  4. These look great! What a wonderful tool. I need to do better with scripture memory. Thank you for the giveaway. Blessings!

  5. What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing this!

  6. I'm so excited to see someone has come up with more "modern" catchy songs for bible memory! My next stop is their website.

    p.s. I was so inspired by your good morning girls clubs I started one up with 4 other friends (all the way out here in Oregon) we couldn't quite remember the name "good morning girls" so we're called "Hey Soul Sister" thought you'd get a kick out of that..

    Thank you for all you do, you're truly an inspiration

  7. Oh I would love this CD! What a great giveaway.

  8. WOW! I love that!!! I would love to win a copy!


  9. really cool - started my son on memorizing scripture just recently using tunes of songs we are already familiar with. but this would help make that so much easier!!! thank you for the giveaway!

  10. hi, joining in for the giveaway.. :)

  11. Love you blog theme!

    Following you from MBC!
    Hope you can also visit and follow my blogs:

    Have a nice day!

  12. Hi Courtney! I sooooo appreciate your site! I have introduced you to many a friend and we have all truly been blessed! Thanks so much for this give-away. We heard about Seeds through some dear friends and mentors. YAY! For you and your family too! We homeschool our son, he loves music and audiobooks. These would be a tremendous blessing and family gift!

    Soli Deo Gloria!!

  13. This is wonderful! I'm thinking . . . what a great way to start the day with one of these CDs.

    comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

    Michigan Address Ready

  14. Oh, I would love to win! I checked them out after I read one of your previous posts and they are so great. I want to memorize Scripture with my daughter. Thanks for letting me enter!


  15. Just recently found your blog - sorry I can't remember who from. Love these CD's, fun enough and cool enough for the whole family to use them!


  16. Thanks for your blog. I read it everyday. God bless you!

  17. Memorizing scipture is so important. My method is scripture cards on the bathroom mirror, then as I try to 'beautify' the outside, I am 'beautifying' the inside.


  18. Looks great, count us in! :-) We have some Hide Em In Your Hearts ones too!

  19. These are great CDs...never seen them before!

  20. I have never heard of this company. Precious CD's. Please accept my entry. In the meantime, I'm going to send this link to my kid's preschool teacher :-)

  21. Memorizing scripture is one my resolutions for 2010, but I constantly wonder how I'll help my daughter (6 months) memorize scripture when she's older. I'd love to win!

  22. very cute. I really like the way they are turning a memory verse into a song that the kids will love.

  23. What a great find! I could not only use it at home, but during Sunday school where I'm in charge of the music...thanks for sharing!

  24. This looks incredible! If I don't win, I'll definitely be looking to buy it--I am horrible at Scripture memory, but I do believe it's vital for us in our walk. Thanks for sharing this!

  25. What a great idea! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  26. I love it! And you are so right I now know Psalms 55:22, all in less than 5 minutes. What a great tool.

  27. Oh pick me, pick me! :) This is something we have been working on with our daughter, and she loves music so I am sure this would be a big help in our home!

  28. As worship leader at our church, I am on my second Seeds CD. It is awesome to memorize Scripture together as a church family on Sunday mornings. I had my headphones rocking to their Courage CD this morning on my treadmill! Would LOVE to pass this on.

  29. Would love a cd! I'm out in the boonies and good Christian music is hard to come by!

  30. Yay, I would love to win! I've been thinking about purchasing these for a few weeks now. My two girls and I would have so much fun listening to these and memorizing scripture together. Thank you for the giveaway!!


  31. OMG this is awesome. I am one that has a hard time memorizing cause of short memory loss. I have to read, and reread to soak it all in. I am so excited to learn more about with this great way to memorize. My kids love to sing so this will be amazing for them to have a great song and learn scripture too!!

    Thanks Courtney!!

    Serving with joy,

  32. wow, that's awesome. Its easy for me to memorize songs. so this would be great!!

  33. What a blessing this would be to our family! Robyn

  34. I would love these for my family! Niki

  35. I love Seeds Family Worship. I have the Courage one.

  36. I would love to win this for my daughter and I to memorize scripture for our homeschool. I learn to music the best. Thanks for doing this.

  37. I would love to use these CDs with my 6 year old! She has to go to public school as my husband is a full time student studying pastoral ministry so I am working full time doing my "vineyard" time to support our family. Anything that can help in her scripture learning would be amazing! Thank you!

  38. Awesome! Love the creativity!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. What a fun idea! :) I'm working on this myself.

  40. Such a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for sharing.

  41. How cool! I would so love to win this. I try to do this on my own and this would help.

  42. What a wonderful was to memorize scripture & the kids will enjoy it so much! Thanks for sharing this with us!!! Terri B -

  43. What a great giveaway--just perfect for me to learn right along side my kids!!

  44. You're right! I did listen to it and memorized Psalm 55:22. Hope to win!!

  45. Oh this is wonderful!! I would love a shot at this. Thank you! :)

    christinnjon @ yahoo (dot) com

  46. How wonderful! I believe music is the best way for me to memorize Scripture, and it's a great way for kids as well. Thanks for sharing Courtney!

  47. I would love to start memorizing Scripture with my two-year old twins -- this could be the way to begin :)

  48. This is the first I have heard of Seeds, but wow, great Scripture to music. My children are going to love to love these!! Thank you for sharing with all of us!! Your blog has been such an encouragement to me over the last couple of months. I especially love your videos!! Many Blessings, Julie

  49. This would be great to have! I have three children and we are NEED to get back into the habit of memorizing scripture.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I absolutely love this! Thanks so much!

  52. OH! I reallllly want to win!!! This is so, so fantastic!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  53. Great tool! Thanks for sharing. What a blessing you are in my life!

  54. People have been raving about these at both mom's groups I go to. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  55. This CD would be a blessing to us. We could play it in the car on our long car trip for vacation this year! Thank you for your encouragement!


  56. This CD would be a blessing to us. We could play it in the car on our long car trip for vacation this year! Thank you for your encouragement!


  57. So fun, we would love one--thanks.

  58. Hi Courtney,

    Just want to tell you I enjoy your blog, am learning and growing with you & the mercy & grace of our Lord! I had never heard of this company... i love songs based on scripture... but setting it to music directly is even better!! Thanks for being a light that beautifully reflects our Father.

  59. My husband is a youth pastor and I help him with the youth at our church! We challenge our kids to memorize scripture and these CDs would be a great way to do it together on Wed. nights!!!!

  60. Wow, this is an awesome tool.
    It would work with my girls as well as at the nursing home where we volunteer.
    Enter me pleeeze.
    M. Waters

  61. What a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  62. Neat! I love that they give you one to give away too! I know I need all of the help I can get memorizing scripture. I am not a memorizer by nature!

  63. AWESOME!! My 4 year old and 13 year old both loved your link!! (We listened to another one on YouTube then, too!) The girls had both verses memorized!

  64. What a great song! Have it in my head already.

  65. I would love this! I just started reading your blog recently. I have to say that you are able to put to words my desire as a wife and mother. Thank you for sharing and encouraging women to be what God truly wants them to be.

  66. Wow this put me in a good mood this morning!!! Not because it is friday either!! haha. What a great idea to learn scripture!! I have been a christian for just over 4 years and still learning!!

    Thanks for al the great idea's you give us!!

  67. this is awesome! i should use this in the summer with my kids when we aren't homeschooling :) crowns await you in heaven for raising your kids right! God bless :)

  68. This is TOO cool. My husband and I do not have children yet but with 12 nieces and nephews, what a great tool !

  69. My family and I would LOVE to win these CDs! It would really be something that would help us all memorize scripture! God bless!

  70. My family and I would LOVE to win these CDs! It would really be something that would help us all memorize scripture! God bless!

  71. Awesome giveaway! Memorizing more scriptures is something I'm trying to work on so I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity! Have a great weekend!

  72. That is so great! I am awful at memorizing. Ps...Dancing with My Father is in the mail and I can't wait to start reading it.

  73. This is fantastic- my kids would even enjoy this :)

  74. Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog from another blog about a week or two ago, so I'm a new reader! I've really enjoyed wandering around here. :) And this is an exciting giveaway so I just had to comment. What a neat idea for helping you remember scripture!


  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Would love to use these with my two children!!!

  77. Love these CDs! My daughter was given one years back and then I looked for more and couldn't find them... Thanks!

  78. Ohmygoodness! What a fabulous idea!!
    You know, we were part of the Awana program for a few years. My daughter has trouble memorizing large portions of anything, so it was a very frustrating experience for her. However, she retains anything lyrically. What a find!!


  79. Sounds great! I'd love to win!!

  80. I love it!! I want to win it for my family (and for me!)

  81. this would be so great...i've been trying to find something like this for a while now that has scripture set to song. please enter me!

  82. Wow- what a fun way to memorize scripture!! Love it!

  83. Pick me, Pick me...Lol! Like many others I would just love to win this tool and be able to share it with someone else. I just love music and this is definitely a way I could memorize scripture and could make it a family affair! I just love creative people!!!

  84. My husband became a believer 5 years ago and our home in no longer the same place! It has been and continues to be an amazing journey(for all of us). He has taken a perspective class this year and we've never seen him work so hard on anything. He is heading off to the Amazon this summer on a missions trip! I have learned so much through your website on how to honor my husband - I can not even begin to put into words the difference it has made in our/his life! As we get older it becomes more difficult to memorize scripture and this sounds like the ticket. He spends lots of time driving for work. Thanks again for all of the encouragement and information.

  85. Love it! This is an awesome tool and I think we all need to memorize more scripture and hide it in our hearts. Hope I win!!! Thanks Courtney! I love your blog, it is so refreshing everyday!

  86. I've never heard of Seeds Family Worship CDs before, but they are absolutely wonderful! Such a blessed way to memorize scripture -- I will be singing Psalm 55:22 all day today ;-) Thank you for the opportunity to win these!

  87. This is a great idea!!This would be great for kids church.I just sent the link to our kids church pastor.Love it!Thanks and have a blessed day!

  88. Thank you for sharing! This sounds great.

  89. Thanks so much for all of your inspiring ideas and writing! This cd would be great for us - I have a 3 year old and (almost) 2 year old that love to dance, and this would be so cute to have them absorbing the word at the same time.

  90. This is a great way to remember scripture. I still remember some of the scripture songs I use to sing as a child.

  91. Thanks so much for your inspiring ideas and writing! My 3 year old and (almost) 2 year old would love this - as they love to dance and I think it would be great for them to be absorbing the word at the same time. ( :

  92. Wow is all i have to say and not because it is Friday!! That is a great way to learn scripture, i have been a christian for 4 year and this is great thanks for sharing this with us!!


  93. How fun! My kids and I enjoyed listening this morning and found some other videos too. We'd love to win. Thank you for the giveaway.

  94. My sons and I sat listening to the little Psalm video...My 2 year old LOVED it! Great idea for my family (and for another)! Hope to win. :)

  95. I would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the chance!

  96. This would be an answer to prayer to have something like this to help my young kids memorize scripture. Especially due to the fact that I am not gifted in the area of music, so it is hard for me to make up my own songs. My children would love these and it would be a great asset for the spiritual growth of the entire family!

  97. This is such a neat thing! Thank you for sharing the resource. Anything to spur on memorizing biblical truth is wonderful.

  98. Fabulous way to learn scriptures. Many of the verses i remember today are ones that I learned by song as a childl.

  99. I would love to win this. The sample song is so catchy, I would even enjoy this.

  100. I have never heard of Seeds Family Worship before. Thanks for sharing, I love it! I would love to have for my 13 and 3 year old!

  101. I would love to win this CD. I have our children's church learning the ABC memory verses right now and my kids are loving it. This would be a great CD to share with our children's church.

  102. So, I am loving your website and getting very blessed by your messages. I am a housewife trying to bring the reality of Jesus to my husband, daughter and son, along with 5 other stepchildren that are grown and 5 grandchildren. I love music of all beats, my favorite is Hillsong and the Tabernacle Choir, but I didn't think that scripture put to music could sound this good, but I have actually memorized that verse already!! What a gift those musicians have. God bless you and keep it up, I know that you are slowly changing my life.

  103. Thank you for your blog! I found it about a month ago and I check it everyday--You have been a huge source of encouragment for me! AND I now know Psalm 55:22! how fabulous!

  104. What a great giveaway! Would love to memorize scripture....especially with my kiddos since they learn to memorize it at Awanas!

  105. Sounds great! I really like this tool. Thanks for sharing it with everyone on your site!

  106. Brilliant! I can't wait to see if I win so I am ordering today! If I win I will give them away. Thanks for the opportunity!

  107. Courtney,
    Thank you for sharing your Blog. I love reading it and sharing it with my friends. Have a fabulous weekend. =]

  108. I went to the Seeds website.WOW! What a great idea! I would love to win this!!

  109. My son would love these cds (and me too of course). Thanks for the giveaway, hope to win :)

  110. Never heard of this, but I would love a new way to help me memorize scripture as I drive to work! It is definitely one of my weaknesses. Thanks Courtney :)

  111. I would really, really LOVE to win this! I've been wanting both new music AND after reading "The Power of a Praying Parent" help memorizing scriptures so I can incorporate them into my prayer life! Thanks for the opportunity!


  112. That sounds great! I've been keeping verses on index cards and that seems to help me. But I love music so that would be even better!

  113. I am so excited about this! Especially to listen to these in the car and at home with my daughter, Emily. What a great way to let great words in and get them stuck in our head!

  114. Thanks for your blog. I've been following you for about 2 months. The CD would be great to use in my home school.

  115. I've love to win. Thanks!
    Fellow Moody alum,
    Shannon in Indiana <><

  116. This is great! Thanks for sharing! I have such an easier time memorizing scripture when it's to a song! We listened 'GT and the Halo Express' when I was a kid and we just got the CDs for our son to listen to!

  117. I'm so glad you shared, I hadn't heard of the cds yet. Sounds like a great way for the kids and us to memorize scripture!

  118. I love memorizing scripture and I'm always looking for fun ways to do it!

  119. This is a fantastic way to learn scripture. My kids love listening to their praise CDs and this would be a great addition to their collection.

  120. I would LOVE a CD! It would be so helpful for our kids in Bible quizing! Hide the Word of God in your heart!

  121. Awesome! This would be so great for our family...I have heard great things about these cd's and would love to win a set!! -Catherine

  122. I would love to win!! Nothing more precious then hearing my little ones singing to the Lord. :)

  123. Courtney, I think it is so awesome to see so many readers interested in winning the CD to learn scripture!!!! I'd love to win one too- love the Psalm 55:22 song :-) Thanks for sharing! Love, Jenny C. at email

  124. I would love to win this. I have heard great things about these CD's from all of my friends. I really hope to win.

  125. Wonderful! I'd love to win this!!! Thank-you for the opportunity! This is a great give-away!

    Blessings to you!


    P.S I can't remember if I mentioned to you that I mentioned you in my blog for the UBP? Anyways, I did! lol I'm thankful to have found your blog!

  126. What an awesome idea!!! I would love to win this to share with my ladies bible study group! Awesome idea.

  127. I would LOVE to win a copy of this CD! I am new to religion and I think this would be a great resource to help me on my new journey in life!
    I love your blog, it is one of my favorite places on the internet! :)
    Best wishes!

  128. this looks great. i would love to share this with my children.

  129. I listened to the song and had the verse memorized by the end! I'd love to have a copy of this CD. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  130. MelissaLand@neo..rr.comApril 23, 2010 at 3:14 PM

    Please enter me in your contest. I would love to win. Thanks Courtney!

  131. What an awesome addition to our home schooling day this would be! Perfect for each one of us! Thanks so much for offering up such a wonderful tool.


  132. I've been memorizing scripture this way since a young child using GT and the Halo Express and am now using this technique with my children. Thanks for the reminder! I would love to win a cd!

  133. Sounds like a great tool and something my family would cherish!

  134. I am currently memorizing scripture using an index card spiral binder and choosing 1 Scriptures a month (the 1st and 15th). In the process of memorizing Proverbs 31... this would be a GREAT way to introduce hiding God's word in our children's hearts. Would love these! Thanks

  135. What an important tool! I don't ever win anything, so don't expect to be picked, but I would sure use the CD to enhance the memorizing experience.
    Thanks for all the encouragement.

  136. Thanks for sharing are a true inspiration.

  137. Well, I'm going to throw my hat in the ring. I just finished teaching my 2 year old twins and 4 year old Amazing Grace. I noticed how FAST they learned it, since it was to a song and thought maybe I should teach more things in a song. My 4 year old also learned our phone number like *that* by singing it. So....**fingers crossed!!**

  138. My children (esp. my 2 year old) would wear this CD out!

  139. Wow- I would LOVE to have something like this! For myself and my daughter!

  140. I have 3 children under the age of 4 and I have decided to use these for our homeschooling memory verses. My husband and I are so encouraged by your family and the stand that you have choosen to make for our Lord. May God bless you all!!!

  141. I have been struggling w/ Scripture memory it seems like forever. I can't think of a better way to help memorize Scripture!

    Mandy Alexander

  142. ooohhh id love to win this but are your contest open to your overseas readers?

  143. Wow! That was simply awesome! I don't remember exactly how I found your blog, but so glad I did. I was on your blog yesterday for about two hours studying your lessons on the Proverbs 31 woman. Love it, love it, love it, never heard it put quite the way you put it, but it makes so much sense. Thanks! I would love to win these, music is such a big part of my life and these are just perfect. Always knew we could remember information better with music and this just proves it. :)

  144. This would be a great tool to have to help memorize scripture. I would love to win.

  145. This would be great to do with my kids!!! Thanks!

  146. Putting anything to music makes it so much easier to memorize. I have used this method in teaching children for years. How wonderful to have a product like this to help!

  147. I have never heard of this but I have began reading your blog daily and would love to try them out!

  148. I would love these. This is the first I have heard of them. I will have to look at their website. Thanks!

  149. What a fun way to memorize scripture. Right now I just write it on a 3X5 index and keep it places I can see. But I know this would be easier & I am sure my 2 year old would catch on too.

  150. I have been wanting these for myself and my kids! Thanks for having the giveaway!
    laura m.

  151. I have seen these before and forgot about them. I'm thinking these would be good for AWANA too. The kids seem to really like the scripture songs.
    My current "memory program" is repeating outloud over and over as my 4yr old and almost 3yr old have been memorizing Ephesians 2:1-10. They correct me when I make mistakes. Love it!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  152. Wow-that is great. I have never heard of them before, but I am definitely going to check out the cd's..Of course, assuming I don't win one! ;)

  153. I love seeds! I find my self singing them all the time. They occasionally come to our church to play!


  154. Thanks so much for posting this! I've been looking for Scripture Songs to share with my 1 yr old, but haven't found any I liked. I'd Love to win! silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com

  155. Wow! As a Kindergarten teacher, I totally agree with using song to help you remember something. Thanks for introducing me to this product. Even if I don't win, I plan to purchase and share info with others.

  156. I just found out about these through another siesta's blog tonight--so cool that you are doing a giveaway now! I'd love to share these songs with our two boys!

  157. Wow Courtney, these CD's look very popular (based on how many people are posting to win!)

    We'd love these in our house!


  158. How cool! What a great way to memorize scripture! Thanks!

  159. Oooh! How wonderful! I love this idea!

  160. Hi Courtney I just found your blog through another one that I read! I think these CD's sound great and I hope I win one :)

    -Sarah Lownsbery

  161. These look great for teaching my kids verses. I've been enjoying your blog, Courtney.

  162. I have only recently heard about Seeds Family Worship. I love their music and I love the idea of getting these songs in our heads and hearts as we also memorize the Word of God. I don't think there is much sweeter then to hear my children singing worship songs and memorizing scripture. how sweet to be able to combine the two!

  163. How Cool is that! Never heard of Seeds, so winning a copy would be greatly beneficial;)

  164. Love these cd's! You told me about these a couple years ago. I have 2 and would love to win another!!

  165. My boys and I have been working on "the love chapter" in the Bible (1 Corinthians 13:4) b/c of one of your previous posts. We would love to have a cd we could learn more from!!

  166. Great for visual/spatial learners!! I hadn't heard of "Seeds Family Worship" before. Cool CD's and I hope to win:-)!!

  167. I'd never heard of 'seeds' before. Sounds pretty cool. If anyone's interested, I've been working on a book on memorizing scripture - it's called 'His Word in My Heart' by Janet Pope. And this isn't just for verses, it's for chapters, and BOOKS. I've memorized Ps 1 (like who hasn't)? and am currently working on the BOOK of Titus. So far, I'm up to verse seven. It's been WONDERFUL!!

  168. Scripture memorization is a challenge for me. But God is able and I love His Word. I'm studying the book of Daniel by Beth Moore with a group of ladies and we've been challenged to memorize a portion of Daniel. I'm so excited.

  169. be blessed for having this giveaway. i know it will be a blessing in someone elses life.

  170. This is so cool. I think it will be an awesome tool for my whole family.
    scrappindaisy at gmail dot com

  171. Please consider me entered! Thanks!

    Kay (michray64 at hotmail dot com)

  172. COOL! I'm your 500th Follower AND you're doing a give-away! How awesome is that?!?!

    I have really enjoyed your videos on the side and I can't wait to listen to more. I hope you will come visit me, too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


    Teresa <><

  173. These are really great! Thanks for sharing.

  174. Sounds like a wonderful way to help memorize scripture! My son loves music, i would love to hear him singing scripture

  175. sounds really great! would love to try it, Thanks...

  176. How neat! I want to start working on this with my small boys.

  177. I've heard of these. Families are in the car so much these days. This sounds like a great way to make that time worthwhile. What could be more important?

  178. Hiding God 's word in our heart is such a special time for a family to share. I've heard great things about this program. I would to share it with mine and another family at church. Thank you for such a sweet, sweet giveaway.

    In His love,

  179. My daughter loves music & her Bible, making this a wonderful giveaway!

  180. We have one of these and even my older kids enjoy listening to the cd:)

  181. What a great way to teach the kids to memorize scripture!!

  182. Would love to win a copy! Trinity

  183. stephanie from ft rileyApril 25, 2010 at 10:57 PM

    Hi Courtney,
    I just stumbled upon your blog and I love your inspiration! Thank you so much for writing what so much of us need to hear!

  184. I would love to win! This would be a great tool to use with my kids!

  185. Oh--I love it! Pick me pick me! (Randomly, of course!) :)

  186. Aloha..
    Please sign me up for your giveaway.. I woould love for my grandchildren to learn scripture through songs. What a blessing!!!


  187. I have never heard of these and am excited about them! I'd love to win!

  188. Courtney:

    These look so awesome! I love these. It would be AMAZING to win! :) Scripture memorization is a wonderful tool.

    Many blessings to you!!!


  189. My 8 year old daughter was just baptized on Sunday (Praise God) and my husband and I feel a strong need to urgently help our children hide God's word in their hearts. This would be perfect!


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!