Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are You Prepared For Summer?

Word Filled Wednesday: Proverbs 31:21 "When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."

It's week 13 of our Proverbs 31 series and I'm loving it!!! Thanks for sticking with me. So far we have seen that she rises early, works eagerly and vigorously, shops wisely, is extremely productive, she uses her evenings to get work done and she has beautiful hands that she extends to the poor.

Now we come to verse 21 which is all about preparation! "When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."

The Proverbs 31 woman is prepared. She is prepared for the change of seasons and is careful to be sure that every single person in her household has everything they need. There's no scurrying for mittens, hats or boots - she is organized and prepared.

Every Christmas and Easter I make myself a little crazy trying to get my family matching outfits. I find great joy in picking a theme - this years theme was green as you can see in the picture above. This color was chosen because my daughter had a hand-me down dress which was white and green and my son had a sweater vest I bought last year on clearance for $2.99! (Love a deal!) So, green it was! Next I had to find my husband a matching tie - easy! And myself a matching dress - UGH- much more difficult.

After finding the dress, I realized I had a much longer way to go than I imagined. My daughter needed a cardigan in case it was cold, a hair bow, new white shoes, new white socks and on and on it went as I realized that having the family ready from head to toe means thinking everything through thoroughly!

I certainly am not going to say that the Proverbs 31 woman really cared for a second about matching outfits - but I will say that she carefully dressed her family. The term "scarlet" is significant because it signifies expensive and quality. She went for quality over quantity - I must admit I do quite the opposite in life. I love a deal and I love my hand me downs! But the reality is - managing all of my "cheap" clothes at times is a pain! If there is too much in the drawer, my children end up wading it up into balls and making a mess for me to fix regularly!

Are you prepared for summer? Have you thought through what your family will need, the quality of what you will purchase and considered your family's comfort as the Proverbs 31 woman did?

Here's a few things we all will need: Sunday clothes, shorts, capris, short sleeved shirts, sandals, sunglasses, hats, swimsuits, swim towels and sunscreen. Now is also the time to purchase items for next fall on clearance.

My oldest sister reminded me at our Easter Celebration to not wait to buy my children their sandals. Due to the economy, the stores are not stocking their shelves quite as full and they are running out of items more quickly and not reordering more in. She urged me to go get what we need for the summer now before they are sold out.

We must think ahead and be mindful of what our family is going to need in coming months. It's time to rotate the drawers from winter to summer clothes, wash up the shoes, clean the coats, box them up and purchase some Crocs (I have found Crocs to be the best sandals EVER! They are costly but they last. The fact that they can be washed easily is a bonus! My kids have already stomped through spring mud in them and they still look new because I rinsed them with the hose - easy, comfy, quality) "

I tend to be drawn toward finding deals and quantity - but the Proverbs 31 woman was really much more simple. She had quality items that were costly. Think how much easier the rotation process would be if we followed her lead. As summer approaches, make a list of your family's needs, simplify your purchases by getting quality items that will last and be prepared. This is your job as the manager of your home. Let's get to it - the time is now!

Walk with the King!
I am participating in Seven Clown Circus Wordful Wednesday. and 5 Minutes for Mom Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Great challenges from Proverbs 31...gotta love ole Ruby...she's right on!! Hope your WFW is wonderful!

  2. I have been receiving your blogs for about 2 weeks now and I have to say that I just laugh at the many things we do alike. I always coordinate my families clothing for Christmas and Easter. Just when you think you're done, you realize you need all of the accessories to finish the look. My girls are 7 and 5 and my son is 3, so I have the extra challenge of dressing my girls alike but different, especially since they have different taste in clothing.

    On a more serious note, you have inspired me in my role as a mother and I look forward to reading your posts every morning. I will pray for you in your ministry.

  3. I somehow think that proverbs woman would have had them all looking great give Glory to the one who formed them all in the womb and has made everything beautiful in his time.
    I too have to say to myself that SALE really means spend...and it is not always the wisest way to shop..but to plan ahead and then take advantage of the sales is a workable plan.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. (Major Typo the fist time. Take two.) lol

    You all are lookin' good in your green. ;)

    I can relate to wanting a deal and then winding up with too much. It smells of greed in my closet.

    I'm trying to live more simply, but I'll confess, I really struggle when it comes to Baby Girl more than anything. I think part of that stems from my own insecurities and part of it is just enjoying having a girl. It's difficult to separate. Thanks encouraging me to think about it.

  6. Oh you precious girl! Keep that Easter tradition going...this year was about "firsts" for me (as I choose to see it joyfully instead of what could make an older mommy very sad!):
    1. First Easter my son wasn't able to come home for Easter due to a heavy academic workload...thank you God for the personal relationship my son has with you and for the crazy-smart brain you created for him.
    2. First Easter my daughter didn't wear an adorable hand me down from one of her many girl cousins...thank you God for the growing personal relationship with her and the amazing sense of fashion you created in her as she chose to pick out a trendy little skirt from Target for only $14 that I saw all over the higher-end stores for $50+.
    3. First Easter (this SERIOUSLY happened) that I totally forgot to buy myself a dress (Saturday morning before the big family celebration at my mom's I called her crying over all the sacrifices she'd made for us growing up and realizing that I'm at that age...I AM MY MOTHER and for the most part that's a good thing, lol...she reminded me that I'd just bought a pretty spring dress for a recent outdoor party that I could throw a little white sweater over from last year and that would be just fine...before I knew it she had me laughing instead of crying, thank goodness before I'd put on my mascara). Thank you, God, that my mom is still there for me to call!

    Enjoy your Easters, Courtney, you're doing them up right :)))

  7. I had to laugh...I USED to arrive at church (pre kids) and see a family all "pretty" and matching...then mom would appear...NOW I is usually the LAST one to "get" her outfit! :) I still try and color coordinate mine for special occasions, and they are moving into the teen years!

    Great post Courtney!


  8. FYI, if you have a Stride Rite Outlet near you, they sell actual crocs and their Stride Rite knock off version (both are excellent quality - lasting through multiple children). If you catch them on clearance (maybe late summer?) I've found them for $5 or $10.

  9. This is something I am really trying to be better about this year..simplifying my daughters wardrobe. Buying nicer quality,not accepting every hand me down offered to me, and also not overbuying for her. I do this for myself usually but when it comes to kids and their clothes can be so much cheaper its easier to buy so much of it inexpensively. I have realized that she doesnt need 10 church dresses..3 or 4 nice dresses will do just fine and we can rotate them. My greed and spending was getting out of control and I needed to have a more organized simplified approach. it feels great to know that in doing that i am following in the Proverbs 31 woman's footsteps!!Now next Easter will be an issue for me b/c it will be my first year coordinating outfits for multiple kids!!Cant wait!!

  10. Thanks again Courtney, we must be prepared.
    Keep loving your family, you love to serve the women who are learning from you. Remember we love you so much because you love God first and in doing so you put your family before us in blogland. Don't lose sight of that.
    Juie in Scotland. xx

  11. Love the picture! I do the same thing with color coordinating the outfits. My daughter is 7 and my son is 5 (I think just the opposite of yours). This year our color was light blue. First I found my daughter's dress on sale, then found a matching shirt and pants for my son. I used the tie from last year, since last year he wore it under his sweater vest. I try to buy things on sale, wait for free shipping or buy things on clearance or overstocks. I need to buy more summer clothes since the sizes have changed this year, so thanks for giving me the push.

  12. Did you know you could put crocs in the dishwasher? They get so clean and last for so long!

  13. I know I'm a bit late with this series, but in case anyone's interested in additional study on the Proverbs 31 woman, check out The Lady the Lord is Looking For, by Cathy Corle

    One of the best books I've read. Thanks for your insight Courtney!

  14. Courtney,
    Great post today!!! You make a great valid point-- invest in some great pieces for each child and ourselves... found out "you get what you pay for" is very true... oh how tempting it can be to buy things when they are just a great deal, in hopes we could use them some time.... :)
    Thanks so much for sharing-- praying for ya!

  15. I am in the process of switching out winter clothes for summer clothes right now. I've finished with mine and my husband's, and now I'm working on my two girls.

    I too am guilty of buying quantity (or keeping, when things are given to me), and I am learning how much easier it would be if I carefully chose quality clothes for everyone. Honestly, we all only wear our favorite outfits anyway, and the rest just sits in the closets and gets messy in the drawers.
    I'm trying to remember this lesson, for this season and the fall/winter season to come. Good post.

  16. I just started blogging in the last few weeks and I'm SO VERY glad I found yours! I have a heart to know Jesus more and more everyday! Love this! Praise God for you!


  17. A precious picture and verse ~ Blessings ~

  18. I remember the movie Facing the Giants. There is one dialogue there about preparing for the rain. And now you are sharing about preparing for summer ;)

    Whatever season it may be, I think the important idea is to be prepared ;)

    God Bless and I hope you can also visit mine. Thanks.


I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!