Monday, September 21, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: The Duggar's Oven Fries

The book "The Duggars: Twenty and Counting" contains this recipe. It has become one of my simple go to side dishes. It is cheap and easy - the potatos cook quickly in the oven and are a complete hit with the children and my husband! So if you are hard pressed for what to go with your chicken or beef - add this to the plate and your family will cheerfully eat them and be stuffed (which for me is the goal - or else one hour later I hear those famous words "I'mmmmmmmm hungry!!!)

Recipe for Duggar's Oven Fries
  • One potato per person you are serving, sliced lengthwise
  • Olive Oil (Oops - I'm guilty I used vegetable oil as seen in the photo!)
  • Garlic powder, salt and pepper (or chili pepper if desired)

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Rub the potato with 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or put the oil in a plastic bag and toss with the potato slices). Sprinkle on the seasoning of your choice. Spread the slices on a nonstick baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, until golden brown and fork tender and voila - golden steak fries! ENJOY!!!!

Maybe it seems late in life for me to have discovered such a simple side dish - but I'm thankful I gave it a try - it's jazzed up many meals this summer!

I am participating in Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday, Dining With Debbie and "In Passionate Pursuit's" Tasty Tuesday . For more blogger recipes go to these links.

Walk with the King!


  1. Anything that the Duggars have mastered has to be great! We LOVE potatoes! :) Thanks for linking to Tasty Tuesday.

  2. a GREAT alternative to fried!

    Thanks for the recipe!

  3. I love making homemade fries. Your's look delicious!

    I'm having my first giveaway, come and have a look :)

  4. Courtney, what's the "meat" in your picture? I always have trouble with what meat to fix and how!!! Thanks for the recipe and have a blessed day!

  5. Hi Courtney!

    I too have made these potatoes & love them. I like to sprinkle parmesan cheese on them for some flavor. Thanks for your daily blog; such an encouragement...keep it up!


  6. Dear Anonymous - the meat in the picture is BBQ ribs, the orange cubes is cantelope and the dessert was pudding. It was a summery meal that night!

  7. What an EASY!!! recipe for fries. Geri

  8. Looks like a good recipe to use of all these potatoes I bought on sale! Thanks.


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Due to an overflowing email inbox and the desire to keep my husband, children and home first priority in my life, I am no longer able to answer personal emails at this time. I apologize.

Walk with the King!