Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Greatest Teacher

Today my greatest teacher turns 7 years old! My first born son, Alexander, has taught me more than anyone else about sacrifice, enduring love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, patience, joy, self-control, anger, endurance, obedience to God, and humility. In just seven short years, this little guy has taught me lessons I have needed to learn to mature in my walk with God.
Psalm 127:3 says "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him." This boy - this little boy that God has given to me for a short time - is my reward. Some days are so rewarding. And then there are days when the sacrifice and patience that it takes to train him does not feel like much of a reward and I am reminded - God is not just doing a work in this little boys life - but he is using this little boy to do a work in my life.
Through my parenting challenges and hurdles God has drawn me closer to Him as I have sought Him in prayer and in His word. God has used this boy to teach me. As I look at Alexander, I see a mirror - so many of his flaws are partly my own flaws. I tell him to be patient with his sister - while I am impatient with him. I tell him to use self-control while steam is pouring out my own ears. But each year as he grows one year older - I notice that I also have grown one year older. As he matures, I mature. Together we are growing in our walk with the Lord and becoming more like Christ as God reveals our flaws through the flow of family life.

Alexander is the perfect child for me. God created him in my womb and placed him into our family because God knew that this is the child that we needed for his glory. And we are so thankful for him.
Happy 7th Birthday Alexander - You are my favorite little boy in the whole world!
Walk with the King!


  1. My greatest teacher will turn 21 years old next month. The lessons he has taught me were often hard but always needed.

    God is good.

    Happy Birthday to your son.

  2. Very true. I'm going to go and give my boys a big hug now, lovely post, Courtney. And,Happy Birthday to your little boy!!


  3. Awwww...what a wonderful blog. Children are our greatest teachers! Happy Birthday Alexander!!

  4. What a cutie!! He is darling! My husband is at Moody this week, and he sent me your link. You were featured in their newsletter. I joined your WLW site also. I have a blog also. Nice to meet you.

  5. Hi Courtney,
    What a beautiful post. I also feel as if I learn from my girls. Maybe one day I'll grow up to be just like them:-)
    Happy Birthday to the very handsome Alexander. You are very blessed to have each other.

  6. Courtney! He is such a handsome little guy! I have a 3 1/2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. I LOVE having both... but there is something so special about having a son!

    Hugs to you, new friend!


  7. Wow, 7 already! Doesn't it feel like time is flying by so fast? I loved your post. I hope you guys have a great birthday celebration. What a great reminder that children truly are blessings, especially on hard days.

  8. This is beautiful! Your children are beautiful! I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us!

  9. Happy Birthday! I hope the weather is as nice there as it is here in PA! I have two little boys and they are amazing teachers especially in the patience department! Again and again thank you for the encouragment.

  10. "But each year as he grows one year older - I notice that I also have grown one year older. As he matures, I mature. Together we are growing in our walk with the Lord and becoming more like Christ as God reveals our flaws through the flow of family life."

    LOVE THIS - thanks for sharing your great perspective, and happy birthday to Alexander!!!!

  11. Happy Birthday Alex!!! Love, Julianna (and Aunt Jen. Johnathan's upstairs listening to music, but I'm sure that he would wish you a happy birthday also!!)

  12. Beautiful post, and so true! My two greatest teachers turn 4 on June 8 and 2 on May 29 (both boys!)

  13. I love love LOVE the way you emphasized the change he has brought in you. What a terrific reminder! Beautiful family!

  14. Happy Birthday to Alexander! (albeit a wee bit late)

    What a wonderful post!


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!