Thursday, October 15, 2009

How To Be the Woman of Your Husband's Dreams

Here's a 2 minute video on how to be the woman of your husband's dreams and 4 practical ways to live it out.

Walk with the King!


  1. Great reminder for all of us! Thanks. I really enjoy the insight and wisdom you have. God's blessings to you and your family!

  2. Thank you!! You are so right on and I am appreciative of the reminder...your wisdom. Thank you for being faithful to sharing what God puts on your heart...and in such a plain speaking manner!

    Have a beautiful day!!

  3. This is great. If more people realize that the reality of the 'adulteress' women does exist, more wives might spend more time praising their husband and loving on them in those small everyday ways that can mean the most to him.
    Get out of your sweats, fix your hair, smell nice - all the things he sees in his female co-workers. Make sure you catch his eye everyday instead of somebody else.Good post.

  4. Wow,i just wana say how insightful your video was and all your blogs! Thank you sooo much for speaking the word of God into our lives and helping us to apply it as that is often the hard part due to ignorance or just plain laziness. Thanks again and may God continue to bless you as i have felt inspired and convicted to step up a gear in my walk with God. xxxx :D

  5. Thanks guys! Your husbands are lucky to have you as wives - your soft hearts and your desire to admire your husbands will make you the happiest couple on your block!

  6. Hi Courtney,I have read a lot of your wonderful articles and have yet to find one on finances.

    What are your thoughts on sharing one income and the struggles that can come with that and trusting God to provide as i no longer work so it can be hard adjusting.

  7. What happens when you don't admire your husband? Then what?

  8. Dear Anonymous...excellent question! My thoughts on this are too long for this comment section and also - I think others maybe asking this SAME question!!! So, On Friday I am answering a mailbag question about trust - I will also include your question and my answer.

    Thank you so much for asking it.
    Much Love and talk to you Friday!

  9. Joanna - you are correct - I don't write on finances real often but I have written 5 articles in the past. Along the right hand column you will find a list of topics - click on the "Finances" button and you will find them.

    I have never written on "surviving on one income". I will think about that and see if I can address it. Thank you for your question...let me think that over.


  10. Thank you, i will check them out! I look forward to any thouhgts or suggestions. God Bless :D

  11. Great video! Sometimes we need to be reminded how much our husbands need our appreciation and affection.

  12. You are spot on! I don't praise my hubby enough but you betcha starting tomorrow I will be ramping it up!




I LOVE hearing from my readers and I pray for you all regularly. I try to respond to questions in the comment section as quickly as I can - within 1-3 days.

Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!