Husband - Give him the gift of a respectful wife. Care for his home as you would care for the Lord's home. Teach his children to love Jesus. Use words to build him up and to show your appreciation. Forgive him of all his shortcomings. Smile at him. Be intimate with him.
Children - Do not treat them as burdens but as blessings. Listen when they talk, answer their questions, look them in the eye, hug them, kiss them, tickle them and pray with them. Teach them God's word. Discipline them and disciple them. Read to them, play games with them, know them. Speak to them in a spirit of kindness and gentleness and role model for them defiant joy in your own life. Most of all - love and respect their daddy and give them a secure home.
God - Commit your life to him. Give him your time, your treasures and your talents to be used for his glory. Obey God's word and respect your husband, love your children, be busy at home and walk in his Spirit and display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Spend time in the Bible and prayer Walking with Your King!
The price tag on these gifts - Priceless. They cannot be bought at the store, they cannot be wrapped in a box, and they cannot be replaced by anyone else. And I am certain they will not be returned!
Walk with the King!
What a great post! I agree! Merry Christmas!